Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Other Church Father's Views

For the LORD gives wisdom;
From His mouth come
knowledge and
He stores up sound wisdom
for the upright;
He is a shield to those who 
walk uprightly;
Proverbs 2:6-7

     The statement that what is false to the reason and the senses may be true in religion caused the Lutherans to be under the same necessity for their doctrine of the Person of Christ involves the denial of the primary truth.  The truth being that attributes cannot be separated from the substance of which they are the manifestation. Within the Lutheran Doctrine there is some contradiction concerning the Lord's supper.  This contradiction involves the assumption of the ubiquity of Christ's body, in regards to the Sacrament, that is that the body of Christ can be everywhere at the same time causing for a contradiction in terms.  In some sense this places the body of Christ in the bread of the Sacrament, yet this is not admitted in those exact terms by the Lutherans.  How important is this?  It is where and in what do we place our faith, the object of our faith.  
     It can be said that Luther's sayings on this subject are not very consistent.  While arguing against the continued obligation of monastic vows, there was no hesitation on his part to say that what was contrary to reason was contrary to God. But in regards to the sacrament and its controversy he will not allow reason to be heard.  He avows that in the things of God, reason or nature is "stock-star-and-stone blind."  Is it?  Luther adds to the confusion of his theology on this subject when He illustrates: "audacious enough to plunge in and stumble as a blind hours; but all that it explains or concludes is as certainly false and wrong as that God lives.: (Words, edit. Walch, vol. xii. pp. 399,400).  Then in another place he sounds like the Apostle Paul when he says that reason, when she attempts to speculate about divine things, becomes a fool: (cf. Romans 1:22; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31).

     Turning to Lutheran theologians we will find that they make a distinction between reason as it was before the fall and reason as it is now.  The will admit that no truth of revelation can contradict reason as such. But, it may contradict the reason of man whose faculties are clouded or ruined by sin.  What does this mean?  It did not simply mean that the unrenewed man is opposed to the truth of God and that "the things of the Spirit" are foolishness to him and it seems to him absurd that god should be found in fashion as a man and further that He should be the propitiation for sin, or have a hand, if not total authority to save man, not all men but to save one and not another and this according to His own pleasure.  This line of reasoning is compatible being taught in the Bible and believed by all Christians; therefore there is no contradiction between reason and religion. Is this so?  Now for the atheist the being of God is foolishness, and for the pantheist a personal God and immortality is foolishness.  It must be asked: "who would admit that these Doctrines are contrary to reason?  The Lutheran theologians teach that the mysteries of the Bible are above reason.  In fact they cannot be understood, nor can they be demonstrated.  Further, they teach that "the things of the Spirit" are foolishness to the natural man and are in conflict with human understanding.  Now, as they say, if by a correct process of reasoning they can be demonstrated to be false making those strict terms that what is true in religion is false in philosophy. 

     Luther recanting what the Sorbonne, the old University of Paris (1500's) stated, that what is true in religion is also true in philosophy and anyone who did not agree were heretics.  This Doctrine does nothing more than to be understood that the Doctrines of faith are to be subjected to the yoke of human reasoning.

      I am taking it slow while I discuss this subject of faith and reason, or faith and knowledge.  It is paramount that we achieve understanding on this if we are to grow and mature in our faith and not be misled by those whose presuppositions and pre-determinations cloud Biblical truths.  It is by this careful unwrapping of this tremendous subject that the gift received will enlighten and strengthen our Christian walk.

Remember me, O LORD, with
     the favor You have toward
     Your people.
Oh, visit me with Your
That I may see the benefit of
     Your chosen ones,
That I may rejoice in the
    gladness of Your nation,
That I may glory with Your
                         Psalm 106:4-5

Lord Grant Us Wisdom

Richard L. Crumb

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Early Church Fathers Weigh In

I will sing of the mercies of the
LORD forever;
with my mouth will I make
known Your faithfulness to 
all generations.
For I have said, 'Mercy shall
be built up forever;
Your faithfulness You shall
establish in the very
Psalm 89:1-2

     There has been much contention over the years between theologians and the Church fathers over faith in its various aspects; therefore for us we must wade through these contentions to be able to arrive at Biblical truth.  Why could not the early fathers do this?  Far too often a persons presuppositions override what is plainly taught in the Bible.  We must not allow our presupposition to do that for us and carefully examine their theologies and align them with the Bible.  It was the Greek fathers who conjoined religion and philosophy into harmony to form Christian Doctrines, and the Latins were inclined to represent the two as irreconcilable.  Why the Greeks and the Latins?  This blog is not giving a history lesson but the Church split into to factions, one being the Greeks at Constantinople, and the other the Latins (Rome where Latin was the language); this division is still apparent today.  Now, it was Tertullian (?200 A.D.), the man who first used the word Trinity and wrote against heresy asked these questions: "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?  The academy with the Church? What have heretics to do with Christians? Our instruction is from the porch of Solomon, who himself taught that the Lord was to be sought in the simplicity of the heart.... We need no seeking for truth after Christ; o research after the Gospel.  When we believe, we desire nothing beyond faith, because we believe that there is nothing else we should do.... to know nothing beyond is to know all things: (De Carne Christi, cap 5, Works (t. iii), p 555). The Latin Church would not go to this extreme of Tertullian, at least the most zealous  for Church Doctrines.  The denied reason, even the prerogative of judicial contradiction.  Why?  The were inclined and constrained to take this position because they need to defend Doctrines that contradicted not only reason by the senses.  One such Doctrine to be defended by the Latins was the consecrated wafer that they held as that the wafer was the real body of Christ; not just a symbol.  This they did when our senses pronounced the wafer to be bread.  Further, it was objected to on the grounds that it is impossible that a human body should be in heaven in all its totality and at the same time be on earth, or in that wafer.  How do they defend their Doctrine?  That the senses and reason are not to be trusted in the sphere of faith.  Moreover, what is false to reason and the senses may be true in religion. 

