Friday, July 6, 2012

Emotional Response Is Not The Measure Of Authentic Biblical Faith

See then that you walk circumspectly,
not as fools but as wise, redeeming
the time, because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be unwise, but
understand what the will of the Lord is.
And do not be drunk with wine, in 
which is dissipation; but be filled
with the Spirit, speaking to one another
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your 
heart to the Lord giving thanks always
for all this to God the Father in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting
to one another in the fear of God.
Ephesians 5:15-21

     Touching the emotions and feelings of the congregants seems to be the method that many Churches use to "tickle" the ears and to make cause that this worship is Godly, and that they participants are being pious. Are they? I ask this: When was the last time you sang, more than occasionally, the Psalms? You can, for there is hymnal of just Psalms. How many of the younger generation have sung or even know about the great hymns, such as "On The Old Rugged Cross," or, "Standing On The Promises Of God?" When I ask, I find that most have never heard of these great songs of worship. Most though have heard "Amazing Grace," but do not even have an idea of who wrote the song or anything about the author and his conversion that led to this wonderful hymn. This is sadness for all most sing today are those dittys that are not all bad, some though do speak of things not truly Scriptural, but they are easy to learn, easy to sing, but have no depth to lead a person to worship God, only to make a person feel pious, religious, and somehow doing the will of God. Yet, Paul writes that we are to sing psalms, and hymns, and there is a place for spiritual songs which may include these "7-11" songs. We are to make melody in our hearts by giving thanks to God for all that He has done for us in the name of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we are to submit to one another. But we are not to measure our faith by an emotional response. A good actor can conjure up almost any degree of emotion. Congregants can muster up emotion that will play a major role in worship by the amount of emotion mustered. Yet, emotions must be judged by what arouses them. 
     It is the object of our emotions that should be assessed in relationship to our faith, that which has stimulated the emotion. A good speaker can arouse emotion in a crowd, bringing them to a frenzy, but this is not the kind of emotion that God approves. It is when emotion is in response to truth, or to a clear comprehension of the nature of God and His goodness to us, then emotion is valuable and appropriate. Is the religious emotion an end to itself, or a source of motivation to put our faith into practice? Emotion is subjective, but our conduct derived from our emotion can be clearly measured. 
     True love, especially agape love, that love that has concern for others by valuing others, is generous, and has the other person in mind, a love that God bestows upon His children, is not just an emotional response. As this love is a God-like love it is kind, generosity is evidenced and the actions from this love produces the greatest benefit to the object loved. Hear what Jesus says: "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him" (John 14:21). Notice this: it is the one's who keep His commandments that love Him, and if loved by Jesus Christ He will manifest Himself to him. This is how we value or test the value of emotion.
     Emotional responses are not the same in degree for all people as temperament plays a role. If a person is warm and affectionate then this will generally be true about his or her faith. That is true unless that behavior is repressed to meet some imposed criteria. This imposition is used by those who put much emphasis on signs and wonders, to "let go" and "let God," or to "empty oneself," represses a person to meet a designed goal that make emotions the rule of faith. On the other hand, we cannot be cold, stoic, and unemotional to be a measure of Authentic Biblical Faith. I do know about you, but, just to think that the Creator of all things, that which created me in His image, to come Himself, not an angel, not another person, but He Himself, came to be the Savior for all those for whom He chose and to be chosen by Him, saved by Him, through the sending of His Wisdom, the Son of God, the Son of Man, to die to pay the debt of sin that I cannot pay, how much more emotional can I be, that God would love me in such a great manner? 
     Emotions play a large role in our faith, but they must be controlled in order to not allow emotions to lead us to actions that harm our growth in Authentic Biblical Faith. If our emotions are not controlled those desires within ourselves, desires that a fallen man has, then our emotions are contrary to What God has said is for our highest interest. If we allow other objects, even insignificant objects of desire to take center stage in our hearts, then we are not becoming what God has intended for us while we are here on earth, we are not demonstrating that Jesus Christ is our center, our object of worship, our songs are about Him, and what the Father has done. Therefore, sign the Psalms and if you have never done so, then get a songbook of Psalms and sing them for the Psalms were sung by Ancient Israel, and there are many great hymns of the Church, written by men of God, and even at times sing a spiritual song, and allow your worship to be in conformity to the will of God. Singing should not be for our emotional desires, rather they should be from the heart giving thanks to God and teaching us to live as Authentic Biblical Christians.

Jesus answered and said to him,
     "If anyone loves Me, he will
keep My word; and My Father will 
     love him, and We will come to
him and make Our home with him.
                                        John 14:23

Make Melody To God: Sing His Praises

Richard L. Crumb


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