Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Holy Spirit Revealed In Scripture

The earth was without form,
and void; and darkness
was on the face
of the deep.
And the Spirit of God
was hovering over 
the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:2

     The Holy Spirit was mentioned in the Scriptures from the very beginning of the word and was in the beginning of all things created. Genesis 1:2 makes a startling admission in regards to the Spirit of God: it was hovering and the Hebrew word for hovering has the meaning of brooding, to be relaxed, a soft hovering, to shake or flutter. This raises a question: how can a power, that which is a force without be a being, a substance separate from its source, that source being God, hover? If we take the word for the Spirit of God metaphorically or use it as an allegory for a power then all we have done is give a time sequence to the creation and for some reason God was waiting and hovering by means of His power. God who can create from nothing has a need to wait as though the Laws of the Universe were not subject to Him? Not so! Also, how is it that the Spirit of God was hovering and not just empowering the waters? Verse three of Genesis One makes it clear that: "God said, "Let there be...." This statement conjoined with the statement in verse one as to the Spirit "hovering" makes the two One. The Spirit and God are One. Yet, the Spirit was mentioned separately from God as if He were a second person of God. Separate as a Person, yet was God. Therefore from the very beginning the Spirit has the claim of being a Person doing what the will of the Father, God, desires. The Holy Spirit is the Power of God but this power is not a non-living element or source only, a power without its being a being, separate in action and only a force. It can hover over things. But, is the Holy Spirit a Person? Can we derive that fact from those first verses? We have work to do when we study the word of God for it is the total word of God that teaches us and not a single verse. This mistake of shortsightness by those who so desire that the Scriptures fit their theology is that they fail to examine the Word of God properly. 
     Before we do the grammatical examination we must clear up any misgivings about the fact that the Holy Spirit can be a separate Person and yet not be separate from its source and be of the same essence as the source from which it is derived. Do you think? Can you think one thing while the body is doing another? Are your thoughts you? Are your thoughts separate from other exercises or actions by you? Are your thoughts able to act as a separate part of you yet be of your same substance, to be you? Take the sun and its rays, just because we call the emanations from the sun rays, and the rays affect all that they either illuminate or activate, they are still the sun and are a part of the sun although separate in its substance while being the very essence of the sun. Therefore it is not impossible that the Spirit of God, the very power of God, to be a separate Person and yet not be divorced from God as a separate being; the Holy Spirit is God as much as the Wisdom of God is a Person, the Second Person of the triad God. 
     We must go further in our examination. Does the Bible reveal to us that the Holy Spirit is a Person? Does the Bible speak of the Holy Spirit as a Person? Finally, why is it important to know and believe that the Holy Spirit is a Person and not just the power of God? What makes a person to be a person? These questions will be answered in the upcoming blogs. You will, if you take the time to mediated and think upon what is said and examine the Scriptures, you will deepen your faith in the God who has never left His creation and controls what He has created so that the end desired by Him will be accomplished. This accomplishment is sure and affects His children one way, and those who are not His children in another way. If we do not come to know for a fact that the Holy Spirit is a Person then all that has been done is to destroy the Doctrine of the Trinity. This then removes our Savior from being God. I will show that the heretics have done just that and that they hold to a theology that is not supported by Scripture. Fasten your seat belts, this is going to be a deep but profound study and you will be blessed, and your shield of faith will become a protector against those who would attempt to draw away God's elect.

God is not a man,
     that He should lie,
nor a son of man,
     that He shour repent,
Has He said, and will He 
     not do? or has He 
spoken, and will He
    not make it good?
                     Numbers 23:19

Enjoy the Day that God has made

Richard L. Crumb

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