I was looking in the night visions.
And behold, one like the Son of man
came with the clouds of the heavens.
and He came to the Ancient of Days.
And they brought Him near before Hm.
And dominion was given to Him, and
glory, and a kingdom, that all peoples,
nations, and languages should serve
Him. His dominion is an everlasting
dominion which shall not pass away,
and His kingdom that which shall
not be destroyed.
Daniel 7:13-14
True Authentic Christian Faith is founded upon the truth of Scripture, a truth that cannot be dismissed for if one studies the Scripture he/she will find that the Scriptures written by 40 men and in more than 1000 of years all agree and all have the same harmony. The promises of God except for those that are yet to be fulfilled have been fulfilled exactly as foretold. Daniel writes this vision given to him by God to foretell of the coming of Jesus Christ and of the kingdom of Jesus Christ so that we can have true faith. Jesus Christ came as foretold He would and seen by more than 500 people (1Corinthians 15:6) as He ascended bodily into heaven in the clouds to sit at the right hand of the Father sitting upon the throne with the Father, having equality with the Father tells not only of His coming but also of the great day of wrath whereby sin and all the consequences of sin will be abolished.
All people will go before Jesus Christ our God and Savior to give an account of their lives, their words, and to receive judgment, some to life everlasting, some to eternal death, but all even the elect are said to go through this judgment in the presence of the Lamb. We should be careful in all we do and say for God is watching us now and knows before we even do anything that which we say and do and when before the Lamb and truly come to know how great a salvation is granted to us we will sing a new song before Him: "And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb" (Revelation 7:10). There is one throne and One God, both the Father and the Son are said to sit upon the throne so that we must acknowledge that the Father and the Son are One, to be One even after He, when made less, became obedient unto death, the death upon the cross. Now God has exalted the His Only Begotten Son and bestowed upon Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus Christ every knee should bow, of things in heaven, on earth, and in the underworld, and that every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord in the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11). Not only will the bride of Jesus Christ, the elect of God acknowledge the lordship of Jesus Christ those who are condemned to eternal damnation will also come to know that Jesus is God, and the Lord above all things.
True faith, not just faith, but Authentic Christian Faith, is that the bride of Jesus Christ will be clothed with the garments of salvation and covered with the robe of righteousness, a bride adorned with her jewels. This is the promise of God and we can have true faith based upon Him, His word that is ever true. So then, do we have to wait until we are before Him to live in Authentic Christian Faith a true faith? No! We live now as His bride, we live growing in our faith by obediently living according to His commands and precepts. It is now that we live as one of the elect of God, we do not have to wait, we are His now, we are living eternally now with Him. All we are doing now is waiting for the bridegroom to come and take His bride home. This waiting is until the Father tells the Son to go and get His bride. We wait in eager expectation, not in apathy, not in doing little or nothing for the kingdom of God, no, we take the Gospel everywhere we go telling people of our Great God and teach them the words of God. This is our responsibility and we do in many ways, but we do it!
People go to school, to Universities, to trade schools, to learn how to be a working in whatever vocation they decide to be involved in, so why not also take time to study God's word. We have been commissioned to speak the words of God everywhere until He returns (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8). We work to feed our families, to aid others in our generation to have a better life, so we then show them a better life, a better way to live, and when having the word of God their then faith comes to them (Romans 10:17). We have the truth that the Trinity exists and is God, the Godhead and by this Godhead God providentially rules this world, not taking away what occurs in this world, but causes all things to accomplish His purpose to have a people for His name. God has chosen you, live then as one of the chosen people. God has blessed you now with salvation, you need no other blessing for that blessing is eternal, any other blessing God may give you is for the moment, and may increase your faith, but this faith must not just enjoy a blessing, it must move forward in the commission of God to live as He has instructed. This is the truth of faith.
What man is he who fears Jehovah?
He teaches him the way he should
choose. His soul shall abide in good,
and his seed shall inherit the earth.
the secret of Jehovah is with those who
fear Him; and He will make them know
His covenant. My eyes are ever toward Jehovah;
for He shall bring my feet out of the net.
Psalm 25:12-15
Your salvation is sure: live it
Richard L. Crumb
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