To them God willed to
Known what are the
Of the glory of this
Among the Gentiles
which is
Christ in you, the
hope of glory.
Him we preach,
warning every man
And teaching every
man in all wisdom,
That we may present
every man
Perfect in Christ
Colossians 1:27–28
Today the
Association of Pastors met as we do once each month delaying my writing until
now but did something very important. Pays in verse 26 tells us who the “them”
are, “but now has been revealed to His saints;” this mystery, that which was not known
beforehand by the Israelites but now revealed to His saints due to the fact
that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, has come, lived among men, died for sin, rose
again on the third day, and ascended into heaven to make eternal intercession
for all to who He has been revealed to by the Father. Paul lays out the
paradigm for preaching: 1) to teach the wisdom of God; 2) tow warn every man;
therefore preaching is as a two–sided coin with one side teaching the other
warning. This is the purpose of this blog, to teach, and to warn. In today’s
culture as never before, with much preaching being more of a soft-production of
words so that the congregations would not take much offence to preaching and
ignoring the fact there is suffering that will occur when a person truly
converts to our Lord Jesus Christ and applies His commands in their life. Paul
could rejoice in his suffering (vs. 24) and was in great conflict over this
Church (2:1) We are to study His word
and apply His word in our lives for in God’s children are hid all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge (2:3). We study and apply His word so that we would not
be deceived as this world would deceive and lead away even God’s children by
deceptive and persuasive words (2:4). The principles of this world are not
God’s principles, rather they are the principles set forth by the Great
Deceiver, Satan, who disguises himself as an angel of light. We must beware,
that is to be aware of such deception and persuasive words, false philosophies,
empty deceit (2:8). This study is to build up the believer, to root the
believer in Jesus Christ, to become established in the faith, and all this,
even under persecution we give thanksgiving, for in Him, Jesus Christ dwells
all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (2:9). Our goal is to strive to become
faithful ministers and fellow servants of Jesus Christ. This is one reason why
it is so important to heed the teaching and warnings given according to
Scripture and the very thrust of this blog. The soul, original sin, the
understanding of man and how man is not as the evolutionists describe as just
another animal on the way to some unknown destination of evolution. Man was
given what no other creation of life had ever been given: “And the LORD God
formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath
of life, and man become a living being” (Genesis 23:7). Man, we, all of us,
are recipients of God’s creation of life which is the soul given to man so man
has within him the image of God, that is the attributes that God has, to be
able to love, not as an animal, but as a man, to create, not just do things by
intuition, rather to have morals that lead man to love, and care for another
man, this earth and all that God has given for him to enjoy and to give care.
Therefore, we must understand what it means by the term species, and that man
is of one species, not as the evolutionist would have you believe, that man is
only an extended life form and has not soul. Life yes! No soul! Scripture disagrees
with the evolutions and states that man, all men, are of one common stock:
Adam, and Eve. Man is not derived or produced by means of other genera, or
species; they are original forms, all then having a single origin. It must as
it cannot be overlooked admitted that all individuals and varieties belong to a
certain species and have universality inasmuch as all have essential
characteristics belonging to that individual or species. There are not
different forms of life, rather life has one source being derived from one
single source by general consent of that source: example: all carnivorous
animals have a stomach which is able to digest food, each species require a
mating of a female and a male, with the exception of a worm which can be both
male and female and this is a requirement easily understood by the fact that
they live under the surface of the earth with no social skills or ability to
meet an opposite sex. Another example would be fish, for they are not only
adapted to live under the surface of water, they all have an apparatus to be
able to breath under water, have fins for movement under water, etc.. Another
fact is that there is immutability within the species, that is, a species is
never blended into another species and the original species lost. We cannot
take a rose and merge it with a tulip and then make a new species. This is not
as Hegel (11770-1831 A.D.) taught that there is a thesis and an
antithesis that begets a synthesis or new form. Marx fell prey to such
philosophy. It is and must be admitted that there is immutability within a
species to perpetuate itself, this is a characteristic of what is means by the
word species.
I am not
attempting in these blogs to teach about evolution and creationism, rather to
give evidence that by one man, sin, original sin entered into the lives of all
men by that one man’s sin: “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered
the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all
sinned’’ (Romans 5:12). We must learn, study, and apply the truths of God’s
world. This will mean that we are thought of as being a “fool” to believe in a
God that we cannot see, but we who are living according to God’s principles and
commands are not the ones that are killing, maiming, and persecuting others;
yes, some in the name of Christ have done so, but this is not according to
Scripture. We are to: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of
God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but e
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good
and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:1–2).
Do you not know that the unrighteous
Will not
inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators,
idolaters, nor adulterers,
Nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves,
covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers,
Nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God
May The Grace Of God Be With You
Richard L. Crumb