Thursday, June 2, 2011

Objects Of Faith As Revealed In The Bible

"For My thoughts are not your
Nor are your ways My ways,"
says the LORD.
"For as the heavens are higher
than the earth,
so are My ways higher than
your ways,
And My thoughts than your
Isaiah 55:8-9

     Let my ask this question: "Can objects of faith by higher than reason and not be contrary to it?"  Yes! Why?  The answer is that whatever is higher than reason is incomprehensible.  Here are some facts that you should have no argument with: what is against reason is impossible. Can contradictions be true?  No! For that is contrary reason.  Here are other truths: a part cannot be greater than the whole; or that anything can be and not be at the same time.  It contrary to reason that a wrong can be right , or that a right can be wrong.  How does matter attract matter?  How does the mind act upon the body, and body on the mind?  It must be admitted: there is a distinction between the incomprehensible and the impossible.  We can admit to the fact that what is higher than reason has a distinction as to that is against reason.  Why should I take the trouble to blog all that when any sentient mind would agree to those propositions.  It is because most of the theologians would agree that the Doctrines of the Bible are not contrary to reason, yet, they are higher than reason.  We accept matters of faith on the authority of God, not because we can prove or disprove them.  Example may be; the soul and the body being united in one conscious life.  When it comes to the Doctrine of the Trinity it is incomprehensible how God can subsist as One and yet be three, or how God can be united to Nature in the person of Christ.  But, neither is impossible, therefore, neither are contrary to reason.  For it is not impossible for the three, the number three, as in the Godhead to subsist in three Persons.  

     The objects of faith as revealed in the Bible are not truths of the reason.  In other words, human reason cannot discover, or comprehend,or demonstrate those objects, yet they are consistent with reason.  How?  They are not involve with contradiction, absurdities, for there is no inconsistencies with either the intuitions of the intellect or conscience.  There are no inconsistencies with any well established truths no matter from whence it comes; the mind or external world.  The Bible contains things that are withing the legitimate domain of human knowledge; if not within that domain then there is no way that we can discern their legitimacy or inconsistency but we know for those things which are to be found in the Bible that we know for certainty and must be consistent are so because from other sources than God's revelation.  Explanation:  All that the Bible teaches concerning earth can be ascertained; i.e., the Bible does not teach that the earth is flat, or that it is stationary in space, further, that sun does not revolve around it.  The Bible does teach that God made all the plants, animals each after its kind and all experience, even in the face of evolution, those species are immutable.  Upon examination; all anthropological Doctrines in the Bible are in full agreement to our experience and our minds and are observable.  For instance: the Bible teaches that all men are of the same blood and when examined it is found that all men are of the same anatomical structure, there is sameness in all men even in their diversity of shape, color, etc. In fact, all men have the same rational and moral faculties.  Does not the Bible teach that man is a free, accountable agent?  Does not the Bible teach that all men are sinners?  Does not the Bible teach that all men need redemption?  Further, the Bible teaches that man cannot redeem himself or others.  With all that the Scriptures reveal the nature and attributes of God and our religious nature corresponds to that fact, satisfying, elevating, and sanctifying all our powers and meeting all our necessities.  There is common grace for all mankind, and saving grace for those chosen by God from before the foundation of the world (Romans 8:28-29).  This would be a contradiction; that the Bible did not correspond to those truths that God revealed by means of the external evidence that we with our constitution of our nature could receive as coming from Him.  God cannot contradict Himself.  Nothing can be more demeaning and derogatory that to say that the Bible's assertions and Doctrines are contrary to reason.  Those objects of faith may be above reason but they cannot be contrary to reason.  

     Our faith, saving faith, received upon the authority of God is higher than our reason, yet it is not incompatible to our reason.  Our faith is not in the irrational and this will be the subject of the next blog.  Read your Bible, pray for understanding, other sources for reading are just that, other sources, uninspired but at times helpful, but it is the Word of God that is inspired and is our source of truth.  When we find a passage that seems unreasonable, look for Scriptures that will clarify those obscure passages, and allow time as you read and pray, for God will open your mind and teach you that He reveals His truths in His Word, the Bible.

All Scripture is given by inspiration
     of God,
and is profitable for doctrine
     for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness,
     that the man of God 
may be complete,
     thoroughly equpped
For every good work.
                  2 Timothy 3:16-17

God Bless You as You Seek Him
    He will be found

Richard L. Crumb

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