All that the "Father gives me
Will come to Me,
And te one who
Comes to Me
I will by no means
Cast out.
John 6:37
There is no argument when it is said that all Christians are bound to believe. All that God has chosen and given to His Son Jesus Christ will come, no exception. When one is called who believes in Jesus Christ as His Savior will do all that is taught in God's Word, that is to say all that that person has come to know about the Scriptures. It is imperative that a Christian does not rest on his proverbial laurels. They will involved themselves in reading, daily, God's Word, enabling them to mature. Being so closely related in His Word, His revelation about Himself, and all that He has revealed so that we know His Will, enabling us to walk according to that Will. It is then the object of our faith the Bible, His revelation, all that is contained in Scripture. As Protestants we hold the Bible to be the only infallible rule of faith, it is our object of faith, therefore, nothing that is not expressly taught in the Bible has any place in our lives to become an article of faith. We cannot deduce from the Bible that which is not taught and revealed by Scripture that which would impose the people of God to accept as a rule of faith. This is the freedom that is so expressly taught by the Apostle Paul, and can be found in his letter to the Galatians, this is what Jesus Christ did for all those given to Him by His Father, we are free from man made articles of faith, those theologies outside of Scripture. This object of faith, the Bible, is our protection from those, both inside and outside of the Church who would usurp that freedom, aiding us in our defense of our faith.
What is to be found in so many Churches today claiming to be Protestant and following the Bible only to have revealed that this is not true. Far too many so-called Christians take their presuppositions and use the Bible to prove their presuppositions, rather than, to allow the Bible to impart to them their suppositions, their rule of faith. The object in those cases is not the Bible, it is themselves, they do what is expedient to their cause. An example of this is to be found in the Roman Catholic Church where the Bible as the authority and object of faith has been replaced with another object of faith, the Church. It is to them, the Church, that is infallible, and authoritative, the people are to believe whatever the Church, that is, its bishops, Pope, Cardinals, etc. declare to be the revelation of God. When the Pope speaks ex cathedra it is to be understood that it is as the Vicar of Christ that he speaks and it is to be known and believed as the actual voice of God. It is then within themselves to have the power to make "new" articles of faith, for they claim the authority to make decisions that affect the people and require of them to be bound, in their consciousness and by tradition. The Church knows what is best and true for the tradition superimposes upon their practitioners and make what they believe to be the the Apostles and early Church fathers taught. This latitude to make new articles of faith under such authority causes those decisions to be commands needed to be followed by all who claim to be Roman Catholic; yet all that has been done is to make such claims so as to be the object of faith to be nothing more than commandments of men.
It is protection for true Christians when the Bible is their object of faith as it will enlighten a person to see what is Biblical They are protected from those usurpations by those of the Church and by those outside the Church, it is our security, Not to cause those given to Jesus by His father to lose their position in Christ and eternal life, rather as to how one lives, worships, acts, his character, his theology. The Bible protects then, us, from the tyranny of men. What is evident is that men are impatient, they manifest the need to have things done in a manner that suits their presuppositions, their theology, they want their own opinions enacted into law and are willing to allow others who seem to meet that need to be their authority, rather than the Bible. This setting aside God's Word as the authority leads to practices that are self-serving and outside of the actual revelation of God as to be found in His Word. We can see this in many forms, but very expressed in Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches were outward displays self self but are not to be found as Scriptural practices of faith. Those displays become their object of faith, their point of contact with God; not the Bible. It is to be noticed how fierce their denunciation is of those who oppose them. They meet in conventions, seminars, assemblies, both ecclesiastical and voluntary so as to decide what is true, what is right or wrong in morals.
True Protestants stand firm in their rejection of such a false form of Christianity, the replacement of the Bible as the object of faith and hold to the right to private judgment and that the Scriptures are the only infallible source as the rule of faith and practice. It is the Bible that contains all truth and is the object of faith, all that the Bible declares to be true, this we are, as true Christian believers are bound to believe. This is what is known as general faith. This generality is to be separated from faith that is saving, a saving faith which is necessary for salvation. It is in the Bible where one can find certain doctrines concerning Jesus Christ, His work, and certain promises of salvation by Him to sinful men. We are bound to believe and receive that which is in the Bible and required to place our trust in them. Therefore, the special object of faith is Jesus Christ, His promise of salvation through Him. We find that in the Bible as our general object of faith where those promises are revealed for all truth is contained in God's Word. But, it is Jesus Christ that the Bible declares and it is Jesus Christ that is our object of saving faith, the One who secures our salvation. It is upon Him that we place our hope, our faith, and rest securely in all that He has offered to us in His Gospel. This is clearly taught in Scripture and in various places so as to not be questioned, not as commandments of men, rather upon the Word of God and that alone.
Therefore do not be partakers
with them.
For you were once darkness,
but now
you are light in the Lord,
walk as
Children of light.
Ephesians 5:8
May Christ Give You Lighe
Richard L. Crumb
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