Thursday, May 10, 2012

Many Are Misled To Follow A Lie-Christians Need To Address Error And To Flee From Error

Be diligent to present yourself
Approved to God, a worker
Who does not need to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
But shun profane and idle babblings,
for they will increase to more ungodliness.
And their message will spread like cancer.
Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort,
Who have strayed concerning the truth,
Saying that the resurrection is already past;
And they overthrow the faith of some.
Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands,
Having this seal: ‘The Lord knows those who are his,’
And, ‘Let everyone who names the name of Christ
Depart from iniquity.’
2Timothy 2:15-19

            Before venturing into more historicity of men and women who in some way have affected Christianity I must deal with what these men who have “strayed” from the faith preach and teach falsely and error in some Churches today, not just in some small out of the way unnoticed Churches, but also those that are large and have thousands of people coming to hear what is being preached. We are called to be “diligent” and this is the purpose of this blog, to call men and women back to study, to show themselves approved by God for if this is not done then those who preach and teach a Doctrine that is not Scriptural will only increase and “spread like cancer”, the Greek word translated "cancer" is the word for gangrene. This has been the case for the Liberalization of Christianity many are being mislead into error believing that what they do is of God when it is not. The good news though, and this has been the thrust of these blogs, is that the “Lord knows who are his.” Not because a person has done something to be recognized by God and to be chosen due to their goodness, rather that God did elect some to salvation and those who are elected are His, and will never be let go by God. Further, we are commanded to “depart from iniquity” therefore to stay where error is taught is to blaspheme God by not obeying what He has commanded and to continue in error, teaching error, preaching error, living a life of error. As believers in Jesus Christ we are to be ready to give a defense for our faith (1Peter 2:15) and to be ready to give an answer when asked, and to do it in meekness and in fear. (1Peter 2:15), Why fear? It is an awesome thing to stand before anyone who has iniquity in their heart who is being led by the lies and deception of Satan, and when we are in fear, we then have our senses heightened so that we may not be taken unaware. We will be ready to defend our faith.
            One such movement that has been birthed by Arminianism and liberal theology is the Sozo movement. Sozo is a Greek word that is used in the New Testament 110 times; 93 times as save, i.e., deliver or protect; make whole 9 times; 3 to heal, 2 times be whole, 3 times miscellaneous as to preserve, or do well. Due to the infiltration of the Enlightenment and its emphasis on the person and on experience, that man can by his own goodness either accept or reject salvation, many Churches  use this ideology to become a major part of their theology. From this type of theology has come much emphasis on signs and wonders and those miraculous signs used by Jesus and his apostles and that they are the norm for Christians today. People of these Churches go around speaking of visions that they have received from God and attempt to give those visions as if from God to others. Or they attempt healings, and many other miraculous things even to say that they can raise the dead. I will not attempt to address each of these issues, rather to focus on the Sozo movement.
Taken from the website of Bethel Church, Redding, California, where Sozo is practiced, and sold, touted as a better way to have a life changing experience with God: (I guess just to be an elected soul with eternity before with our Savior who paid your debt of sin, for you is not enough).
The Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thus with a healed connection with Father, Son and Holy Spirit you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called.
1.Sozo is an inner healing/deliverance ministry
2.Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit led and effective
3.Sozo finds issues in minutes instead of years
4.Sozo helps heal your relationship with God to enable you to fulfill your destiny: (Makes me wonder, Jesus did not use, or taught His followers to use such methods, Hmmm!).
Several testimonies are listed such as:           
I have been directly involved with the SOZO Ministry of Bethel Church for four years.  During that time I have personally benefited from SOZO Ministry and have had the opportunity to hear of hundreds of testimonies... - Barry Byrne, MFT

I cannot recommend strongly enough the Sozo Ministry...
Having been in youth and young adult ministry for over 12 years, I cannot recommend strongly enough the Sozo Ministry coming out of Bethel Church. I have experienced first hand the impact this ministry has had on not only my own life but many of those I know closely. When renewal first hit our church... » - Banning Liebscher; Jesus Culture

Promises made by the Sozo team:
The SOZO ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are six tools that the SOZO team uses:
Father Ladder
Four Doors
Presenting Jesus
The Wall
Trigger Mechanisms (Advanced Tool)
Divine Editing (Advanced Tool)
By using these tools and following the Holy Spirit, wounds are healed, strongholds broken, truth revealed, and “doors” closed. (I can't find any Scriptural admonition for any of those methods; maybe they are not in Scripture, or a person must twist Scripture to fit their theology).

