Likewise the Spirit
also helps in our
weaknesses. For we
do not know what we ought,
but the Spirit Himself
makes intercession for us
with groanings which
cannot be uttered.
Romans 8:26
It of necessity that I remind all that the word for spirit in the Greek language is neuter and all pronouns associated with that word must also be neuter for the pronoun must be the same as the object in gender. Therefore, we must not confound what is true for English to be true for Greek. The genders in Greek are not to be confused with English as in English the genders refer to a gender; i.e., the word for Church is neuter in English and is feminine in Greek. It is the context that determines how the words are to be understood. Not just the local context, above and below a verse, but also the whole book and the complete Bible as it may give understanding as to the use of a word. It is what is attributed to a word that aids us in our understanding. What then in attributed to the word spirit? I spoke of and gave definition to the word, "personhood" and it is how we shall examine what is attributed to the word spirit. Remember, Greek is Greek, and English is English; remember the rules of Greek and the pronouns.
As a person, one who has personhood, that personhood is established by the fact that I can think (although there may be some who would question that fact! Ha!). I can cause things to happen, i.e., drive a car, pound a nail, cook a dinner, there is action given to other things because I can think and do towards other things. I can give orders, i.e., to my children (although they don't always do what I command! Ha!). I can testify in court and my testimony is attended to as a person who is sentient and my testimony is valid, not indirectly but direct because it come by way of a person. I can talk (some would say too much! Ha, Ha!). Is any of these attributes assigned and to be found in the spirit giving credence to the Doctrine that the Holy Spirit is a Person? Yet, I must address those who hold to a doctrine that the Holy Spirit is nothing more than the power of God and not a person. An example would be electricity. Those who hold to such a heretical view will point out that all electricity is is power. Yes, they will admit that the power come from a source but that does not mean that the power of electricity is not separate from the source, only is derived by means of that source. The power of electricity cannot be separate from its source because it not only is derived from that source but is also the very essence of electricity. Without power there is no electricity and without source there is no power of electricity. They are both one and the same exercised in different manners and with a different substance. As the Apostle Creed so aptly states: that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, so it is true of the Sun and its rays, and as the power of electricity. To separate them and remove their essence from one another is to destroy both the source and all that is connected to them.
The personhood denoting a person in regards to the Holy Spirit.
1. He speaks: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches" (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22). First thing that is noticed in those verses is that the Spirit "speaks." Only living things speak, all other sounds are noises produced outside of themselves and have no true meaning. Secondly, other Scriptures in those above verses, that is the context examined, will note that there is a conjoining of the Spirit with another Person. In fact that are so conjoined as to make them one and the same. Those verses are not noting a responsive speaking, first one then the other, rather that each are doing the same thing, speaking to the Churches. John records the words of Jesus Christ and we cannot but that it is Jesus Christ speaking: "...Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last." (Revelation 1:17b). "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the Keys of Hades and of Death" (Revelation 1:18). It is Jesus that is speaking to the Churches and it is the Holy Spirit that we are to listen to for it is He that is speaking, it is the Son of God who is speaking (Revelation (2:18) , it is the one who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars, that is the Church of God represented by the seven Churches that He is addressing in this vision to John. It is the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God that is speaking (Revelation 3:14), and it is this same One sits on the throne of God (Revelation 3:21). As to the Scripture above that states that Jesus Christ is "the Beginning of the Creation of God" (Rev. 3:14), many especially the Jehovah Witnesses will point to that Scripture and say, aha! see, Jesus is only a creation therefore this is a proof Scripture for their theology, or Christology. But is that true? In the economy of God, within the council of the Godhead, in all of God's omniscience His Wisdom was determined to be the Savior and to be clothe with humanity and this determination called upon the Wisdom of God, the second Person of the Godhead to be the very Son of God. It is this decision of the Godhead, not in sequential time, rather from all eternity that the Son of God would be the Wisdom of God and that by means of these Persons, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit God would administer all His creation. The Father directs, the Son becomes the Son of Man, and is the Savior and by that means God's children would have their sins propitiated and His justices satisfied, and that by means of the third Person of the Godhead He would empower all that is created. Therefore from the the Father and the Son the Holy Spirit proceeds and does the will of the Father all three in harmony with each other and each being of a separate substance are all of the same essence. Therefore the Holy Spirit as a Person speaks and it can be said that the Son of God speaks and the Father speaks for it is on and from His throne that they speak, all as one.
In upcoming blogs I will address the Doctrine of the Trinity but for now it is most important that there is understanding in regards to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I will give in the next blog more personhood attributes assigned to the Holy Spirit.
Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God Almight,
Who was as is and is
to come.
Revelation 4:8b
Blessing upon your Christian walk
Richard L. Crumb
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