Monday, April 7, 2014

Learning To Harness Our Will: Holding Fast To Our Determination

If any man thinks he is behaving improperly
toward his virgin, if she is past the flower of youth,
and thus it must be, let him do what he wishes.
He does not sin; let them marry.
Nevertheless he who stands steadfast in his heart,
having no necessity, but has the power
over his own will, and has so determined
in his heart that he will keep his virgin does well.
1 Corinthians 7:36 -- 37

            Paul is giving to us as given to the Corinthian Christians sound advice, advice that we need to apply in our lives.  There seems to be a paradox that men and women of this world cannot understand.  As we grow in Christian maturity, we will also grow in humility.  The practical benefits of this kind of humility, Christian humility, are too numerous address at this point in the blog.  Some very obvious, and this is exactly the case here where Paul writes about marriage, virgins, and most importantly how we are to act, and to have power over our own will.  Humility has a very definite benefit in that it will keep us from sin.  By means of this humility we will view sin as a deadly disease, one that you would wish to avoid at all costs.  This attitude is one that should become the purifying agent that changes everything so that you then can trust God to lead you and show you what you need to do to serve him.  You become sensitive to His leading.  Enabling us to do this is just as important if not the all important thing, and that is to keep this frame of mind as so essential that you keep your mind on Jesus Christ.  This will require prayer, a prayer that becomes so much of your nature as even your breathing is, and this will help us become sensitive to your conscience and your faulty desires.
            All one has to do today is to spend some time with watching the various sitcom shows and other shows and notice that they are filled with immorality.  We have men and women undressing and showing us/that in the past would have been in the very least pornographic.  Comedians seem to have the need to speak in favor of, or in the very least, to make jokes about same-sex marriage, and homosexuality, and the crowd in their euphoric delight applaud and even stand to applaud as though this is the way modern people think, and give approval to that which God condemns.  As Christians, we are to have power over our will.  To become so determined in our hearts that we do not succumb to those carnal desires that are being thrust it at us and purported as the way people should live in this day of life and it was just the same in the day when Paul wrote to the Corinthian church.  If we have power over our own will then we have power to turn the TV channel, or not to attend such things that we would not have Jesus sitting at our side, events that are immoral, even such events as the mix martial arts beating each other to bloodiness.  We cannot forget that we are to deny ourselves and to pick up our cross and follow Jesus Christ.  The days when men thought that they had to become celibate as many of the monks in the past it and even those who are of the Roman Catholic church today as priests remain celibate as though they are doing the will of God.  They need to read the Bible with the Holy Spirit teaching them exactly what He has said: "So then he who gives her in marriage does well, but he who does not give her in marriage does better" (1 Corinthians 7:38).  Marriage is honorable to God, and Paul insurances that God does not condemn marriage even with those who are leading the church.  Yes, to remain single, if God has called you to be so, then you will find that you are able to do much in the spreading of the Gospel whereby men and women who are married have other demands upon their time.  But do not forget this: we all are called to live the Christian life and to spread the gospel as ambassadors for Jesus Christ no matter what circumstances we find ourselves.
            Now, the rubber is going to meet the road: "A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives: but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to being married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 7:39).  Let's reiterate this: "A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives."  Let me say this again, and this also applies to the man, or husband that they are around by law to remain married, or unmarried as the case need, so long as the other partner is still alive.  We are not free to those of us who may have become divorced outside of the will of God and find a new mate.  If we are free to find a new mate, due to the fact that the spouse has died; then our command is to marry only a person who is also a Christian.  So then, what about those of us who have not followed this command?  And you come to know the command?  Are you now free due to be death of a spouse to remarry?  Are you then searching out a Christian mate?  Are you controlling or having power over your will?  Are you so determined in your heart to not do that which God condemns?  Never settle for what you have accomplished and run the race that has been set before you (see Hebrews 12: 1 -- 2).  If we do so we will be able to measure how we are doing and keeping track of how we love God and our fellow human beings.  This is the principle on which all of our activity rests.
            Don't get angry with me for pointing out what the Scriptures state for us as Christians to do and that which we are to avoid.  These are not my words, these of the words of the Holy Spirit inspiring the Christian writers to write.  The question is once again, are you a coward, or are you courageous and hold fast to the convictions that are in Jesus Christ.  Remember this as I have so often pointed out, that which St. Augustine stated: "LOVE GOD:LIVE LIFE!"

My soul thanks for Your salvation,
            but I hope in Your word.
                                    Psalm 119: 81

Consider now God’s word

Richard L. Crumb

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