There is a cost, and these men and women use the admonition that a worker is worth his hire, and this is true and it is right to support the one who teaches truth. Teaching the supernatural, and to use Christian terminology to give credence to a lie is wrong on every level. In fact, Simon the Magician tried to buy from Peter the ability to do miracles and was rebuked by Peter and in fact Simon the Magician had to be rebuffed and rebuked because he became a heretic. Is there a cost: Yes!
$750 PER CHURCH GROUP/TEAM (up to five per group)
$150 per person after five
$200 per person not connected to a group
$300 per married couple
There is a 20% cancellation fee.
If the team or person travels to perform some Sozo function there are additional costs:
We are asking for a fee of $75 for each personal ministry time during these five time slots on Thursday and Friday.
Travel expenses including lodging and meals, are the responsibility of the requesting organization or person

OK, I get it! Sounds like a way to make money by preying on the emotions and needs of those who need Jesus Christ. Not in some manner that is totally outside of Scripture as those who espouse Sozo and other theologies that are in error do use Christian terminology, but to paint their actions in any way, other than by the truth of Scripture, then they are not doing what God has commanded us to do, that is, to make disciples, to live our lives according to God’s commandments. Jesus never charged for His services; in fact His healing was instant and complete yet the Sozo movement speaks about how to handle those who are not completely healed. What a caveat, to use other means, means that are not Scriptural, to aid a person in their failure to be instantly healed. I wonder, would they allow someone(s) to come to their functions free? Would they travel to someone, free? I doubt this, but Jesus did, the Apostles did, so why not them, why do they charge? Money!
            There are advanced courses, training so that others may institute Sozo meetings, and functions, and then the Shabar training that have:
To bring knowledge, hope, and wholeness to a “shattered” individual.
There are 3 different approaches:
 1. Using Shabar techniques with individuals who need aid in other areas
 2.Using Shabar techniques with individuals who are unaware they are shattered
 3.Using Shabar techniques with individuals who know they are shattered
      When a person leaves behind the Doctrines of truth that from the beginning of Christianity that are the foundations for the lives of Christians, then they are, in the least, in error, it is false teaching and heresy takes the place for truth. This is why this study is important because men and women are mislead into thinking that what they have accepted as truth, is not, it is error and is displeasing to God. My question is: Why does not the Church that professes to teach truth address openly these problems, informing their congregants of the errors that surround them by others who claim to be “Christian?” Why don’t those who come to know that what they have sat under is a lie, then why don’t they leave and find a Church that teaches the truth? We are attacked from all sides, secular and within the Church and we must come to know the truth according to the Bible, not what a person says the Bible means, rather to say exactly what the Bible means. To know a problem is to have at hand the solution. Keep studying, God will bless and use you.
     Why are we studying Doctrine? Because Doctrine, true foundational Doctrine is Christianity, and is our guide for life. It takes time and effort, but it is either that or go on living a lie. I don't thing that is what you want, I believe you want your faith and life based on truth.

That He would grant you,
     according to the riches 
of His glory, to be strengthened
     with might through His Spirit
in the inner man, that Christ may
     dwell in your hearts through
faith; that you, being rooted and
     grounded in love, may be able
to comprehend with all the saints
     what is the width and length 
and depth and height--to know the
     love of Christ which passes knowledge;
that you may be filled with all the 
     fullness of God.
                                Ephesians 3:16-19

We have Christ's gift of grace

Richard L. Crumb

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