     I fear that form of reasoning and defense of a person's Doctrine that reason and senses are not to be trusted in the sphere of faith is used by those defending their non-Biblical actions, and even their Doctrines that are opposed to Scripture.  Just take it on faith, allow the Spirit to move in you, go with spiritual flow, and follow what we so eloquently propose and teach.  It feels good so it must be right.  We need to learn whether or not our senses and our reason is such that we can truth them.  Before I answer that there are still other Church fathers that have weighed in on this subject.  We must consider them and this will be done in the next blogs.  This is slow going but by taking time to assimilate this information and apply it as we move through this Doctrine you will come to the correct conclusion.  

The LORD is in His holy
The LORD's throne is in
His eyes behold,
His eyelids test the sons of 
The LORD tests the righteous,
But the wicked and the one
     who loves violence His soul
                               Psalm 11:4-5

May God lead you through your storms 
          of life.

Richard L. Crumb

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Insanity of Presumption--Faith Revealed in Philosophy

Your testimonies, which You
have commanded,
are righteous and very
Psalm 119:138

     Over the centuries Christian faith as understood by the early Church met with those men, theologians who accepted philosophical reasoning to prove and document Scriptural Doctrines.  That same acceptance has in time crept into the modern day Church.  Christian exercises and form have made quantum leaps from the original Church Fathers, the Apostles, and have espoused Christian faith in terms of philosophy; this is insanity of presumption to leave off what the Bible so plainly teaches.  Therefore, we must examine this long-standing trend among some men, some theologians in order to know what the long-standing Biblical evidence reveals. 

     Should Christians admit to supernatural revelatory obligation to receive on the authority of God those doctrines that Biblical revelation makes known?  Should those Biblical Doctrines by philosophically vindicated to command acceptance to those who would deny such revelation?  Should not by human reason concerning Scriptural Doctrines and of God, the creation, the trinity, the incarnation, redemption, sin, and the future state of man be philosophically sustained?  It was the Alexandrian School who in the early stages of Christianity undertook the effort to elevate faith of the people to knowledge of the philosophers.  Many of those early Church fathers were Platonist, and Christianity found itself transformed by the transmuting of Platonism into the Church.  It was the School-men of the Middle ages, the medieval ages who also acquiesced to this Platonist form.  It was they that received as their obligation to believe on the authority of God and of the Church this errant form of Christianity.  Even though those theologians held to the Church and it Doctrines they put forward that those Doctrines could be philosophically proved.  Some tried to demonstrated all the Doctrines of Christianity on the Leibnitzian philosophy, a phuilosophy and mathmetician and a Deist stated:
"the idea that human events can be explained by providentialism he could not accept. Deist as he was, his God was an absentee one."  Systems of Theology were developed along the thinking of such men as, Hegel, Schelling and of Schleiermacher, have almost superseded the old Biblical Doctrine.  If one were to read the volumes of work by these men that which has been noted as Speculative Theology he would not be able to discern whether he was reading Christianity or Buddhism.  There might be a few satisfactory sentences from the Bible but the truth would be so diluted by human speculation that any test would fail to detect any divine element. 

     All such attempts are futile as any empirical proof will testify.  This is not to say that this errant form of thinking has not influenced may Churches, therefore many Christians, it has and must be confronted for error breeds error.  Here is a preposterous assumption: man with his feeble mind and reasoning can explain from his own resources to vindicate and prove the deep things of God.  Does not the Bible itself teach that it is impossible to comprehend the incomprehensible?  Are not God's was past finding out?  How can we explain His nature or His acts?  How can we explain the Trinity (God in Three Persons)? Yet those self-deifying philosophers presume to know the incomprehensible apart from what the Bible teaches.  This Hegelian philosophical and Platonic thinking hold that man is God in his highest form of his existence and that philosophy is the highest style of man.  What an assertion, it is insanity of presumption that faith is revealed in philosophy.  Here is a sad fact: liberal theology has in one form or another accepted and adopted this philosophical reasoning and has placed man above God.  They don't say so in those exact words, no, they give to man what man does not have, free will to choose salvation, unless they first choose God then they receive faith, even if they admit to having faith first, how does a man who is totally depraved by sin choose anything good?  Paul writes: "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for it will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do  find.  For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me" (Romans 7:18-20).  Paul adds: "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, no indeed can it be.  So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.  But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.  Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His" (Romans 8:7-9). It can be plainly seen that man is not higher than God, and his reason is not enough to save him, yet, when God calls, enables that one to have faith, that man chooses Him.  It to that thing, or One that we place our faith upon the authority of that One that give saving faith, eternal salvation.

Hear, my children, the
     instruction of a father,
and give attention to know
For I give you good doctrine:
     Do not forsake my law.
                         Proverbs 5:1-2

May God Give You Peace

Richard L. Crumb

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Faith, Reason, Truths Revealed

Blessed be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again
to a living hope through the resurrection
of Jesus Christ from the dead,
to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled
and that does not fade away,
Reserved in heaven for you,
who are kept by the power of God
through faith for salvation
ready to be revealed in the last time.
1 Peter 1: 3-5

     The genuineness of our faith is often tested, tested by fire as we are often grieved by various trials (vs. 4, 6); yet at the end of those trials, at the very end of our faith---salvation of our souls (vs. 9) as promised is given to those whose faith is from God, testified to a person by the Holy Spirit.  When news of a loved one comes announcing the departure of that one we may, at least in some small aspect, have our faith shaken, or in the least questions about our souls come to mind.  We then try to reason out why things happen, when they happen as the timing of that departure is out of sync with our desires; anger may set in, fear may overtake a person for at least a moment.  This is the time to remember that our faith, authority is the ground of our faith.  It must be recalled that the ground of knowledge is sense or reason.  It is the authority of God on which our Christian faith is built, our faith that has received the Scriptures, the Bible, as the Word of God in all they teach, the promises that are revealed, having been taught that all are true and than on His authority. Where do we turn when trials of fire attempt to overtake us?  It is in His authority we rest our faith, our hopes, our desires, and as that old hymn sung over the years by many Christians: "Resting on the Promises of God." 

