And those who are Christ's
have crucified the flesh
with its passions and desires.
If we live in the Spirit,
let us also walk
in the Spirit.
let us not become
conceited, provoking
one another, envying
one another.
Galatians 5:24-26
At times when you read God's word we miss the point of certain Scriptures. Paul when writing Galatians places the above verse in juxtaposition to the fruits of the Spirit and in the works of the flesh. Do not miss out this juxtaposition as these verses are plain, we are not to provoke to envy due to our having produced the fruits of the Spirit. This would be true for the gifts of the Spirit, we are not to provoke others because they do not have a gift, or at least are not demonstrating the gift God has given to them. The Scriptures are clear that the gifts of the Spirit are just that; gifts. The Holy Spirit gives gift(s) and we are to use those gifts and in doing so we will produce the fruits of the Spirit. Yet, in many Churches there is an over-importance attached to the gifts of the Spirit. You must have a certain gift, you must have a second Baptism of the Spirit, your must, you must, you must. This is unScriptural! You may wish for a certain gift, have a desire to have what others may have as a gift, but this is not what God teaches us; we all have a gift(s) and we are to use those gift(s) to benefit the Church. The gifts of the Spirit are given to His children as He so wills. You have no need to ask for a gift, but you are to use what gift(s) you have.
Paul makes it very clear that there is similarity between gifts and spiritual things. Most Bible will place in italics the word "gifts" in verse one of chapter twelve of First Corinthians. Paul uses the Greek word: πνευματκών, this word being plural and is genitive, that is we use the word "of" to translate this word and the word is "spiritual things." Paul in chapter 14:1 uses the same word only in the plural, accusative form which means, spiritual things. In 1Corinthians 12:1, he admonishes the reader not to be ignorant; ignorant of what? Spiritual things, and then in juxtaposition to that verse: "You know that you were gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led," (1Corinthians 12:2). This is an important verse to understand what is to follow because the Corinthians were being misled and were following and doing things that are unScriptural; they were being led away and misusing the gifts of the Spirit. Paul was writing to straighten out those things that these people were doing that is not in line with the clear teaching of Scripture. Paul as not commending them for their practices that they had determined where spiritual, rather he was condemning them for those practices. Yet, many Churches use 1Corinthians 12-15 as proof that all were to practice certain gifts and that the manner in which they practice their gifts was to give credence that they were being spiritual. This is far from the truth. Now Paul does align the word for gifts, charisma, and pneumatika, to mean the same thing as the verses so plainly admit. When Paul speaks of spiritual gifts, he is speaking of the gifts of the Spirit. To change the word, pneumatika, to gifts does some harm to our understanding, because it does with all certainty mean spiritual things. If the gifts are spiritual things, then we should hold in reverence those gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit as He so desire (vs. 11). These gifts are spiritual, and given to us spiritually, whereas the fruits of the Spirit are from us as we use those gifts. Don't confuse those two things, rather ask yourself; am I using the gift God has given me? Am I producing the fruits of the Spirit? Have I removed the works of the flesh? Ask yourself this question: "You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth" (Galatians 5:7)?
I am laying the groundwork, the basis to aid us to understand what the Scriptures teach on this subject and as you may notice, I have not addressed any single gift. I will in upcoming blogs but not until we have made a foundation, a foundation that is Scriptural. Some writers want to jump right into the gifts and leave out this foundation but Paul does not do so, as he from the beginning gives the basis from what he will say in the following verses.
Stand fast therefore
in the liberty by which
Christ has made us free,
and do not be entangled
again with a yoke of bondage.
Galatians 5:1
May God Bless You and Keep You
Richard L. Crumb
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