In like manner also,
that women adorn themselves
in in modest apparel, with
shamefacedness and sobriety;
not with braided hair, or gold,
or pearls, or costly array;
but (which becometh women
professing godliness) with
good works. Let the women
learn in silence with all
subjection. But I suffer not a woman
to teach, nor to usurp man,
but to be in silence. For Adam
was first formed, then Eve.
1Timothy 2:9-13
Oh boy! Have I stepped into it now!! These verses written under inspiration by Paul have been discussed, cussed, used for all kinds of doctrine and practices leaving a sane person be think that he/she has gone insane. How can we understand these verses? Some will use these verses to show that the Bible does not teach the equality of women and puts man on a high and lofty pedestal. Is that true? Is God prejudiced against women and only holds man to be worthy? Some Churches today insist that a woman come to Church service with some sort of head covering, others do not and give reasons that demonstrate that these verses do not apply in today's culture. Is this so? Allow me to break down the verses to be able to arrive at how we are to understand these verses.
IN LIKE MANNER...(vs 9a)
Paul is referring back to what he just wrote, that Christians are to pray, to make intercession for others, lead a quiet life in all piety, to do those things that are acceptable to God in Jesus Christ. There is more but this should suffice for it was antecedent to this verse. All Christians are to lead quiet pious lives, men, women, children. All are to live for Jesus Christ, therefore the words inspired by the Holy Spirit, God, the Third Person of the Godhead speaks for each Person of the Godhead. Now, Paul, addresses women specifically and to be inspired to do so means that there is a problem that must be addressed and a teaching as to what pleases God.
The word "shamefacedness" means in the Greek "discreetly." Women are to dress discreetly. Does this eliminate man? No, this rule of dress applies to all Christians, but especially to women who desire to wear all sorts of jewelry, to dress immodestly especially in this day when women will wear very short pants, where their gluteals are showing, and their breasts are shown by wearing low cutting tops. How is this modest? Cannot women, even men, wear clothing that is modest and not revealing to make themselves seem to be "sexual", "sexy," to be something that the other sex would desire by their immodest apparel? This is vanity: "He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail" (Proverbs 22:8): "O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? How long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing" (Psalm 4:2). "This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind" (Ephesians 4:17). Vanity is never spoken of as good in Scripture. This was a problem in Paul's day when the Gentiles wore to be acclaimed as what they were not at times, rich, desirable, and sought after riches however they may achieve them, and this has not changed throughout the centuries. This is not Christian, this is not Authentic Christianity. To wear jewelry is not wrong, to wear clothing that is appealing is not wrong, there is no teaching that a Christian woman should wear a burka as do the Muslims, no, this is not from the heart this is legalism in its worst form. A true Authentic Christian heart will seek to please God not men: "But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts" (1Thessalonians 2:4). Yes, this is Paul speaking about himself, but are you not also entrusted with the Gospel? Yes! Therefore you are to be pleasing God, not men: "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God" (Colossians 2:10). Women have a very special place in the home, with their husband, with their children for God made them to have a very special love and intuition that man does not seem to have, for man has another very special aptitude and that is to be the breadwinner of the home and more, to be the teacher of the home. Man has a responsibility to be the leader of the home, in all things. Man will have to give an account to God for all things he did or not do that would be pleasing to God. Women by their discreet living, and wearing of clothing, jewelry, etc., is professing Jesus Christ and their fear of God. Extravagance is not pleasing to God, it does not profess a seriousness to godliness, rather it shows vanity that is disgraceful to God. Whoever is doing this is wrong in the sight of God. It is to be God first, God second, God third, God in all things and to do otherwise is a shame upon that person doing them and to God. You have been saved and this by means of a horrible death by Jesus Christ to pay you debt of sin, so why would a person heap coals upon what He did for you, and why would you not want to live to manifest Him, the Gospel, to be a true Authentic Christian. Do you think that you are going to live forever on this earth so you must have all that this world has to offer and are willing to succumb to its culture? Or do you understand that this world is not our home we are just passing through our treasures are laid up somewhere in the blue (as the song goes). Look at this world, look at the opposition towards Christianity, towards a person who attempt to live an Authentic Christian life and you will see that when Christianity is allowed to become cultural, then all sorts of problems arise and when Christianity is held up then the land, the nation, the people are blessed. You are either the problem or the solution. Yes, it means a change from the inside/out. Will you do it? I pray so!
I will continue this in tomorrow's blog.
Bow down thine ear, and hear
the words of the wise, and
apply thine heart unto my knowledge.
For it is a pleasant thing if thou
keep them within thee; they shall
withal fitted in they lips. That
thy trust may be in the LORD, I have
made known to thee this day, even to thee.
Proverbs 22:17-19
Godliness is a beautiful thing
Richard L. Crumb
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