     Let me ask this: Is there any need for a supernatural revelation?  Is not our human reason competent to discover and to authenticate all the truth we need?  I wrote on rationalism in earlier blogs and attempted to demonstrate that every man's consciousness communicates to us that there are questions concerning God, about our own origin and destiny, these questions that arise in our thoughts when we lose a loved one, but our reason cannot answer.  We may look for answers from others but we know, and this a priori, no other can give satisfactory answers.  It is a fact, when considered, that we know that the wisdom of man has no answers.  Where to go for answers?  The Scriptures give the answer, first not to the world for the world by wisdom does not know God.  Why?  Because the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.  God has made then His truths to be undiscoverable by reason, especially man's salvation. 

     If truths are supernaturally revealed must they be authenticated by reason before they can be rationally received?  If so then they are received on rationality not on the ground of authority.  If we say that God can reveal nothing that cannot be reasoned by the human mind so that when known it is demonstrated to be true; then human reason is the measure of all truth.  This then allows for the assumption that there is no intelligence in the universe that is higher than man.  If that be the case, God cannot have purposes or plans, such as those things that are the grounds of reason that we cannot be competent to understand or discover.  We have no need to appreciate the authority of God for we accept only that which we can receive as true on the grounds or authority of reason.  During troubling times if we then try to reason things out by our own wisdom we may even come to a decision not to believe the testimony of God that there is a spiritual world.  We may not have a need or reason to believe any man on any subject; just on man's testimony.  Yet, we know that man does not act only on the principle of believing on that he can only understand and prove for there are many truths that is received on trust that is not able to be proved or comprehended.  If all we can prove by reason, in some wisdom of man, then the kingdom of heaven would have shut doors to the wise; all Christians then would be some form of a philosopher.  But, no man acts on those principles even as we use reason as an apology to rejects unpalatable truths.  Now, men do believe in God, in sin, in the freedom of the will, in responsibility and this without comprehended or having means to reconcile those truths with each other or with other facts of consciousness or experience.

    During those times of loss, times when darkness acts as a shroud over our faith, we attempt to reason out things because of the unfathomable situation.  We leave at the doorstep of our faith all remembrance that our faith in the promises of God is not based upon reason or any wisdom that this world may offer, but on the testimony of the Holy Spirit, and on the authority of God.  This we hold tight to our chests, we cry out to God as did the Apostles when they cried out to Jesus: "And the apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith" (Luke 17:5).  

Praise the LORD, all you
    Laud Him, all you peoples!
   For His merciful kindness is 
     great toward us,
   And the truth of the LORD
     endures forever.

                         Psalm 117:1-2

May the Peace of God Reign 
         In Your Heart.

Richard L. Crumb

Friday, May 27, 2011

Faith In the Scriptures Founded On The Testimony Of God

He indeed was foreordained
before the foundation of the world,
but was manifest in these last times for you
who through Him believe in God,
who raised Him from the dead
and gave Him glory,
so that your faith and
hope are in God.
1 Peter 1:20-21

     Peter in the above Scripture is writing to, not sinners as some suppose, rather to the elect (vs.2), speaks of faith in God and it is this Doctrine of Faith that is true and the ground of this faith is in the things of the Spirit, upon the testimony of the Spirit which produces spiritual discernment and this Doctrine can be sustained by using analogy to aid and assist you in your understanding.  If a man is blind can he see the sun?  What about a man looking at the beauty surrounding the universe, trees, flowers, etc, may be because he has no taste?  If one cannot appreciate good music, is it because he has no ear for music?  More seriously, if a man cannot see the wonder in the divine authority of the moral laws is not his moral sense blunted?  When people see all around the glory of God in all His works and in His Word, is it because his religious nature is blunted?  Now if he cannot see the glory of God in the face of Jesus, the reason rests on the fact that he is blinded by Satan the god of this world. This blunted faith cannot be perceived by those not chosen of God and for those chosen it must be remembered that the faith of God in them given as a free gift by the testimony of the Holy Spirit is well given for us by Peter: "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.  His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who were not once a people but now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy" (1 Peter 2:9-10).  

     How can a man who sees no excellence in virtue be excused?  Where can anyone find a means of excuse for a man who repudiates the moral law?  The atheist is condemned by the Bible, not only the Bible but those who have instinctive judgment.  It is the Bible that judges those that are accursed for not believing in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  This judgment is of and by God, we are not to judge any other way except by the fruit that grows from the foundation of faith, that lack or non-lack of proper fruit demonstrates a man's position in regards to his faith in Jesus Christ, in God, and in the testimony of the Holy Spirit. When God judges a man to be unworthy of the Kingdom of God and denies the excellency of the authority of God, this rejection by man is God's clearest manifestation that God has ever made to man: "If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed, O Lord, come! (1 Corinthians 16:22).  How can anyone judge the Creator of all that is created by Him for in time all the universe will acquiesce to Him?

