For we were saved in this hope,
but hope that is seen is not hope;
for why does one still hope
for he sees?
But if we hope
for what we do not see,
we eagerly wait for it
with perseverance.
Romans 8: 24-25
It is the Scriptures that are our teacher and give proof of our faith for it is this reception of truth grounded on the testimony, the authority of God. We are commanded to place our faith in Him, based on the Scriptures which are the revelation from God concerning His Son. So what is faith? It receiving as true what God has testified; that is, that He testified the truth; there is none other on which a true Christian ground his faith; it is upon God and God alone. Many so-called, and I say so-called only on the basis of their fruit demonstrated upon the true Word of God and falling short of His glorious Word of Truth, that place their faith, or trust in antics and supposed revelations, visions, and gibberish language that they deem evidence for their faith. The problem in the least is that this form of belief or faith does not have as their contact or ground faith in God. No matter what is said, their fruit belies the truth. John writes: "He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe god has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son. And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son" (John 5:10-11). This statement by God demands our attention for no other way could it be said so succinctly as to the nature of faith. The object of our faith is revealed by God to us as is the testimony of God.When we receive that testimony, we seal it with our faith that God is true. to reject that testimony is to make God be a liar; that He is not. John writes: "If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son" (1 John 5:9).
Scriptures are constantly teaching us that the ground on which we are authorized and commanded to believe is, not the conformity or truth that is revealed to our reason; we covered faith and reason earlier that reason cannot define or authorize our faith, not does feeling, a thing which is the hallmark of many liberal churches that place the supernatural and gifts above all else even when quoting Scripture, nor is the necessities of our nature or condition met; but simply, "This saith the Lord." All the previous things mentioned may strengthen and commend themselves to the reason, they do affect our feelings, let us understand here, the fact that God would come to this earth for creatures that have sinned against Him and by being the federal head of all creation, and by His justice has the necessity to bring forth a penal judgment; instead out of His great love He comes, the Son of God, to pay what we cannot pay; what more can be said or done to raise our feeling, deep feelings, that no other event, or action can touch our inner soul. Yes our necessities of our nature are met as creatures and as sinners, we are inclined to believe, we may even cherish it and it brings to us joy and is effective: but, they are not its ground. WE BELIEVE ON THE TESTIMONY OR AUTHORITY OF GOD!
It will not be admitted that true Christians believe the Bible to be true on any other ground than the testimony or authority of God. Some, even so-called Christians, have as their ground the fulfillment of prophecy, or the miracles, it contents and the effects it has and claim that is the ground for faith. Those things which the Bible speaks and confirms are rational grounds for believing the Bible to be from God, but as written earlier, belief of itself is not faith, though it is an important element of faith. Therefore, the supernatural, Biblical speaking, occurrences, i.e., miracles, prophecy are some of the forms as to how divine testimony is given: "God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will" (Hebrews 2:4)? The very end of those supernatural manifestations are the means to an end, and that end was to authenticate the divine mission of the messengers of God. People were to receive this establish means to an end, the testimony of God as revealed in the Scriptures, and to believe on the authority of God, as they being sent from and by God.
There is one more Scriptural proof of faith to be blogged and that is next for as Christians it is Scripture, sola scriptura, that defines our faith. We are considering our faith; does it line up with Scripture or is faith placed on other things, either making the testimony of God take a second place or be not existent and filled with other emotional, or rationalized events that deem a person faithful? Why is this so important? The answer comes in the next blog.
So shall I have an answer for
him who reproaches me,
For I trust in Your word.
And take not the word of
truth utterly out of my
For I trust in Your
Psalm 119: 42-43
May You Seek the Good From God
Richard L. Crumb
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