Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Unity Of The Human Race

And God said, “Let the waters abound
with an abundance of living creatures,
and let birds fly above the earth
across the face of the firmament
of the heavens.
So God created great sea creatures
and every living thing that moves,
with which the waters abounded,
according to their kind, and every
winged bird according to their kind.
And God saw that it was good”….
Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth
the living creature according to its kind:
cattle and creeping thing and beast
of the earth, each according to its kind;”
and it was so.
Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image,
according to Our likeness;….”
Genesis 1:20–21;24–25; 26a

            The reading of those verses has two notices that we must notice: 1) God created all animals, fish, beast, birds, cattle, etc., according to their kind they were to reproduce. Now when it came to man God did something very different: 2) He created man in his own image, and now man would populated the earth. Did God make a single seed, or tree, or bush, or bird, or any other animal as He made only one man? This is what many evolutionists would have you believe, or somehow all species appeared at once, or in a very short time, from some miry mud. We are then before addressing the nature of the soul and the doctrine of original sin some questions need to be answered; especially in relation to man. Question 1). Did all mankind have a common origin? 2) Do all men have a common nature? The Bible answers these questions in the affirmative and is held by the catholic church (universal church: not to mean the Roman Catholic Church). Scientific men, at least many numbers which is growing, would answer those questions in the negative. How does the Bible affirm those questions in the positive? The Bible teaches that which concerns the apostasy and redemption of man and for that to be a doctrine of truth which answers those questions then we must affirm that all men are of the same origin and nature therefore the question of sin and redemption is not one that affects one and not the other because they are different, from different stock. As a Christian we may happily assume this declaration of the Bible, but we are to be prepared to defend our faith (2Peter 3:15). We should be able to give an answer to those who opposed our position.
            Let us examine closely these two points that are involved: 1) community of origin; 2) unity of species. All plants and animals are derived by means of propagation from the same original stock and are of the same species; no scientist would disagree with this point of truth. Now, it is not true that those of the same species need to be derived from a common stock.  If God, and this is where Christians would disagree with many scientist, created at the beginning, or at anytime since, plants or animals of the same kind, in large numbers and created them and place them at different parts of the earth, then all are of the same species but all are not of the same common stock. Example: Oak trees: those oak trees found in Europe and those in the United States are of the same species, but are not derived from the same common stock, that is one parent oak. God created in seven days ( I know many scientist would disagree with this, and many so–called Christians would disagree, for they believe in an old earth, and hold the words of Scripture whereby God is said to have created in six days and rested on the seventh as only a way to say that God created but the days are not 24 hours long), an it is to be admitted that God was not limited to creating one pair in one part of the earth and then allow in time for the species to spread throughout the earth, no, it is to be admitted that God would create groups of plants and animals, and place them wherever on earth, the same species, but not the same original stock. Some scientists would only admit the possibility and have the opinion that it is possible that all men may be of the same species but not all are descendants of Adam. This is in disagreement with Scripture concerning man as it reveals to us that the race is not only the same in kind but the same in origin. All men are children of a common parent, and have a common nature.
            This is the beginning of this study so that we can be ready to give a Scriptural defense for our faith, and to be ready to answer those who oppose our faith, and our understanding of Scripture. The next blog is to answer the question: what is the meaning of this word: species, or the idea of species? This is important for if man is not from a common parent then the question of original sin which befalls all men coming from the sin of a single man and affecting the world is in question.

“And again I say to you,
            It is easier for a camel
To go through the eye of a needle
            Than fro a rich man to enter
The kingdom of God.”
            When His disciples heard it,
They were greatly astonished,
            Saying, ‘Who then can be saved?’
But Jesus looked at them and said to them,
            “With men this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible.”
                                    Matthew 19:25–26

Convert to God, Don’t just believe

Richard L. Crumb

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