    God's chosen, the elect from before the foundation of the world ('Romans 8:28-29). they have faith in the Scriptures and that faith is grounded upon the testimony of God.  What is meant by testimony?  It is the declaration the evidence that gives pledge to the authority of the One given His oath in support of the truth that is to be established.  It has previously been established that this faith is of different kinds, therefore this faith produces a faith that is different.  One kind of faith is that which is historical or speculative in nature and is merely grounded in the external.  We wrote on temporary faith built upon the testimony of morals that is from the power of the Spirit giving to truth that which is over the natural conscience and depends upon the state of mind where it finds its proximate cause.  Then we have written about the inward testimony of the Spirit that is of a nature and of such power as to produce a perfect revolution in the soul, a conversion, spoken in the Scriptures as one having their eyes opened to the reality, the wonders and the glories of creation.  This inward testimony of the Spirit that gives this kind of faith is so different than speculative faith.  It can be illustrated in this manner, when a blind man opens his eyes and seed the beauties of nature.  This testimony of the Spirit enabling saving faith, enables one to see the truth and all the excellent things of the Spirit.  Faith of this kind touches the conscience of the believer and it may be said that his faith is a form of knowledge.  How can this be?  First, he sees those things to be true that the Spirit reveals and authenticates.  

     Because this relation of faith to knowledge is a wide subject and has varied and endless discussion as to it; this then will be the subject of the next blog.  As the subject of faith is elucidated to you in all its forms, remember it is the faith founded on the testimony of the Spirit that is of the kind that is so all important; it is saving faith, saved by the free gift of God, not temporary, but eternal, eternal life.  As James so clearly pronounces, faith, true saving faith produces works and that faith is justified, not that works saves an individual, rather it is this justification by works that proceeds from that inward faith.(James 2:24).

The LORD is good,
A stronghold in the day of 
And He knows those who
     trust Him.
                     Nahum 1:7

May You Trust and Obey God
For there is no other way.

Richard L.Crumb 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Poofs For The Principle of Faith

And the apostles said to the Lord,
"Increase our faith."
So the Lord said,
"If you have faith as a mustard seed,
You can say to mulberry tree,
'Be pulled up by the roots
and be planted in the sea,"
and it would obey you.
Luke 17: 5-6

     The illumination of faith has shown that the ground for saving faith is due to the inward testimony of the Holy Spirit.  That principle was the adhering factor sustaining them while they obeyed and went about announcing the truth demanding that this truth be received instantly even under the pain of eternal death.  This fact is never to be taken lightly for that is the two choices, believe and be saved or don't believe and be condemned.  Did not Jesus Christ demand the same?  For He said: "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3:18). How is it that one who is totally depraved believe?  As has been elucidated; God calls you and draws you, and enables you, to have the faith to believe, when you decide to act on that calling and live your life according to His Word is the choice you make towards that calling.  God will continue to chastise you until you act upon that faith,  Jesus demanded immediate action of faith, this demand was the message preached by the Apostles, this message that seems so harsh to the natural mind, yet that demand was reasonable and just.  Yet, we do not enjoy what God will do, how far He will go because of His love for His children: "And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: "My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the LORD loves He chastens (Proverbs 3:11-12), and scourges every son whom He receives" (Hebrews 12:5-6). This immediacy to receive that which the Lord provides is reasonable on the ground of the evidence of the truth.  But, to say that the external evidence provides proofs of the Divinity of Christ and of His Word could not be that which is needed for saving faith, for there were and are many who have not heard that Gospel, no could it be that grounded on rational proof or philosophical arguments for even then few have or can appropriate or apprehend such evidence, this avails nothing, cannot produce appreciation to produce saving faith.  How then can we receive this evidence so demanded by God at the moment of it announcement?  It is grounded on the truth itself.  Now if this assent be obligatory and to dissent or unbelief be a sin as the above Scripture so plainly declares, then the nature of the evidence must be so that to those who do not believe, being corrupt, his very soul cannot by his insensibility receive it: "But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.  For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bond servants for Jesus' sake.  For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:3-6).  

     What is learned from the Scriptures so stated is that when and where this Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached the evidence of His Divinity is plainly revealed as the glory of God shines in His face.  If any man fails to see that light, it is because the god of this world has blinded their eyes to the truth, this light available to illuminate the truth and bring to them saving faith.  Now if any do believe and receive that light, it is not because they have somehow conjured up enough faith, or lean upon some good works they have done, NO! it is because of that inward illumination given to them by Him, the One who commanded that the light shine out of darkness.  This is the supernatural, nothing is more supernatural that the fact that our faith, that saving faith is due to the work of God for there is no other way that man who has been blinded by the god of this world can receive such faith.  Paul writes: "As it is written: 'There is none righteous, no not one" (Ecclesiastes 7:20); "There is none who understands (Psalms 14:1-3); "There is none who seeks after God.  They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; there is none who does good, no, not one" (Psalms 14:1-3; 53:1-3; Ecclesiastes 7:20); "Their throat is an open tomb; with their tongues they have practiced deceit" (Psalms 5:9); "The poison of asps is under their lips" (Psalm 10:7); "Their feet are swift to shed blood: destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known" (Isaiah 59:7-8); "There is no fear of god before their eyes" (Psalms 36:1), (Romans 3:10-18).  Do not despair for with God who saves there is hope for in His righteousness and our sins justified, paid for by His Son Jesus Christ: "but now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe.  For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom bod set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus" (Romans 3:21-26).

     Looking at Christ and the Apostles we see them acting on this principle and so have all faithful ministers, those missionaries being for us examples of that principle and acting on that principle.  It is plain to see, they do not have any expectation that men would be saved by some historical evidence or evidence produced by philosophical means or arguments:  They depended on the demonstration of the Holy Spirit.  All that historical evidence and all the philosophical arguments can do is give some aid to our faith, but cannot produce that faith, saving faith, that is the work of the testimony inward in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

"Blessed are those whose
     lawless deeds are forgiven,
   And whose sins are covered;
   Blessed is the man to whom 
     the LORD shall not impute
                            Romans 4:7-8

May the Peace of God Fall 
      Upon you!

