Oh, that You would rend the heavens!
That You would come down!
that the mountains might
shake at Your presence--
As fire burns brushwood,
as fire causes water to boil--
to make Your name known
to Your adversaries, that the
nations may tremble at Your Presence!
When You did awesome things
for which we did not look,
You came down, the mountains
shook at Your presence.
Isaiah 64:1-3
Making the name of God known to all is the work of the disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). This work is important for those of God's children as many have been influenced by sources that do not recognize God, or have given their speculative reasoning as to whom their have predetermined God to be, how God exercises His Sovereignty, and Providence. How has these contradictory theologies come to exist? This is the work of the next blogs, and it is looking at some events that have occurred that have effect in the Churches, that is you and me, today. God has come down to earth and He has answered our call for Him to reveal Himself and this He has down for us in His word the Bible.
I have presented the two theological views and have found that Jacobus Arminius gives much speculative information but little support from Scripture, if any, and John Calvin has given his views with support from Scripture. This difference is important for without Scriptural references for what a person expounded about God we are left to our own rational thinking, and that thinking has been influenced in one way or the other by influential men of the past. It is slow at times to read and learn from history, but it is history that has affected us, and will affect our children. If we do not know from where we have come, why we know what we know, how we have been influenced, and whether or not what is being taught is truth according to God's word, then this is due to our desiring to remain ignorant. Paul makes this statement: "But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant" (1Corinthians 124:38). This statement made by Paul was in reference to the fact that he was attempting to straighten out those things that were causing the Corinthians to act as they should not have acted. That statement is true for us today.
I see these two men in this light: John Calvin, or Calvinism uses the acronym for the five points of his theology thusly: T.U.L.I.P.; which is the name for flower, tulip. Arminianism can be said to refer to the flower, the daisy; that is pull one petal off at a time and say, "He loves me, He does not next love me, and so on; therefore they is not way for a person to know if they are saved or not. This theology for man by himself, by his becoming knowledgeable about God, in some way or the other, can somehow produce faith, enough faith to believe in God for salvation. The Bible does not teach such a way to God, but men have come to believe that it is by themselves that they can do whatever is necessary for life, for salvation. How then has this thinking come to be in the life of society?
The need to study these two theological viewpoints is not to
just entertain a knowledge of their positions; while this may suffice to a
point, there is a greater need to study these theologies as to how they may
have affected the Church as a whole and for each individual in the exercise of
life both secularly and in their spiritual lives. Some individuals, both in the
collegiate world and in the Church by pastors and leaders and sifting down to
the congregants their theologies that are insufficient to educate properly, and
to avoid discussion on these topics as they do not seem to prefer to enter into
an intellectual battle and desire to keep to a “condition of low visibility”
(Francis L. Patton, in the introductions to William Hallock Johnson, The
Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights, [1016), p. 7). The fears that
are often surmised to suffer from such an investigation surround such as, would
such an investigation lead to a discouragement to contribute to missions; or,
would not such an investigation hinder the progress of consolidation (not just
ecumenism) and then produce poor statistics in Church membership, Sunday School
attendance, etc. Furthermore, could there ever be even a slight possibility for
agreement? There can be found agreement between the various denominations, but
most of those agreements are on things that are not exceptionally important and
to not admit that there is a need to educate themselves, and their
congregations on the most important things, those things that theologians
fight, those things that are in conflict. The conflict that has been imposed on
Churches is a serious battle for the long-standing position of the Church who
holds to a redemptive religion which is called Christianity finds itself in
this conflict to be battling against a totally diverse type of religious belief
and is severely destructive of the Christian faith because it makes use of
traditional Christian terminology. This type of religion to be found within
Churches that claim to be Christian have caused the congregants to be subject
to a modern non–redemptive religion, called “modernism’ or “liberalism.” The
term used by some Churches is “liberalism,” and the term is used by those
associated with such Churches but not by those who oppose them because they see
that these Churches are involved in a religion that is narrow by ignoring many
of relevant facts. The term “liberalism” or movement is to be seen to be in its
various movements that there are many manifestations of it, therefore it
becomes difficult to find a true common name that will apply to all its forms.
The one form that stands out as the foundation for “liberalism” in the modern
liberal religion; is that this “liberalism” is founded on “naturalism.” The use
of this word, “naturalism” is not here used in its philosophical sense, rather
it describes with fair accuracy that the real root is in the fact that this
“liberal Christianity” founded in “naturalism,” is nothing more than a
degradation of an original noble world, “liberal” religion. Yet, this rise of
naturalistic religion has not come about by chance. This change to a modern
religions outlook and theology has been occasioned by events in prior times; in
life generally, and in the Church. In times past, from the beginning of the
Church, heresy and false doctrine has plagued the Church and has attempted to
make inroads based upon their theologies which are not to be found in
Scripture. This battle does not cease, only that the war for the minds of
people have progressed to a point where there is much strife within the Church
and has caused for Christians a denigration of their faith and beliefs. The
changes in life are not suppressed so that they can be ignored as the changes
are on the surface, and force us to attend to the questions as to how they have
affected Christianity. We cannot escape from them, just as we cannot escape the
atmosphere that contains oxygen needed for life. The life of the Church is at
stake and must be called to mind, that is to those who have been affected by
this approach to Christianity that involves doctrines that impose a new
religious view. How have they come to exist, and what can be done to avert
their effect upon Christians. This is huge study, one where a person can get
lost in all the events that have affected society and especially the Church; so
there is a need to recount the most important events that have affected society
as a whole, and the Church.
As we study these historical events in relation to their affect and effect on God's people, the Church let us follow the words of the prophet Jeremiah: "Thus says the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets: 'Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; they speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the LORD'" (Jeremiah 23: 16). Many today refer to themselves as to be "prophets" or an "apostle" and do so at their own peril for they do that which is not Biblical, and are in many ways deceiving the people of God. This study is important, but the more important thing to consider is: what will you do with this information?
And the LORD your God
will circumcise your
heart and the heart of
your descendants,
to love the LORD your God
with all your heart and
with all your soul, that you
may live.
Deuteronomy 30:6
Happiness is keeping God's law
Richard L. Crumb
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