Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ,
and Timothy our brother,
unto Philemon our dearly beloved
brother, and fellow-laborer, and
to our beloved Apphia, and
Archippus our fellow-soldier,
and to the church in thy house:
Grace to you, and peace, from
God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Philemon 1:1-3
Philemon, a letter that may have caused you to wonder as to why this letter to an individual is canon. You are not alone for many people wonder the same and those who are not Christian wonder if this is just another letter among other letters and proof that the Bible is nothing more than a collection of letters and not inspired of God. Is this letter just a letter? History will give us aid to find the answer.
Paul wrote this letter during his first imprisonment in Rome and sent this with the letters to the Ephesian and Colossian Churches. This letter was to an individual but always was considered to be canon, part of the sacred Scriptures for it contains several doctrines and precepts or Christianity. This letter puts forth the good effects of Christianity as it describes the change of a slave and thief transformed into a pious, virtuous, amiable, and useful man. I believe many of us can relate to this change for it the same with us, we under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and His word, changed from a sinful life to one that is becoming into the image of Jesus Christ.
What we learn in this letter about Onesimus who was a slave of Philemon, one whom he thought robbed and then to run away from his master, went to Rome, and while there in Rome converted to Christianity. This conversion came when he heard and was taught by Paul. Onesimus by his conduct showed that he was sincere and confirmed the truth and the sincerity of his conversion, this by the fact that he wished to right the wrong he caused to Philemon. Onesimus wished to return to Philemon and Paul gives exquisitely entreats this return with force, but delicately addresses this letter to Philemon to esteem him and to confide in him as a sincere Christian. Maybe others have done the same for you as you made the needed changes in your life to manifest your sincerity as a Christian. It is good to have one who will intercede for you and more important you do have one Who is making intercession for you: Jesus Christ. Desirous to enable Onesimus to return and to appear before the family of Philemon, even with his lost character now in removal, partly restored, Paul offer to compensate for the injury to the master of Onesimus (vss. 17-19). This is Christian love in action and we too should do what we can to help a person who is sincere in their conversion and in need to have restoration.
Did the payment be made? We do not have the results of this, but we do know that it is possible as this letter was preserved by the early Christian and placed into the sacred canon. This letter in whole is touching as it is beautiful in its composition for every word has force and propriety and if this letter is compared with other letters, we find it strikingly the same, and compared with other non-canonical letters it is strikingly different. It is a diamond even if only a small letter. This letter does not attempt to treat the the doctrines and precepts of Christianity as do other letters, yet interwoven in an easy and natural manner, we find about faith and love joined, that which is necessary and required to bring a person to salvation, for that person to become an Authentic Christian with Authentic Christian Faith.
Do not ignore this letter, read it with prayer, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you to see how this letter applies to you. God used some 40 men over many thousand of years to reveal Himself, and what He requires of His children, this letter is but one of this letters inspired by Him for His children, not just Onesimus and Philemon. It is easy to get caught up in John, or Luke, or Romans, or Revelations, or Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, full of mysterious writings and fun to exegete them, and often many use much speculations. This is done while missing the whole of God being revealed to His children, and this letter is one for you and me, to see how we are to bring together love and faith and to put that into action.
I know also, my God, that thou
triest the heart, and hast
pleasure in uprightness. As for me,
in the uprightness of mine heart I
have willingly offered all these
things: and now have I seen with joy
thy people, which are present here,
to offer willingly unto thee.
1Chronicles 29:17
Offer to God your all
Richard L. Crumb
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