"Beloved (those called, by God; vs.1), while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ" (Jude 3-4).
When Jude wrote his letter to "those who are called...by God the Father" to contend for the faith there must have be a reason to do so; in fact he mentions that reason in the vs. 4; "for certain men (τινες) a most important word that will be discussed later in this blog, yet the warning is clear, false teachers will be sown as the parable of the tares and wheat represent. Lack of full understanding of faith lessens the need to examine our faith and to consider it in light of the Scriptures. In fact we ignore the command to teach our children this may be due to the fact that we have accepted ispso facto our faith upon the opinion of our church and church leaders, never following the Scriptural advice often hardly ever, if ever, teaching our children, which is our responsibility: "Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. and teach them to your children and your grandchildren" (Deuteronomy 4:9). Not to dwell on this but I can relate to that Scripture and how I have failed, maybe you can too. It takes intentionality to set aside time to teach our children and grandchildren. What is the most often conversation you have with your children and grandchildren? What happened to the dinner table? Is it just another pretty item in the house? Or, is it where the family gathers, converses, prays, and a time to demonstrate your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately many of us can relate that we have failed and that failure is evidenced in our children. Therefore, to consider our faith is most important, to read daily God's Word, out loud, "Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God" (Romans 10:17). We all are living life and life is full of distractions and needs that have to be met and with God foremost we can meet those needs and distractions without leaving God somewhere behind. Let us learn to die! We all are trying to live, live in this temporal world, our children and grandchildren are living in this world temporally and the world is teaching them to have faith in the world system, be successful, be all that you can be, etc. Tell me, who do you know that is sill living that has never died? We lean to die to self, learn to know that our faith includes the assured hope of eternal life after death in the temporal world. Jesus made this very clear: "Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24). Some of what Jesus taught was too much for His hearers and they left went away: "From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away" (John 8:66-67)?
The meanings and definitions given by men such as Immanuel Kant are legitimate and sustained by common usage. States of mind are ascertained in those words; i.e., I think a thing to be true, I believe it; I know it, are in themselves distinct one from the other in different degrees. The probable ground for those terms is belief, to simply believe, yet it is more of trust than it is to believe for there is a voluntary element that influences the mind more of a necessity that is shown to be manifested in our consciousness. However we look at the word as in the common usage, the word belief expresses a degree of conviction that is greater than opinion and less than of knowledge.
It is not in its differences that are the distinguishing characteristics of faith; the common usage of the word, for there are expression of faith that do not contain uncertainty. Think upon that, for when we examine our strongest of convictions we find that the mind is capable of belief. Now if we are certain of our consciousness to have veracity, the foundations of all other convictions, is the nature of faith. Therefore, all our primary truths are to be assumed to be of the nature of faith. We take things on trust, they cannot be proved and if anyone denies them, there is nothing more to be said. In other words, that man cannot be convinced. If we say that what we believe rests upon authority because we believe that which rests on authority we must admit that reason itself must rest upon authority because the original element of reason does not necessarily rest upon authority, yet are necessarily accepted by reason on the authority that lies outside of reason. Then, this data of reason lies by propriety on beliefs or trusts. Therefore, we must admit, that belief is the primary condition of reason, and not reason the ultimate ground of beliefl
Now this is true also in other areas of faith for the effect on the mind that is produced by man's human testimony is inadequate. How so? It does not preclude doubt even when the testimony is inadequate for the testimony may be so strong that it makes doubt impossible. So often something is taken on trust by the authority of others and it is admitted that this is a form of faith. Two examples will help: First, the Mormon religion and Mormonisms rely on the authority of their church and leaders, especially the Book of Mormon that was supposedly written by Joseph Smith, yet, there is not evidence to support their faith. The book of Mormon claims that American Indians are descendants of the Jewish race (The introduction to the Book of Mormon states that belief), yet all evidence of DNA before the arrival in 1492 by Europeans both in Southern, Central, and Northern Americas is found to be Asian, if fact, their ancestors are from the Northern, or Mongolian portion of China. Next, there is no one stitch of evidence that the people mentioned in the Book of Mormon ever existed for there is no archeological evidence. Also, the Book of Mormon was not written by Joseph Smith, rather, and be undeniable evidence, was written by Samuel Spaulding who had written a novel called "The Manuscript Found" and was stolen from the printing office, as evidence purports, as being a Mr. Rigdon. There is no evidence that gives authority to their beliefs, all is unknown by them, nothing is proved to be true, yet they believe without that authority. Bringing the next example close to home: For some moral individuals their belief of mind and their conviction of the reality of a future state of reward (heaven) and punishment (Gehenna) is as strong as their own belief in their own existence, and stronger than the testimony of his senses. Their confidence of a future state of existence is greater than their knowledge; it is upon faith that they believe.