Richard L. Crumb

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Faith Due To The Inward Testimony Of God

But the natural man 
does not receive 
the things of the Spirit of God,
for they are foolishness to him;
nor can he know them, 
because they are spiritually discerned
1 Corinthians 2:14

     It is saving faith that is discussed and differentiated from other forms of faith.  Saving faith is all important as it does for us what other forms of faith cannot do; it gives to those who have received this faith eternal life with God.  This blog is about the Scripture heading, 1 Corinthians 2:14, with supporting verses and must be taken fully in context and  understand that saving faith is faith spiritually discerned.  Allow me to recite the next verse (vs. 15); "but he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one? (1 Corinthians 2:15). This Scripture clearly with all clearness teaches that Spiritual things are the things that are revealed by the Holy Spirit; therefore to be one who has come to spiritual discernment that discernment came by means of the testimony of the Holy Spirit.  Paul writes of the "natural man" who is the unrenewed man and does not receive this "spiritual discernment for he cannot "οὐ δύναται," he has not the power as the Greek plainly states; to know is not from man himself for he cannot know and they are "foolishness" to him; therefore to have this discernment, it must come from outside of the natural man.  This "flys" in the face of those holding to the Arminian theology and the subject of "free will" which will be written about in future blogs in full examination.  The natural man cannot receive Spiritual discernment but the spiritual man can and he is spiritual by means of the Spirit that dwells in him, and give to him the testimony of faith.  Having the Spirit dwell within man and due to his spiritual enlightenment, receives what the Holy Spirit dispenses, spiritual discernment and he apprehends the truth and the excellence of that spiritual discernment.  It is spiritual due to the fact that the Holy Spirit operates in him and because of the conformity of the truths that he has discerned and that by the nature of the Holy Spirit.  It can be said that he apprehends this spiritual discernment of faith, and that only by the operation of the Holy Spirit for he the natural man, cannot conjure up in any way this discernment. 

     Allow me to add illumination from the Scriptures.  Peter, confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God: "Jesus answered and said to him, 'Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 16:17).  Were there not other men in close proximity to Jesus?  Why then did they not confess this truth as did Peter?  Some might point to the fact of evidence, that evidence being Jesus and the signs and wonders performed by Jesus.  Even the Pharisee wanted to see a sign from Jesus, so that they could believe but Jesus answered: But He answered and said to them, 'An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah" (Matthew 12:39). This and other occasions people wanted to see a sign but still did not believe, in fact some walked away even after having been a disciple of Jesus.  So a sign is not the single evidence on which to put your faith, so then what?  it is by the testimony of the Holy Spirit injected, so to speak, inwardly, to the heart and soul of man.  In fact, God will hide these things from some: "At that time Jesus answered and said, 'I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes" (Matthew 11:25).  Everyone received the revelation(s) but beside those revelations it was those called "babes" that received the inward testimony which made them believers.  Antecedent to belief is faith and that faith is not of yourselves but that which is of the Holy Spirit.  Try as one might he cannot have faith simply because he sees the good in it and desires it, there is something outside of man, separate from him that enables him to have faith: "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.  It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be taught by God.' " therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father  comes to me" (John 6:44-45).  The Apostle tells us about the external evidence, the rational evidence all which was an offense to the Jews and to the Gentiles, but was called the wisdom and the power of God.  Why did one have faith and the other did not? Was it because one had superior knowledge?  NO!  It was due to the inward testimony of divine influence, they are the "κλῆσιν." the called, and are the subjects of that calling.  

     Another example is that of the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus.  Was not his conversion instantaneous?  Was not his heart changed?  this was not due to some moral susceptibility to the truth on his part, there to was no visible manifestation of Christ that changed him!  He was transformed in a moment, How?  Let Paul answer this: "But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son to me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood" (Galatians 1:15-16).  This change in Saul's (Paul's) character was caused by nothing less than the testimony of the Holy Spirit, this inward grace of God.  It was inward and supernatural that enabled him to see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  Why then would Paul pray for the saints in Ephesus to give them the Holy Spirit if this spiritual discernment could come be other means that by the testimony inward of the person by the Holy Spirit?   Paul states: "...that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints" (Ephesians 1:17-18).  

     In examining the Bible it is clear and evident throughout its pages; any one who believes does not do so because of his subjective state; rather it is due to the work of the Spirit on his heart.  You might have faith in objects seen externally or in your mind, but saving faith comes on by the influence and by the inward testimony of the Holy Spirit.  We still need to add some proofs of this fact and this is the subject of the next blog.  

Give ear to my weords, O LORD, 
Consider my meditation,
Give heed to the voice of my
  My King and my God,
  For to You I will pray.
                 Psalm 5:1

God Bless You

Richard L. Crumb

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Proof of Faith Declarations of Scripture

Ephraim has encircled Me
with lies
And the house of Israel with
But Judah still walks with
Even with the Holy One who
is faithful.
Hosea 11:12

