Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jesus Christ Born Of A Woman: Jesus Was A Man, But Was God

Thus the heavens and the earth,
and all the host of them.
were finished.
And on the seventh day God
ended His work which He had done,
and He rested on the seventh day
from all His word which He had done.
Then God blessed the seventh day
and sanctified it, because in it
He rested from all His work which
God had created and made.
Genesis 2:1–3

            There are those who will point to the above Scripture and state that by God resting on the seventh day that this implies that God ended His creating energy and was never again to be exerted. How this is to be understood, according to a Traducianist, is that there is a line drawn between the immediate creation and the production of effects in nature, by second cause under the providential control by God. This is opposite to the doctrine of creationism which assumes that God is constantly, from the beginning and now producing something out of nothing, ex nihlo. Here then lies a problem for we do not know how God by His agency operates within second causes, it is mediate, or immediate, but we do know this, God cannot be bound by simple providential direction, that is, that God has no control over second causes and waits for second causes to occur then providentially exercise control. God, being God, operates in all time His omnipresent power through means and without means in the whole sphere of history and nature. Now, it is true that Traducianists argue in favor of this fact, that the sin of Adam is transmitted to his posterity. They insist that to explain this is to admit that Adam’s sin is our sin and out guilt, and that Adam’s voluntary transgression has been transmitted to us, yet, we cannot at this time delve into this fact until I return to the doctrine of original sin. At the present it is enough that to repeat the remark I just made, that the fact is one thing and the explanation of the fact is another; we must look back into history that in all ages of the Church it has been admitted that the sin of Adam in a true and important sense is our sin, furthermore, we receive from Adam our corrupt nature, but to say that this necessitated the acceptance of Traducianism is not so clear that that we must accept the Traducianist Doctrine as it has been denied by the vast majority of the most powerful defenders of the Christian faith who defended the doctrine of Original Sin. There are those who call the doctrine of creationism Pelagius principle, that God will save those who overcome by themselves and then by their actions to accept Jesus Christ as Savior God will save them, that the sin of Adam has not been passed down to his posterity; this is ignorant. With some force of argument there has been and is that the Traducianist theory involves the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born of a woman, He was the seed of the woman. It is sand that by this birth that as to both soul and body derived from his human mother that He cannot be truly of the same race as us. Lutheran theologians following this though say: If Christ would not have assumed the soul of the soul of Mary, the human soul does not ransomed him” (Italics mine), but this does not follow for all that is necessary is that Jesus Christ be a man and a son of King David. This is the same sense that King David’s posterity is from King David, but the facdt is that there is one difference, the miraculuous conception of Jesus Christ. Was not Jesus Christ from the substance of his mother as is any other child which would born of her substance? Yes, but the birth of Jesus Christ doen not determine the same sense; He was concieved miraculously by the Holy Spirt. A favourable argument by the Tranducianist is this undeneable fact of the transmission of the ethnical, national, family, and even the pecularities of family, the pecularites of mind and temper that seem to envince that there is a derivation of both the body and the soul, that in which the pecularities inhere. But, this argmenjt is not conclusive. Why? Because it is impossible for us to determine the proximate causes for thise pecualirarites, to what are they due is inclusive. What we may have as a seemingly conclusion is that those pecularites may be due to the physical constitution, this cannnt be denied that the mind is influenced by the body. Furthermore, the body having certain pecularities of a race, nation, or family, by within certain limits determine the character of the soul.
            Does this argument favor Traducianism? We must next examine the doctrine of Creationism so that we can measure one against the other before coming to a conclusion. This is what will be done next. A final remark by me is that we must be careful in saying that when God rested that He concluded His work of creating something out of nothing. To say that God would not create ex nihlo is to come to a wrong conclusion making God subject to outside forces; this cannot be done for nothing is done without the will of God. If God does not will a thing, then that then does not happen or exist. To say that God sits back and allows second causes to just happen without control is the doctrine of Deism. Deism led to liberalism within the Christian Church; a subject that in time I will address. Wait now for the next examination for the doctrine of Creationism before making any conclusion but until then, do what God did, rested on the seventh day, reiterated that we should do the same in the Ten Commandments, and we are rest from all work that is unecssary on that day, we are to give to God one day in seven. Are you doing that? Or, are you making Sunday a day of fun and doing things which are not giving to God one day in seven?

The law of the LORD is perfect,
            Converting the soul;
The testimony of the LORD is sure,
            Making wise the simple;
                                    Psalm 19:7

Examine all things, By prayer

Richard L. Crumb

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