Beware of false
Who come to you in
Clothing, but
inwardly they
Are ravenous wolves.
You will know them by
Their fruits. Do men
Grapes from
Or figs from
Matthew 7:15–16
philosophy of Plato held a prevalent place in history and does so today along
with its progeny, Neoplatonism. Both philosophies, while being from the same
root, have produced similar thinking by people who are seeking the truth, the
truth about God and existence. The dissimilar aspects are important for
Neoplatonism while drawing from Plato attempted to syncretize Plato’s
philosophy with Christianity. This syncretism by Plotinus, and others, led to
such belief systems as Gnosticism, Monasticism, Stoicism, Manicheanism, and led
to an analogical approach in the interpretation and translation of the writings
by the apostles and others led by God by inspiration, to aid the Church to
remain faithful to Him. Furthermore, this syllogism of two religious thoughts
led the Church to become aligned with the state, as history as shown by the
Roman Catholic Church, and especially of the Greek Orthodox Church. I will
discuss this alignment and how Neoplatonism played an important part in
influencing the coagulation of Church and state in future blogs. Why? Because
many atrocities occurred by such union. Neoplatonism led to that which plagues
the Church today: mysticism. For the Gnostics, this mysticism led to a belief
that there must be some inner light, or special knowledge to know God, and to
be accepted by God. This thinking led to two paths of Gnosticism: 1.
Asceticism; 2. Libertine. It was Neoplatonism that influenced men and women,
philosophers, and theologians in Alexandria, and the Alexandrian School. It is
from this influence in Alexandria that flourished and led people to a form of
mysticism that survives in some Churches today. The texts that make up the NIV
and ESV, especially as they are promoted as being more pure and attuned to the
original texts, are found to be from Alexandrian Schools, and thinking and when
compared with other manuscripts are found to be corrupted and not as promoted
to be, a better translation. This too is for another blog whereby this subject
of translations will be discussed. For now, it is this mysticism that formed from
Neoplatonic syllogism with Christianity that must be discussed as many Church
pastors and leaders, as well as their congregants, fall into the arena of
mysticism. As the opening Scripture teaches, we can know whether they teach the
truth or teach a false doctrine and this is by their fruits.
understand mysticism and whether or not mysticism has a place in Christian
theology and practice is to first understand the word and its uses. Mysticism
is associated with enthusiasm, and again, there must be known the uses of those
words and how they may apply to Christian theology, and Christian living. Is
not enthusiasm a high state of mental excitement? Yes! We can easily see this
at football games, or rock concert, as shown especially in the Woodstock concert.
In fact, you can see this high mental excitement in those Churches that apply a
supernatural theology leading their Churches to be more of a place to come and
be titillated, by such odd practices as, barking like a dog, being slain in the
spirit, so–called Christian rock music, whereby even the musicians look like
secular rock musicians and even act like them who do not believe in Jesus
Christ. Is enthusiasm wrong? NO! It is enthusiasm that has led men and women to
become poet, artists, and even good soldiers. There is a place for enthusiasm
within the Church, (I speak of the Church as the called out ones), yet is this
enthusiasm to be out of control as seen by those who have this enthusiasm as
the ancients said, it is an exaltation of God that is influence such antics,
i.e., speaking in babbling sounds, crawling on knees on pavement of bricks
until bleeding, as is done by some Catholics, or jumping up and down, shouting,
and falling over backwards as though one is touch by God. All is assumed to be
down by some divine influence. This is mysticism for those who claim these
antics are from God as said to be under the immediate influence of God or His
Spirit. Is this so? It must be understood that this is what was derived from
the philosophy of Neoplatonism and its syncretism with Christianity. It is this
philosophy that determined theology, that a person claims to see or know what
is hidden, a special knowledge, and an inward revelation. This is Gnosticism,
at least in some form, but is it Scriptural?
is found in such religions as Brahmins, Buddhists, Pantheism, in Egyptian
religions, and in many forms of Greek philosophy. These systems that have a
foundation in Platoism, Neoplatonism have been reproduced in our present age
and applied to other men, i.e., Spinoza, Kant, Hume, and others, with various
modifications, but nonetheless, there root is in Platoism, and Neoplatonism.
People who have been so influenced by these philosophies have yielded up to a
sentiment of the idea, a notion, of the infinite God, to have a special
knowledge of Him, that others do not have, therefore they yield themselves to
this supposed knowledge and say they love Him. Does this love have a true base
from Scripture, or is it a love of the emotional feelings that are ego–centric?
This thinking that misuses mysticism and has no basis in understanding how
mysticism is to be applied to Christian theology must be explored and corrected
where correction is needed when found to be false by Scripture. The Alexandrian
School of theology fell into the mystical side of Neoplatonism and has affected
the Church in its founding times, and is found to be applied in many Churches
today. Neoplatonism depreciates Scripture, and the authority of Scripture, by
exalting inner experience as having more validity, an inward light that regards
this light as divine.
We must
explore this further as much misinformation has been written to give this
mysticism that is not Scripture to be Scriptural, and there is a emasculation
of men who were true Christians and did not become Neoplatonism believers, but
are said to be so. This must be discussed as well and any falsehood exposed.
Follow along, your faith, your practice of your faith is affected one way or
the other, and for the one who wished to have Authentic Biblical Faith will
stay the course, examine what they believe and all this by means of Scripture
as their guide.
Now I urge you, brethren,
Note those
who cause
Divisions and offenses,
Contrary to
the doctrine
Which you learned, and avoid them.
Romans 16:17
Read today God’s Word and Pray
Richard L. Crumb
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