Most assuredly, I say
to you,
he who believes in Me
has everlasting life.
I am the bread of
your fathers ate the
In the wilderness,
and are dead.
This is the bread
which comes down
from heaven, hat one
may eat of it
and not die.
I am the living bread
came down from
If anyone eats of
this bread,
he will live forever;
and the bread
that I shall give is
My flesh,
which I shall give
for the life of the world.
John 6:47–51
That which
is corporeal cannot become another nature of and from itself, it requires
something far different from which it has not the power to create. I asked the
question in the last blog: “What is life?” Man can put together in the form of
bones, or flesh, or even cells, giving what was made to have blood, and even
make the blood circulate, to pump the lungs and make air to enter and be
discharged from the lungs, they can do all these things, at least in some
manner, but they cannot make what they have formed to have life. Life is not
corporeal, it is real, just ask anyone who is alive, and they will agree, there
is life, but for most they have no idea from where life comes. Life then is not
corporeal, it is spiritual, it is not formed by the power of man, it is formed
from a power that has the power to give life, and if it gives life, and has the
power of life then it also has the power to maintain life. Scripture informs us
of from where life comes and who has the power to give life: “And the LORD
God formed man of the dust of the g round, and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). If a person
believes in the preexistence of the soul, as do the Mormons, then why does not
Scripture tells us that God reached up somewhere in the heavens and pulled down
a soul and planted that soul into the body of Adam? He did not tell us this. If
you are a Traducianist and believe that the soul is from a parent, then why
does not Scripture inform us of this fact? It does not! In fact, only that
which is corporeal is passed from one person to another by the life of a person
is not from the parent, it is that which God has told us: He gives life and
that life is the soul of a person. What the scientist cannot do is to give a
soul to a body they may have formed even to having formed it with all the
elements what can be found in a body. The creationist follow Scripture and do
not put God in the proverbial box and make God able to do only that which they
presuppose He can only do; no, they follow Scripture, and they do not box God is
so as to make Him stop creating after God created the corporeal, or physical
world. It is God who gives life. It is God who then maintains life. It is God
who then by His omniscience, His omnipresence, His all powerfulness, that He
controls that which He creates while allowing man and all living things to do,
to choose, to be real, and make second causes, but only God can Providentially
make all causes, all second causes to work out His will while not usurping
man’s free choice, or in the case of Adam, his free–will. This is what the
Greeks meant with the word: ἀλλὰ λαλοῦμεν θεοῦ
ἐν μυστηρίῳ
…. We speak of God’s wisdom in a mystery: that is; we speak
not from what our eyes see, that which is apparent to the eyes, but what is seen
by faith; we cannot know the deep things of God. We can only know what God has
revealed to us and not by some ethereal, or supernatural revelation that cannot
be proved, rather He speaks to us by means of His word and then impresses that
word to our understanding so that we may know something of Him and what He has
done and is doing and will do in the future. It is a mystery; life, the soul
which is life, and all we know is that the soul is life and can die, and die
eternally and whether or not a person desires to argue of the manner of the
soul’s death is inconsequential for if the soul is not present with the Lord,
then it is removed from the Lord and all the blessings that God through His Son
is giving to His children, all that He, God the Father, has given to His Son
Jesus Christ. The soul is sinful and this will be covered when I return to the
subject directly on original sin and the nature of soul being sinful then needs
to have its nature changed. How can this be done if not only by the power of God?
God being able to make all things from nothing, ex nihilo, would He not
be able to continue to make life for each and every living thing, especially
the crown of His creation, man? Yes! What I have attempted to do is to not give
something that is certain outside of Scripture, or to explain all sides of the
equation as to the soul, only what is admitted is that which is inscrutable as
found in Scripture. What has been discovered? God creates the soul and gives to
each man the soul of life and God can choose whomever He chooses to have a new
nature a new soul, and to have life eternal. It is not the body of Christ that
comes down to be eaten by man, or His blood to be drunk as wine, those are
corporeal. It is that by faith we receive by the bread and wine that which we
cannot see, or touch, and is received be faith. We receive all things from God
by faith and this faith is instructed by His word and His word is clear, our
souls are from God and Him alone and we who are chosen of God by Him giving us
faith we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and are saved from death and have
life eternally. Why seek any further? Read God’s word, and believe on His Son
by being converted not just a believer, but truly converted and then live
according to the new nature given to you.
But God has revealed them to us
His Spirit.
For the Spirit searches all things,
the deep things of God.
For what man knows the things of a man
the spirit of the man which
Is in him? Even so no one knows the thing
God, except the Spirit of God.
1Corinthians 2:10–11
Live According To Your New Nature
Richard L. Crumb
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