     Scripture declares that the doctrine is faithfully declared in His Word.  God's promises are sure and we can have explicit trust in their fulfillment and when He spoke of sending the Holy Spirit for this purpose to declare this doctrine we should have no doubt: "Nevertheless I tell you the truth.  It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.  And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment" (John 16:7-8).  The sin the Holy Spirit comes to convict is that of not believing in Jesus Christ: "of sin because they do not believe in Me; righteousness, because I go to My father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged" (John 16:9-11).  You must receive righteousness, the rightfulness of His claims as the Son of God that takes away the sin of the world and be received as a son of God.  When it comes to judgment, that is the overthrow of Satan's kingdom and the triumph of light.  There can be no question; faith is one of the gifts of the Spirit, a gift from God and this by the very energy of God:
"ἐν καὶ συνηγέρθητε (raised together) διά (through) τῆς πίστεως (the faith) τῆς ἐνεργείας (in the workings) τοῦ θεοῦ (of God), τοῦ ἐγείραντος αὐτὸν ἐκ τῶν νεκρῶν (you were raised out of (from) death" (Colossians 2:12).  Further we are instructed that it was of God's power towards those who believe: ...and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 1:19-20). The second chapter of 1 Corinthians declares that faith comes not by the wisdom of men: "... that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God" (1 Corinthians 2:5). Here is the truth that must be inculcated into our thinking: faith does not rest on argument, on historical or philosophical proof; rather faith is founded upon the testimony of the Holy Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit that demonstrates to our minds and hearts the truth and produces conviction and delight.  The testimony of God is given to men by the testimony of the Holy Spirit; therefore unbelief is the rejecting of that testimony.  John the Apostle writes: "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things,....but the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him" (1 John 2:20,27).
     This is what has been taught and hopefully learned: That true Christians receive from Jesus Christ an anointing (an unction); that this anointing or unction is the Holy Spirit; that by means of the the Holy Spirit and this anointing you receive knowledge and conviction of truth; further it is taught that this inward teaching of the Holy Spirit causes them to be believers is abiding and secures them from apostasy: "And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.  My father, who has given them to Me, is grater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand" (John 10:28-29).  Here is great truth and joy, the Son and the Father are declared to be One and that by the commonness of both the Father and the Son declaring that no one can snatch His sheep (vs. 26-27) out of their hand is comforting and securing that our faith, a gift from God, testified to His sheep by the Holy Spirit inculcating that faith into our hearts and minds, we are secure and heaven bound on the last day when Jesus comes for His bride.  Jesus said: "I and My Father are One" (John 10:30).
The backslider in heart will be
     filled with his won ways,
but a good man will be
     satisfied from above. 
                               Proverbs 14:14

The LORD is good
Richard L. Crumb

Monday, May 23, 2011

Why Believe the Scriptures and Doctrines

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable 
for doctrine, reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness, 
that every man of God
may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for
every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17

     This consideration of the testimony of the Spirit in regards to our faith continues as we deeply examine this subject adding to the foundation that underpins our faith, our belief, and our truth.  The testimony of the Spirit is an inward testimony, what the Scriptures call: "I am Your servant; give me understanding (discernment), that I may know Your testimonies" (Psalm 119:125). There is two aspects to "spiritual discernment," the first, a discernment due to the influence of the Spirit; and the second, not only discernment concerning truth, there is the testimony of holiness, excellence, and glory of the things discerned.  It is clearly manifested that within this "spiritual testimony" there are two aspects, the influence of the Holy Spirit, and the objects that are spiritually discerned to be above all else.  These objects are not to be considered "spiritual" in of themselves, rather because the intention is to indicate what type it sets forth, not the type itself, is intended.This is why the Law is said to be spiritual: "For we know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold under sin" (Romans 7:14).  The Law is holy, good, and just, it is spiritually discerned: But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).  This testimony of faith finds its grounding in delight and complacency, or love. In today's vernacular the word "complacency has taken a somewhat pejorative meaning, to be lax, but that is not what the word means, it means to have quite pleasure or security; this is found in the testimony of the Spirit.  It is to our nature and our necessities that we apprehend the appropriateness of this testimony.  We come to to obtain a conviction of the truth of these things and that they are divine.  This faith comes into our lives and produces works of holiness of heart and good works of life, without such faith cannot be of the testimony of the Spirit: "For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.  But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does" (James 1:22-25). 

     Ask yourself this question: "Why do you believe the Scriptures and the doctrines that it contains?  How can you believe on a non-visible being?  Is this not foolish to the world?  Yes!  So what is the answer?  It is simple and yet profound: On the testimony or authority of God.  It is on the authority of God that we are sure of the testimony for if God has not all authority then how can He be God?  For God to be something less allows for error and that error can be found in many so-called Christian religions, especially in such as the Mormons that believe and teach that there are many gods and that even man can become a god.  Such foolishness!  These are not gods with authority, only a wild imagination formed to tickle itching ears.  Yet we believe that God created the worlds, that mankind sinned and all the progeny of Adam are sinful as he is the federal head of man, and that you believe that Jesus Christ came into the world by means of a virgin, live, suffered and died, so that our sins would have propitiation and that we would be secure.  How can this be?  Again, there is no other foundation except that be on the testimony and authority of God.  It may be further asked; "How can we believe in the Bible?"  Those who are educated, (they thing too much looking for answers in all the wrong places, they place their faith on reason) will say, by miracles, by signs, and wonders, through excellence and authority with power: "... I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes" (Matthew 11:25b).  God is not speaking here of "babes" as in little children, no one would in their right mind acquiesce to a "babe" that cannot have the discernment as an adult, rather it is speaking metaphorically of the unsophisticated in mind and trustful in disposition.  We come to God upon the faith He gives as a child.  We must become and claim as did the man healed of blindness: "He answered and said, 'Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know; that though I was blind, now I see" (John 9:25). You see, all believes come to Jesus the same way, first we are in a state of unbelief and then you come to be one of saving faith, not by some process, not by any works you do, not by founding your faith upon miracles, and wonders, the supernatural, being taught how to be supernatural, that which is condemned in the Bible; but by the inward testimony of the Holy Spirit.  This change may come in a moment as it often does.  Faith in the Bible is as is being analogous to the moral law, our belief in the moral law, for we recognize both as being the truth, but having as its foundation the authority of God.  Natural man can and does perceive the moral law as belief it to be true but the renewed man is enabled, in fact you cannot come to salvation through the propitiation of Jesus on the cross unless: And He said, 'Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father" (John 6:54). It is God who gives His children the ability to stand in the faith for it is He who gives all good things: "God is my strength and power, and He makes my was perfect.  he makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on high places" (2 Samuel 22:33-34).  Paul writes: "Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of god leads you to repentance" (Romans 2:4)?

