Furthermore, when I
came to Troas
to preach Christ's
Gospel, and a door
was opened to me by
the Lord.
I had no rest in my
because I did not
find Titus my brother;
but taking my leave
of them,
I departed for
Now thanks be to God
who always leads us
in triumph in Christ,
and through us
diffuses the
fragrance of His knowledge
in every place. For we are to God
the fragrance of
Christ among those
who are being saved
and among those
who are perishing.
2 Corinthians 2: 12
-- 15
preaching and work of Paul there in Troas apparently had been successful and
now he was on his way to Macedonia and apparently according to Acts chapter 20
many disciples had collected around him and he was now about to leave them. Why?
Because God had opened the door for him to preach in to the Macedonia
region. This speaks of something we
need to understand and that is about the call of God. Many people speak about the call of God in their lives and most
certainly they may have heard His call, the question then is: are they actually
acting upon this call? I'm sure many have been called,
yet the question would be is: if God actually called that person is that
person acting upon what he believes is his work in regard to evangelism or is he stifling his call?. Let us not forget this most important fact:
God is the prime mover above all circumstances. To aid us in this study about the call I will take an excerpt
from Oswald Chambers book So Send I You:
(italics will be mine): " We are apt to forget the mystical supernatural
touch of God that comes with His call.
If a man can tell you how he got the call of God and all without it, it
is questionable whether he ever had to call.
A call to be a professional man may come in that explicit way, but the
call of God is much more supernatural.
The realization of the call of God in a man's life may come as a sudden
thunderclap or by a gradual dawning, but in whatever way it comes, it comes
with the undercurrent of the supernatural, almost the uncanny, something that
cannot be put into words. We need to
keep the atmosphere of our mind prepared by the Holy Spirit lest we forget the
surprise of the touch of God on our lives." Paul, and we also, should never become unaware of the
practical situations in which you found yourself as did Paul. Paul could not come immediately to the
Corinthian church, the circumstances he faced did not allow for that to
occur. Furthermore he had received a
call of God to go to Macedonia and due to this fact, his faith and his
consolation was in his Lord and God. In
spite of all circumstances Paul, and we also should be assured of God's
plan. As parents we have the
responsibility to teach our children about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for
we know as adults that our children will be facing serious circumstances in
their life that will attempt in many ways to turn them away from the faith of
Jesus Christ. Many are led away from the call of God. Are you praying for your
children, and are you taking time to study God's Word with your children? Can your children when they grow older look
back and thank God for you and how God has answered your prayers for them? Those memories of those times when these
things occurr, prayer and study of God's Word, will be a stimulus for their
lives and even be an amazement so that they can face any obstacle that may
attempt to perplex them. Are we
teaching our children to be patient knowing that they are in the mighty hands
of God and that if they are patient and the issues they face will be in accordance
with His will? The call of God is not
because God has need for your service; He can do whatever without you. God does and will use people for His service
to forward the absorbing work that is to be done and that is to take the gospel
of Jesus Christ to the outermost parts of the world. This will take courage! God
is not very far off! We are all called
to be witnesses and ambassadors for Jesus Christ; yet, there are those who
are called into a special service for God; i.e., missionaries, pastors,
teachers of the word, etc.. Here is a
quote worth meditating upon: "The great business of man's life, is to answer the
end for which he lives."
~ William Penn, No Cross, No Crown (1668-1669).
~ William Penn, No Cross, No Crown (1668-1669).
As Paul
was, and we are to be, as one who has triumph in Jesus Christ who have been
diffused to be the fragrance of His knowledge in every place and this diffusion occurs by means of our witness and ambassadorship.
We are to be the fragrance of Jesus Christ to those who are being saved
and even to those who are not being saved and are perishing: "To the one we are the aroma of death
leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, as many, peddling the Word
of God; we speak in the sight of God in Christ" (2 Corinthians 2: 16 --
17). It is interesting, they use of
the word "peddling" the Greek word is: καηλεύοντες; this is a plural
masculine participle in the present tense and means for one to be a retailer, a
huckster, a peddler, to deal paltrily with someone, to adulterate or to corrupt. Many who call themselves Christian in our
leaders in certain churches do exactly that and do not work from sincerity but
further own gain. We speak in the sight
of God and Jesus and we speak in sincerity and we do this as we pray and study
God's Word. We meditate upon his word
and apply in our lives.
Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods,
so is my
beloved among the sons.
I set down in his shade with great delight,
and his
fruit was sweet to my taste.
Song of Solomon 2: 3
Today be the sweet fragrance of God
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