But evil men and seducers shall wax
worse and worse, deceiving, and
being deceived. But continue thou
in the things which thou hast
learned and hast been assured
of, knowing of whom thou
learned them; and that from
a child thou hast known the
holy Scriptures, which are able
to make thee wise unto salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2Timothy 3:13-15
Paul warns about deceivers that have and may come into the congregations and deceive men and women, those who seduce people away from the truth to a different gospel. That warning is for us today and for our children, the future until Jesus Christ returns for His bride. Who are you learning from, your parents, preachers, teachers, and are you examining what is being taught by your study or Scripture? The more fully we know the doctrine of Christ and the apostles, the more closely we shall cleave to it, for many have lost it because the do not fully know it. What doctrine? The doctrine of Jesus Christ and that doctrine is this: God determined to pay this debt man owes Him, and this is to be done by God Himself for man cannot pay this debt, therefore God came to earth by sending His Wisdom, the Word, to be born of a woman, to live as a human, both man and God in one person, to be the propitiation for sin. This was done on the cross by the innocence of Jesus who died innocent, was buried in the earth for three days, rose again, was seen by many, and ascended into heaven bodily, to sit at the right hand of God making now intercession for all of God's children. God the Father through Jesus Christ, the payment having been paid now saves through Jesus Christ by His grace and love, the debt satisfied, God then through Jesus saves and that salvation comes by means of the free gift of faith, and this is found, substantiated through Scripture (Romans 10:10; Ephesians 2:8-9). Belief is not enough, you must convert to Jesus Christ, and this conversion is manifested by your life. Paul is clear, it is the Holy Scriptures that makes a person wise unto salvation. This being true then what is stopping a person from study of God's word, to examine what is being taught for men who are deceivers have come into the Church seducing men and women, children away from the true Gospel. It is not men, men who are eloquent in speech, seeming to have it all together Scripturally but are only preaching their form of doctrine, and leading people to act out things that are not to be found in Scripture. It is the use of "proof" Scriptures, those Scriptures taken out of context, Scriptures that are not in conformity with the Bible as a whole that destroying Authentic Christian Faith.
The Bible is a sure guide in our way to eternal life. We must not neglect it for the Bible is proved to be of God, infallible, accurate, inspired of God. We can read, study God's word knowing that the Holy Spirit will lead in your efforts. Paul adds: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2Timothy 3:16-17).
Let us then continue in the things learned by our study and by the accurate and true preaching and teaching of men, and then profess what we have come to believe, those things that are able to make a person wise unto salvation. It would then, make you able to stand against those who would distort the truth, men who are deceivers, seducers, and make you able to promote the solid knowledge of the word of God, the word of truth. You are made able to aid others to acquaint them with the Bible, and then by your teaching you will help to continue a succession of those who too will come to the Scripture making them wise unto salvation. You will then be furnished thoroughly to every good work.
Thus saith the LORD of hosts,
the God of Israel, Amend your ways
and your doings, and I will cause youto dwell in this place. Trust ye not
in lying words, saying, The temple of
the LORD, The temple of the LORD,
are these.
Jeremiah 7:3-4
Become a workers furnished by God
Richard L. Crumb
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