Exhort servants to be obedient
unto their own masters, and to
please them well in all things;
not answering again; not purloining,
but showing all good fidelity; that
they may adorn the doctrine of God
our Saviour in all things.
Titus 2:9-10
Paul has left no one out, no class of people, all are admonished to live a pure life. You may not think of yourself as a slave, but you are, one way or the other you are a slave to someone or some job, some idea, you function as a slave. Do not think of a slave as the common understanding is, such as those slaves who were sold into slavery, had hard lives, and the word "slave" is a pejorative word. This is not the case with the Greek word the we translate "slave." Slaves in the days of Paul were often in slavery to pay off debts, to have a place where they could be fed, clothed, a place of safety. Of course this is not true of all, for some were in slavery due to being sold, captured in war. The Greek word is about being a "bondservant." This has the meaning of one who is willing to work without wages, or even though being freed he/she is willing to stay on as a bondservant rather than go their own way. Who do you owe a debt, a mortgage company, a car loan, credit cards, even utilities can be placed under this umbrella of what you owe, and by what you promised to pay. You are a bondservant, a slave to whom you owe money. Paul then reminds us that no matter the circumstances you are to be a witness for God, following true Authentic doctrine. Your fidelity is seen by all, especially those to whom you are a bondservant.
You may be looking for a blessing and you will receive it if you are believing in Authentic Christianity and living well and by living well you will guard right faith. Faith without right works is an idle faith and if no works is dead in its tracks. Authentic Christian Faith it is profitable. Therefore, strive, work at it to have Authentic Christian faith manifested by right living, spotless according to Scripture. Need help? Here is a good way to be reminded of Authentic Christian Faith: learn, recite often the Apostolic Creed, the Athanasius Creed for they contain the foundation of our Christian Faith, then live zealously to observe what you have read, recited. Avoid the deadly poisons and opinion of heretics, reject completely the unspeakable trappings of these heretics, false teachers, who are in association with Satan, hold you mind to the confessions of Authentic Christian Faith. Openly reveal your Authentic Christian Faith, not just by words, but by your acts, faith, praises, and your love of Jesus Christ.
By means of Authentic Christian Faith you will have a firm foundation of faith, a firm hope that draws your spirit to things invisible and will engrafts your attention upon the heavenly and eternal and binds it together by indissoluble bonds; that do not deceive but faithfully preserves and leads you to eternal blessings and to the eternal blessedness that is Jesus Christ. No matter your burden, the weight of sin you may have, never give up you hope in the goodness of God, in divine piety and have hope, a sure hope, in His mercy and pray with daily tears for pardon, that which only He can pardon and will aid you in your efforts to live a godly life, help you from doing evil deeds.
God pardons the truly repentant sinner, and you know if you are truly repentant for you do not live any longer in despair and you avoid those dangers that once so encumbered you, you turn from evil and hold fast to your hope in God."In God is my salvation and my glory; for God is my help, and my hope is in God" (Psalm 62:5-7). Nothing is more pleasing, nothing more sweeter that the perfect love of God. You will as you hold fast to Authentic Christian Faith learn to love God, and enjoy its good more sweetly. There are two roads: one wide, one narrow: pick the narrow one (Matthew 7:14).
My son, give me thine heart,
and let thine eyes observe
My ways.
Proverbs 23:26
Check the road you are traveling
Richard L. Crumb
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