Friday, July 17, 2015

Church Leadership: Who! What Qualifications!

This is a true saying, if a man desires
the office of a bishop, he desireth
a good work. A bishop then must be 
blameless, the husband of one wife,
vigilant, sober, of good behavior,
given to hospitality, apt to teach;
not given to wine, no striker, not
greedy of filthy lucre; but patient,
not a brawler, not covetous; 
one hat ruleth well his own
house, having his children in
subjection with all gravity; 
(for if a man know not how to rule 
his own house, how shall he
take care of the Church of God)?
1Timothy 3:1-5

     The previous blogs are either seen as good advice from the Bible or seen as something improper according to the culture we now live in, and make all kinds of reasons for not obeying the simple word of God, plainly written. The final note on this is that when man, the husband, wife, and children are following the word of God, applying that in their lives, life will be good even in its hard times, for they will come and the Bible is the only source in which to find a solution. My dad's theology, and mine: If the Bible says do it: do it! If the Bible say not to do it: Don't do it! How much plainer can this be? People want to add to the Bible according to their own views and those views are not necessarily according to Scripture and are excuses given for reasons why they will not simply do what the Bible says to do. When people hold fast to views outside of Scripture then heresy is the result: history testifies to this fact.
     Paul now turns his attention to Church leaders and give a sound advice as to who should be a Church leader and when a Church leader is not following these inspired words that leader must no longer lead. A man, not a woman, remember they can teach but not to teach in the place of a man, and men this imposes upon you to teach, to do things that are necessary: i.e., go to the mission field, teach Sunday School, and allow the women to aid you in your pursuit to bring the Gospel to others. Women have an important role in this for they bring that which man cannot bring, at least well, and that is a form of motherhood that is so often needed to those in hurtful situations. I remember as a child when I was hurt, I ran to mother, I called out to my mother, rarely did I do this for my father. It was that I did not love my father, I did, but mother's touch is a special touch that only mothers, women have and we need that in the Church, in life. Women are so important in the Church and as a Church leader a place for them to use their motherhood skills, and other womanly skills must be made accessible. 
     Do you desire the office of a bishop? Good! You desire well! The word translated Bishop is English, the Greek 
word: ὲπισκοτηˆς: to look upon, we get the English word to "scope" from  σκοτηˆς, and the meaning is "overseer" and this brings to light the true meaning of a Church leader, he must oversee the Church in all its aspects. Yes, he has help from elders, deacons, deaconesses, and others for he is not to be the only one concerned about the Church. Too many people just show up on Sunday, hear either or both, the sermon or Sunday School lesson, and then sing some songs, say "hi" to some, and then leave until the next Sunday. Well, is this your Church? Do you have a responsibility towards your Church? If so, then be involved, as much as you can, but do not make excuses for not doing something. Too many Christians live this life for success, joy, entertainment, all good if use to bring glory to God, but not to be used as an excuse for not being involved in your Church. 
     Paul then lists the qualifications for an overseer of the Church and that list is in the opening verses. First step for those desiring to be an overseer of the Church starts at home. Paul makes it clear if a person cannot rule, that is, to oversee his own household, then how can that person be able to oversee the Church? He cannot! Judge yourself, are you a drunk? Do you drink too much alcohol, especially in places, bars, etc., where people can see you drink to intoxication, not falling over drunk but are drinking to the point that you are not in total control of yourself? If so, then how can that be a witness for God? It can't! Do you sneek a peek at online pornography, a problem that is large due to its being able to be done in secrecy. How about your children? Do you allow them to look like the world, multi-colored hair like some "hippy" or worldly person? Do you allow them to wander the halls of a shopping mall? Do you give them money that they have not earned, or need? Do you yell at your spouse, and often in the hearing of your children? Or do you live a quiet and peaceable life, overseeing your household in the admonition of the Lord? 
     This is serious business and far too often just because a man has a degree from some Theological Seminary they are appointed to be a Church's overseer and they are not "vetted." Remember: Paul did not say that an overseer must have a theological degree, never mentioned, it is good that they do, but from what Seminary do they have their degree? A liberal Seminary, taught by liberal professors, and then come to your Church with liberal theology? Or should the Church examine each man desiring to be an overseer? Yes! This requires that those doing the examination have themselves studied, prayed, and in the role as one who makes decisions as who will be an overseer they will not allow anyone, just because they desire to be an overseer to be an overseer. 
     Serious? Yes! It will take you to be knowledgeable about the Bible's requirements for an oversee and to see that this is the case for whomever will be your overseer. Your spouse, your children, others in the congregation will be affected by an overseer. This is serious business!

But if the watchman see the sword come,
     and blow not the trumpet, and the
people be not warned: if the sword come,
    and take any person from among them,
he is taken away in his iniquity: but his 
     blood will I require at the watchman's
hand. So thou, O son of man, I have set
    thee a watchman unto the house of 
Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word
    at my mouth, and warn them from me.
                              Ezekiel 33:6-7

Prepare Your Hearts For Worship

Richard L. Crumb

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