By necessity for faith to be grounded upon authority we turn to that authority that the Bible teaches as to be the ground for our faith. This authority, and I will in future blogs address the authority and the infallibility of the Bible, precludes the possibility of doubt. I know, I know, there are those no matter what is said will not believe in the authority of the Bible, even some so-called Christians have that view, but Jesus made it clear that not all who call upon His name are of His sheep: "And then I will declare to them,'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness" (Matthew 7:23)! Notice the word,"never", for Jesus "never" knew them, not because they would not believe, they cannot and will not and practice sinful acts. Yet His children, His bride knows Him and are persuaded: "For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day" (2 Timothy 2:12). Job ages ago said as to his belief in the authority of God: "Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble" (I believe we can agree with Job on this). Finally Job admits in answering the LORD: "I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You" (Job 42:2) Job recognizes, even without ever having seen Jehovah God with his own physical eyes that He existed. The writer of Hebrews at chapter 11:1 states that faith to be: "(ὑπόστασις); an extremely strong word that means an assurance, a quality of confidence and in this verse it means that our faith is founded on the very essence of God. the writer adds: (ἔλεγχος), the very evidence, that being of which faith is built upon, read the words: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). That definition of the one of common usage,gives the characteristic of faith as to be a measure of confidence that is greater than opinion, and less upon knowledge, this cannot be deemed satisfactory. Faith of a true Christian is one that has power and is the controlling principle of life, it can overcome the world, subdue kingdoms, even as in the case of Daniel, stop the mouths of lions, this is proof enough that true Christian faith is no weak persuasion of the truth. Next blog I will delve into the realm of whether or not faith is a voluntary conviction.
"Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. (Ephesians 6:24).
Richard L. Crumb
The meanings and definitions given by men such as Immanuel Kant are legitimate and sustained by common usage. States of mind are ascertained in those words; i.e., I think a thing to be true, I believe it; I know it, are in themselves distinct one from the other in different degrees. The probable ground for those terms is belief, to simply believe, yet it is more of trust than it is to believe for there is a voluntary element that influences the mind more of a necessity that is shown to be manifested in our consciousness. However we look at the word as in the common usage, the word belief expresses a degree of conviction that is greater than opinion and less than of knowledge.
It is not in its differences that are the distinguishing characteristics of faith; the common usage of the word, for there are expression of faith that do not contain uncertainty. Think upon that, for when we examine our strongest of convictions we find that the mind is capable of belief. Now if we are certain of our consciousness to have veracity, the foundations of all other convictions, is the nature of faith. Therefore, all our primary truths are to be assumed to be of the nature of faith. We take things on trust, they cannot be proved and if anyone denies them, there is nothing more to be said. In other words, that man cannot be convinced. If we say that what we believe rests upon authority because we believe that which rests on authority we must admit that reason itself must rest upon authority because the original element of reason does not necessarily rest upon authority, yet are necessarily accepted by reason on the authority that lies outside of reason. Then, this data of reason lies by propriety on beliefs or trusts. Therefore, we must admit, that belief is the primary condition of reason, and not reason the ultimate ground of beliefl
Now this is true also in other areas of faith for the effect on the mind that is produced by man's human testimony is inadequate. How so? It does not preclude doubt even when the testimony is inadequate for the testimony may be so strong that it makes doubt impossible. So often something is taken on trust by the authority of others and it is admitted that this is a form of faith. Two examples will help: First, the Mormon religion and Mormonisms rely on the authority of their church and leaders, especially the Book of Mormon that was supposedly written by Joseph Smith, yet, there is not evidence to support their faith. The book of Mormon claims that American Indians are descendants of the Jewish race (The introduction to the Book of Mormon states that belief), yet all evidence of DNA before the arrival in 1492 by Europeans both in Southern, Central, and Northern Americas is found to be Asian, if fact, their ancestors are from the Northern, or Mongolian portion of China. Next, there is no one stitch of evidence that the people mentioned in the Book of Mormon ever existed for there is no archeological evidence. Also, the Book of Mormon was not written by Joseph Smith, rather, and be undeniable evidence, was written by Samuel Spaulding who had written a novel called "The Manuscript Found" and was stolen from the printing office, as evidence purports, as being a Mr. Rigdon. There is no evidence that gives authority to their beliefs, all is unknown by them, nothing is proved to be true, yet they believe without that authority. Bringing the next example close to home: For some moral individuals their belief of mind and their conviction of the reality of a future state of reward (heaven) and punishment (Gehenna) is as strong as their own belief in their own existence, and stronger than the testimony of his senses. Their confidence of a future state of existence is greater than their knowledge; it is upon faith that they believe.
By necessity for faith to be grounded upon authority we turn to that authority that the Bible teaches as to be the ground for our faith. This authority, and I will in future blogs address the authority and the infallibility of the Bible, precludes the possibility of doubt. I know, I know, there are those no matter what is said will not believe in the authority of the Bible, even some so-called Christians have that view, but Jesus made it clear that not all who call upon His name are of His sheep: "And then I will declare to them,'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness" (Matthew 7:23)! Notice the word,"never", for Jesus "never" knew them, not because they would not believe, they cannot and will not and practice sinful acts. Yet His children, His bride knows Him and are persuaded: "For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day" (2 Timothy 2:12). Job ages ago said as to his belief in the authority of God: "Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble" (I believe we can agree with Job on this). Finally Job admits in answering the LORD: "I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You" (Job 42:2) Job recognizes, even without ever having seen Jehovah God with his own physical eyes that He existed. The writer of Hebrews at chapter 11:1 states that faith to be: "(ὑπόστασις); an extremely strong word that means an assurance, a quality of confidence and in this verse it means that our faith is founded on the very essence of God. the writer adds: (ἔλεγχος), the very evidence, that being of which faith is built upon, read the words: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). That definition of the one of common usage,gives the characteristic of faith as to be a measure of confidence that is greater than opinion, and less upon knowledge, this cannot be deemed satisfactory. Faith of a true Christian is one that has power and is the controlling principle of life, it can overcome the world, subdue kingdoms, even as in the case of Daniel, stop the mouths of lions, this is proof enough that true Christian faith is no weak persuasion of the truth. Next blog I will delve into the realm of whether or not faith is a voluntary conviction.
"Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. (Ephesians 6:24).
Richard L. Crumb
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