     The renewed man can perceive the "things of the Spirit" and that by the testimony of that Spirit and by the truth embedded in his heart.  It then becomes imperative to ground our faith in the proofs of Scripture that express this declaration that it is by the testimony of the Spirit which is given to His children and enables us to become renewed, converted, secure for eternity.  This is the next effort to be addressed.

O LORD, I will praise You;
though You were angry with 
Your anger is truned away, 
     and You comfort me.
Behold, God is my salvaton,
I will trust and not be afraid;
For Yah, the LORD, is my 
      strength and song,
He also has become my
                        Isaiah 12:1-2

May God give you peace and strength

Richard L. Crumb

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Testimony of the Spirit

Where can I go from Your 
Or where can I flee from Your
If I ascend into heaven, You
are there;
If I take the wings of the morning,
and dwell in the uttermost 
parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall 
lead me,
and Your right hand shall
hold me.
Psalm 139: 7-10

     Giving full credence to the testimony of the Spirit and admitting that the Spirit is the ground of saving faith; it is imperative that we examine this subject.  What is meant by the testimony of the Spirit?  It is also to be admitted by true Christians that God, or the Spirit of God (the third person of the Godhead) testifies to the truth of Scripture and of the doctrines that is contained in Scripture.  That last statement is huge demanding that we come to understand how it is that God, or the Spirit of God testifies the truth to His children.  Paul writes: "But the natural man does not receive the things of he Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to  him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14) The Greek is very potent in this Scripture and must be fully understood as one of many Scriptures that say the same thing and has tremendous application: (καὶ οὐ δύναται γνῶναι); this means (καὶ) and (οὐ) not, (δύναται; third person plural, present Indicative)  they know, or to be able, (γνῶναι) they know; this statement of fact is that they do not know, they cannot know, now or ever in the present.  So then, the question as to how a person comes to know that they have or are receiving the testimony of the Spirit, especially in regard to their faith and answer is needed if we are to have saving faith.  This testimony of truth, as has been seen, is partly external: i.e., prophecies and miracles, and partly due to the nature of truths themselves as they are related to the intellectual and moral elements of the soul, or by the special and supernatural.  I am not here speaking of the gifts of the Spirit or some supernatural religion as found in some churches; I will examine the supernatural in later blogs.  Rather it is a fact that people that are unrenewed at times feel the power of the first two types of testimony, they even believe with a faith that is merely intellectual or speculative (we covered speculative faith) or from it ground, a moral faith (philanthropists fall into this category), which is only temporary.  For the regenerated they conform to the spiritual from of testimony.  This form of faith is unfathomable, and unable to be analyzed.  Why?  Because the Holy Spirit in its operation does not reveal themselves to the consciousness by any other means than their effects.  Read carefully; men are known that they are born of the Spirit and that the Spirit dwells in them; How?  by their thoughts, feelings, and actions.  A true faith is demonstrated by action for faith comes to a person, then followed by action; not the other way around such seems to be the case for churches that highlight the supernatural and spiritual.  The true regenerated person is continually influenced by the Holy Spirit.  How do we know this is true?  The Bible!  The Bible's teaching!  Interesting, not that we are conscious of His operations: "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.  So is everyone who is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8).

     This is hard for some people to grasp for they in the natural want to have all the answers and for many it is the Bible that affirms their faith.  This is not the case as the Spirit is not an affirmation that the Bible is the Word of God.  This witness of the Spirit is not some blind production that is blind and unintelligent testimony a conviction of fact.  As with man, the case being such that as with human testimony, the mind is addressed from external elements, rather it is within the mind itself.  The Spirit of truth is the witness designed to influence to produce faith.  Allow me to go slow: faith is produced by the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of God.  Faith is a gift given to men as they are influenced by the Holy Spirit.  Well! you might ask, then why do some people go to hell?  Is not the Holy Spirit attempting at least in some manner to influence all men?  No!  Isaiah records: "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, 'My counsel (purpose) shall stand.  And I will do all  pleasure" (Isaiah 46:10).  God's purpose is always done, it shall stand and be accomplished; therefore when Paul writes: "(for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, ot of w ords but of Him who calls" (Romans 9:11).  It is by God, the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead, that by the means of Jesus the Savior that He elects some to be influenced and not others, otherwise the whole world would be saved making Jesus' death upon the cross void as a propitiation for sins.  Men, and women or influenced according to the purpose of God, this being done before the foundation of the world (Romans 8:28:29; Ephesians 1:4; to name a couple verses).  This witness or testimony is called such in Scripture because it has the essential nature of testimony for those given to Jesus (John 17:9) are influenced by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.  This witness is a pledge of the authority of God in support of the truth.

     I will take this slow and deliberate and add more proofs in the next blog and then follow that with proofs from Scripture.  This is systematic, and important to digest and assimilate the truth of God's word adding to the foundation of your faith.  Your conviction will stand solidly upon this knowledge of the operations of God towards His people.  It is exciting to know that God, Himself, has chosen His people and our faith, saving faith is demonstrated in our lives. 

