Friday, October 16, 2015

Who Is This Only Begotten Son Of God?

The former treatise have I made,
O Theophilus,or all that Jesus
began both to do and teach,
until the day in which He was 
taken up, after that through
the Holy Spirit: had given 
commandments unto the
apostles whom He had 
Acts 1:1-3

     God, in order to have His justice satisfied, sent into this world His Wisdom to live and die as a man, His Only Begotten Son. To have His justice satisfied, paid, this debt owed to Him by man God would have to do that which would accomplish this payment. Would God send an angel? Would God create a being just so that this debt would be paid? What would be the requirements to meet this debt equally so that it would be accepted upon payment? To give to an angel this work is not to have absolute confidence that this angel would do this work and not become as did Satan: angles have volition, a will, and the ability to choose and might choose against the will of God so that His justice would be satisfied. To create a being, as some teach, to be the Savior is to create a being without volition, a will, and to be more as a puppet and this would not meet the requirements for payment. What is needed is for true salvation and only God can give true salvation due to the fact that God is Good, Merciful, Loving, and His will is to have a people who are devoted to Him by their volition and will. Furthermore, it was a man, Adam, who sinned, therefore, the other requirement was that the Savior had to be fully man. 
     God accomplished these requirements by Himself sending His Wisdom to be born of a woman, and He placed His Wisdom into Her so that that which would be born would be fully man, have all that man has in his creation. Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God for God is His Father, no other creation can say that they are Only Begotten of God. God use dirt to make man, the dust of the ground, and He did not put Himself into man, therefore man is made by God, but not the Only Begotten of God. God did put into man that which no other creation can say, His Spirit, this life giving entity that speaks to man's soul so that man can live for God. This did not take away man's volition to choose for man was not made a puppet, but fully man. Adam sinned, therefore, this Man, this Only Begotten Son as man must live this life and not sin and by this then the propitiation for sin is valid and acceptable to God the Father. 
     Our one Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, came therefore to the Passion, His death upon the cross to fulfill all that had been written about Him, foretold in Scripture. Jesus Christ live a sinless life although this life was not separate from all the circumstances of life, persecution, tiredness from walking, speaking, long arduous hours, then having to be arrested, not from doing wrong, but because the religious leaders hated Him and wanted Him gone. Jesus was upsetting their "apple cart," and they wanted Him gone. So as an innocent man He was arrested beaten, scourged, mocked, and then hung upon the cross along with two other sinful men as though He too was sinful. 
     What the Jewish priests did know was that it was Jesus who had come to die, and die as a sinless man, and it He who allowed this to happen: furthermore, Jesus was not allowing this, He would raise Himself up from the grave by His own power and then would ascend into heaven presenting this propitiation to God the Father and sit at His right hand and then come again for His bride. On that cross Jesus shouted this most famous of all statements: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the spirit" (John 19:30). What was finished? The payment for our debt was not paid: but more was done, all that which was written to be done in the Old Jewish covenant was now eliminated for now the New Covenant established by Jesus is what is now required to be  a son or daughter of God. The New Covenant did not obliterate the Covenant made by God with Abraham, nor did it remove the Ten Commandments written by God, but it did remove the old system of certain feasts, and things to do when they came to the temple, and other requirements that were written so that His chosen people, the Hebrews, would live according to His will. Now we have the commandments of Jesus Christ and when examined we find that they meet the Abraham Covenant and the Ten Commandments, and then how to live out those commandments. We do not live as some teach, especially the Seventh Day Adventist who believe that not all the old requirements of the Old Testament are still in force, forget Jesus came and those requirements are finished and His new Covenant is not in force. 
     True, Authentic Christian Faith is a faith based upon this truth about Jesus Christ and His commandments. Authentic Christians live in this world until death or the return of Jesus Christ for His bride and even enjoy what God has created, but do so without violating the commandments of God. Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God, and is the Second Person of the Trinity, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one Godhead, all the same substance and this we can rest our faith upon. The question is: Will you do it? 

Then I said unto them, 
     Cast ye away every man
the abomination of his eyes,
     and defile not yourselves
with idols of Egypt: I am the 
    LORD your God.
                      Ezekiel 20:7

By your volition: Live for God

Richard L. Crumb

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