But you, O man of God,
flee these things and pursue
righteousness, godliness, faith,
love, patience, gentleness.
Fight the good fight of faith,
lay hold on eternal life, to which
you were also called and have
confessed the good confession
in the presence of many witnesses.
1Timothy 6:11-12
Pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love,patience, gentleness, is to die to the old way of living and rise to a new way of life. Baptism being one of the two sacraments endorsed by Jesus Christ represents our death to our old self, and our new life in Him. Notice this; we are not to be apathetic, lazy, or assume that you are now saved, and being saved your salvation is set, you have no need to do anything more. This is not what Paul had to say for we are to pursue... and this effort of pursuing is a fight against sin, in our lives, and to inform others as to sin. We are enemies of God against sin, and we are not to allow it to have any opportunity in our lives. It is commitment to Jesus Christ, and we are to yield ourselves, without reserve to the service of our King. We are not our own, for we have been bought with a price by Jesus Christ and we belong to Him. God now uses us as His instruments as one being set apart for the honor and glory of God. This principle should be the rule of our lives and our guide in all we do. What motivates you? What is the force in your lives before Jesus Christ? Are you abandoned to Him? Or as many are; He takes second place with you in the first place. We are to be submitted to Him as having Lordship over us, and this is all we do and say: "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1Corinthians 10:31).
What is the driving force for your convictions? The Holy Spirit lives within you and you have the seeds of true virtue within your hearts. You make the decision whether or not to allow those seeds to be the driving force. Sanctification is a progressive work in a child of God and as it is used there is application from God that grows deep within your hearts, your inner life, and God then is the base, the very foundation for your commitment in all you do. You will grow fruit, in your life in accordance with His word, and you will be a light that grows fruit in others. This is the source of Authentic Christian morality. The poet Virgil wrote: "Fiery is the vigor and divine the source of those life-seeds." (Virgil, The Aeneid, bk. 6, lines 730-731).
I wrote about character and that it is derived from what you believe, and your character is the source for what you do, but character is what will thrive forever in the eternal presence of God. Do you think that God is going to change who you are? Do you think and believe that this new life is to make you an entirely different person? It is not! You are forming yourself for eternity with God. This is not some light manner, something that you can avoid in some way; you can't! Yes, it is hard, to live this way. It has challenges! But, have you forgotten? It is Jesus Christ who lives in you by the Holy Spirit and this by the will of the Father, you have the Godhead living in you. What will be removed by God in heaven is our fallen nature for those two natures cannot live together and it is the fallen nature that will be removed, but who we are, our character will remain. We must, therefore, become determined to pursue this life that God has planted in us by giving us faith to do so, and this pursing is to become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ who revealed to us what is means to be an Authentic Biblical Christian. When we become resolved to be an Authentic Christian then we are distinguished by this Authentic Biblical Faith from cultural Christianity.
Let as many bondservants as are
under the yoke count their own
masters worthy of all honor, so that
the name of God and His doctrine
may not be blasphemed.
1Timothy 6:1
Keep God's Commandments: You Will Be Blessed
Richard L. Crumb
Note: Had a great vacation, did not catch fish, oh well! Great to be with son and daughter, granddaughter, great grand sons, Carson, and Brice, with Valerie daugter-in-law, and my granddaughters' husband Jason. God is good!
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