Friday, May 16, 2014

Learning More About The Gifts Of The Spirit

And through the hands of the apostles
many signs and wonders were done
among the people.  And they were
all in one accord in Solomon’s Porch.
And believers were increasingly
added to the Lord, multitudes
of both men and women,
so that they'd brought this sick
out into the streets and laid them
on beds and couches, that at the least
the shadow of Peter passing by might
fall on some of them.  Also a multitude
gathered from the surrounding cities
to Jerusalem, bringing sick people
and those who were tormented
by unclean spirits,
and they were all healed.
1 Acts 5: 12; 14 -- 16

            The attempt in examining the various Charismatic and Pentecostal exercises that are used to demonstrate that they have the power of the Holy Spirit that is so often done as though they have the same power as that is recorded in the above Scriptures is contentious, but must be done if we are to be Authentic Christians.  This subject which is so divisive among the Christianity and religion invokes heated arguments that what God was doing in the early Church is what He is doing in the present church. Is what is being done in those churches that hold fast to a doctrine that allows for these various so-called gift of the Spirit a high or low view of the Christian faith, or is this a faulty view of the doctrine of Christian faith?  Is what is being exercised in such churches a settling for a substitute for true faith and the authenticity of true Christian faith making cause for people to miss out on the incredible power and the beauty of true authentic biblical-based Christian faith?  We know from Scripture that the apostles were granted by the Holy Spirit to be able to perform certain signs and wonders and that includes the healing of people who were sick.  We even have the account were Peter raised Tabitha from the dead (Acts 9:39 -- 42).  Having read many of the early Church fathers I have not found one case where any other person raised the dead, but there were at least two instances where the writer said he heard about such a thing happening.  The Greek word used in the above Scripture translated as "sick" is: άσθενεις, and has the meaning literally to be without strength, feeble, weak, and bodily debility, impotent, and they were in such a condition that they had need to be laid upon a bed or upon a couch.  What made cause for these people to be in such a condition, in other words, what were the sicknesses or diseases they may have had.  They are not elicited here but we do know that they were brought there in hope that even the shadow of Peter could heal them: but we have no scriptural warrant to say anyone was healed by Peter’s shadow.  What we do know though, is that these sick people that were brought to Peter for healing were also people who were tormented by unclean spirits.  How Peter healed them, what method or words he may have used, are not stated.  We also know from the early Church fathers that this power to be able to pray for people and to see people healed was evident in the very earliest of the churches: "See how many men of rank have been delivered from devils in healed of diseases" (Tertullian, c. 212)!  Also recorded for us as evidence that this healing power existed within the early Church is:" We have faith for a defense...  In immediately making the sign and adjuring....  We often aid in this manner even the pagan, seeing that we have been endowed by God with that power that the apostle for use when he despised the viper’s bite" (Tertullian, c.213).  Paul in writing to the Ephesians quoted from Psalm 60 8:18: "Therefore He says: "When He ascended on high he kept that led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men" (Ephesians 4:8).  So, what were the gifts that Paul was pointing to what he quoted the Scripture?  Paul in the next versus tells us that the ascension was about the resurrection of Jesus Christ who is now in heaven (vs.  9 -- 10) and then states this to answer this question: "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;" (Ephesians 4: 11 -- 13).  Paul goes on further to warn us not to be tossed to and fro and carried away by every form of doctrine which is only trickery by men (vs. 14).  If we fall into this category of Christianity that has become so divisive then we need to become inclined to look at our own faith.  We need to see our crew state as God sees it and this we can do by examining the Scriptures.  I am afraid that for many they have become self deceptive and believe only those things that make them feel that they are doing godly things without taking time to see whether not actually gives unction for what they believe.  Once again this will take courage and be willing to make any change that may be necessary so that what you believe and do is authentic Christianity.  We will look at other forms of activities that are propounded as being founded upon Scripture in our next blogs.

For the word of the LORD is right,
            and all His work is done in truth.
He loves righteousness and justice;
            the earth is full of goodness
of the LORD.
                                    Psalm 33: 4 -- 5

God preserves the faithful

Richard L. Crumb

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