For we ourselves also were
sometimes foolish, disobedient,
deceived, serving divers lusts
and pleasures , living in malice
and every, hateful, and hand
hating one another.
Titus 3:3
Paul is reminding Titus that man has a dark past that was in disobedient to God and man left to themselves has and is in the present living hateful, hurtful and disobedient lives, therefore God in His providence made provision for man. Adam fell in the Garden of Eden, and since that time man has been unable to conduct himself in an innocent and rightful manner. Man falls prey to prejudices of passion rather to listen to reason and truth: "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions" (Ecclesiastes 7:29). Man before the flood did not have the law, but they did have Adam and Adam's children, especially Seth who lived right up until the great flood came and destroy man except for eight souls. The law came into existence because even after the Great flood man still would not listen to reason and live upright, so God added the Law because of transgressions. Society had for need, for man to exist among each other because the had the inability to conform to the whole duties of man there was a need for a righteous government that would appropriately govern for a particular society. Government, no matter what society it governs exists by virtue of the purpose and for the benefit of society. Even this became distorted and misused harming people and society for those in power lost fact that they are not in power as the principle or original in nature, but secondary, fiduciary. What does this mean? The power given to government is a derivative of the family's power for government's nature is only fictitious not actual. When government loses sight of this fact that they rule or govern for the benefit of society and not impose laws and rules that are harmful to society then government is not far from what occurred in the past whereby God had to destroy man who wanted to live in antinomy. Government is bound to the condition of good faith, that which God imposes upon all individuals, and society for society has the potential for harm. This is government's role in governing people for their ordination is from God and falls into a inferior position to the superior position and ordination, that is of God for the benefit of society, individuals, and family.
Religions attempt to apply justice into the social order of things and make laws that their religion states as fact from God, and as can be seen in lands where religion is a force, it is a force to control man and not necessarily give them rights and protection and if a person does not adhere to a religion they have a law allowing that person to be punished even to death. This is a justice according to their religion but not justice according to the justice of God who created man and all things, it is justice according to man. As does Islam (Muslims) they want a theocracy on earth but God ordained government not to form a theocracy, rather to implement His justice and righteousness according to His word which contains His laws that man, government should apply in governing, and in life. God does not use tyranny to accomplish His purpose. God gave laws so that man might have a written law that was designed to teach them and lead them to live righteously, to live by His principles. God's ordination of government has everything to do with an objective standard of righteousness that is immutable, that is unchangeable and is to be followed by every generation.
Are Christians to give unconditional-submission to government? This argument is used by those in de facto power, it is de facto because the rule by the ordination of God and not by their being superior for when examined governments run amuck preventing people form prioritizing their allegiance to God and Jesus Christ and enforce undue loyalty for unjust purposes. This type of government as nothing to do with true, Authentic Christian duty of man towards God.
Paul faced this as we do today and Paul makes it clear and very plain, we as Authentic Christians are live and be submissive to God, first, government second for as ministers of God our responsibility belongs to God. This then means where laws are not in conflict with God's law, then we must obey, if they are not we have the right, at least in a democracy government to address what we see as wrong, aid to have those laws changed, or omitted, we are not to just allow those who hold power to rule outside of the laws of God according to the Bible.
God is our Rock, God is perfect in all His ways, for all his ways are judgment, a God of truth and without iniquity, He is Just, and Right. God cannot be a God of truth unless He is also a God of justice. Live according to His word, and then whatever circumstances come by your living righteously will come but you are not to be removed by those circumstances that God is your God, God has promised you to take you through those circumstances and will give to you your home prepared for you in heaven, not because you are so good, but because He is so Good, and by your conversion to Him, no government can harm you, your faith that came by His word (Romans 10:10), then your hope is secure.
Blessed be the LORD thy God,
which delighted in thee,
to set thee on the throne of Israel:
because the LORD loved Israel
forever, therefore made He thee
king, to do judgment and justice.
1Kings 10:9
Do not fear him who can kill the body
Richard L. Crumb
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