For yet a little while,
And He who is coming
Will come
And will not tarry.
Now the just
shall live by faith;
But if anyone draws back,
My soul has no pleasure
in him.
Hebrews 10:37-38
It is to be admitted that Jesus Christ is the immediate and special object of those acts of faith that secure salvation. This fact is evident throughout Scripture, yet, there are those who love to raise questions and do so in regards to salvation by asking; Whether or not that it is in Christ in all His offices that we are saved or just one or a few? Here it is being asked in regards to justification or justifying faith. The Bible does not ask or speak to such a question by suggestion or any other manner. The Bible solidly states that a person receives Jesus Christ and Him alone. That being so then it is in all the offices of Jesus Christ, as priest, deliverer, the one who can take away sin and overcome the dominion of Satan, further can remove a person from all the apostasy from God. A person who receives Jesus Christ takes Him as his wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. He takes Him as his God and Savior, in completeness as the One who can satisfy the very longing of those who are chosen by Him and is their life-giving portion of their souls.
Is this a complex formula for salvation? No! All that there is to salvation is the acceptance of Jesus Christ in all He is, no analysis is necessary and assumptions to be made for it is in our submission to Him and that submission is possible for God has so clearly stated that it is by Him enabling and drawing to Jesus those He has preordained to eternal heavenly life with Him (John 6:37,44, 65). It is those who are given to Jesus Christ and He will never lose any of those given to Him. Unfortunately there were with Jesus some disciples, in fact many, who having heard Him speak such words walked away and followed Him no more. Will this be true of you? Does this teaching of Jesus spoil your beliefs and practices? Will you walk away or will you examine the Scriptures? There is no suggestion that a person is to take Jesus Christ in any other manner for He is offered to us as a source of life, and glory, and blessedness, as the supreme object of adoration and love. As such, He is joyfully accepted.
He brought me to the
Banqueting house,
And his banner over me
was love.
Song of Solomon 2:4
May God Bless As You
Prepare for Sunday Services
Richard L. Crumb
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