"Let us hear the conclusion of
      whole matter:
Fear God and keep His
  For this is man's all,
For God will bring every work
     into judgment,
including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil."
                         Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Let everything that has breath
     praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD!

Richard L. Crumb

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Different Kinds of Faith

To open their eyes,
in order to turn them
from darkness to light,
and from the power of
Satan to God,
that they may receive
forgiveness of sins
and an inheritance among those
who are sanctified by faith in Me.
Acts 26:18

     We must be faithful to Scripture and take the Bible seriously examining our steps before the Lord.  It is a true statement: "error begets error."  As Peter wrote: "Beloved, I now write to you third epistle (in both of  which I stir up our pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior" (2 Peter 3:1-2).  Taking serious the matter of faith we continue in this examination so that we are prepared to defend our faith when asked (1 Peter 3:15), as well as to undergird our faith.  Therefore, the definition that faith be the persuasion of the truth founded on testimony is admitted to be accepted, yet there are different kinds of faith.  How so?  The word faith designated by the mind is different in one case from what it is in others.  How can this be?  This difference partly stems from the nature of its objects, and partly from the nature or form of the testimony on which it is founded.  When faith is defined as a historical fact or a speculative truth; that is one thing; when it is supposed, to be an emotion and sensation, this being in opposition to its actuality as something intellectually understood in a theoretical non practical manner, or faith founded in moral truth, being another thing, faith in spiritual truth, especially when our faith is found in the promise of salvation made to ourselves another thing, then what must be said is that the state of mind gives, it another name, or designates faith in another, very different manner in each of the cases listed above, one from the other.  Therefore, God's testimony to truth is able to sustain that truth as different in kinds.  In one form it is directed especially to the understanding; in another to the conscience, in another to our regenerated nature.  It is then that there are three kinds of faith, speculative, temporary, and saving faith.

     Is it not true, and many of us can testify to that truth, that many people believe the Bible to be true, the Word of God and they receive unto themselves all that it teaches being orthodox in their doctrinal belief.  If you know of one, ask them the question, "why do they believe?"  I have, and I find that in almost every case the person is at a loss for an answer.  After they ponder the question for some time answers are given to say that they believe because others believe.  How often have you heard that a person is a "Christian" because mom and dad were Christian, or that the family has always gone to church, read the Bible and considered themselves to be Christian?  In fact many can refer back to the teachings they receive from their parent(s) from childhood, and even the church to which they belong inculcates this faith to them that this is true and necessary.  Here next is probably the most common reasons given for their faith: the evidence of the divine origin of the Bible, that evidence being within and from an external source, satisfying their minds and producing a rational conviction that the Scriptures are from God, to be believed because they are based upon His authority.  Yes, it has been written in these blogs that faith should be by necessity founded on the authority of God.  This is admitted, yet, if our faith even when founded on the authority of God is based upon simple rationalization from outside influence and even within Scripture as that which we so enjoin as a rational conviction is a faith that experience teaches and the problem or error is that this is compatible with worldly or wicked life.  This faith is what is known as dead faith.  Even Satan had faith that Jesus was the Son of God and could, although erroneously quoted, quoted Scripture; and faith founded upon speculation in no way can be faith that is alive and well, functioning in the lives of persons leading them to grow in their sanctification.  This is a leading manner of display in the liberal churches, they speak of God's word as being the sole authority yet holding often to a theory that the Bible is not infallible (that is contradictory but is preached and believed) and those outward demonstrations are evidence of their faith.  All that is  nothing more that speculation, built upon other things than true Biblical faith.

     Another form of faith is temporary faith, even though it may be deep and in some cases lasting impression. 
Even Spurgeon warned about the potential for confusing any system16 with salvation:
Even the statistics compiled using the invitation system show that only a very small percentage of "professors" show any signs of conversion even a few weeks after the decision. According to Sterling Huston, a survey after a crusade in the Pacific Northwest indicated that only 16 percent of the inquirers became new additions to the churches. While one should be appalled at the low rate of retention, Huston actually considers this a significant fact showing the value of the crusade!  Charles Haddon Spurgeon added:

Sometimes shut up that enquiry-room. I have my fears about that institution if it be used in permanence, and as an inevitable part of the services.... If you should ever see that a notion is fashioning itself that there is something to be got in the private room which is not to be had at once in the assembly, or that God is more at that penitent form than elsewhere, aim a blow at that notion at once
 It was men such as Charles Finney in his "New Measures" and the "Anxious Seat"  the calling for people to step forward to claim their salvation that has invaded the church producing a temporary faith.  Those great men of faith had this to say:
Two centuries ago, evangelist George Whitefield warned about this danger:
I am glad you know when persons are justified. It is a lesson I have not yet learnt. There are so many stony ground hearers, who receive the Word with joy, that I have determined to suspend my judgment till I know the tree by its fruits. That makes me so cautious now, which I was not thirty years ago, of dubbing converts so soon. I love now to wait a little, and see if people bring forth fruit; for there are so many blossoms which March winds you know blow away, that I cannot believe they are converts till I see fruit brought back; it will never do a sincere soul any harm.
Likewise Spurgeon warned:
Sometimes we are inclined to think that a very great portion of modern revivalism has been more a curse than a blessing, because it has led thousands to a kind of peace before they have known their misery; restoring the prodigal to the Father's house, and never making him say, Father, I have sinned."
In The Soul Winner. Spurgeon cautions against using pressure to secure quick decisions:
It very often happens that the converts that are born in excitement die when the excitement is over.... Some of the most glaring sinners known to me were once members of a church; and were, as I believe, led to make a profession by undue pressure, well-meant but ill-judged
     Therefore this temporary faith far too often fails  person because in times of trouble they become indifferent or even skeptical.  This is found many times at times of death even though previously they were convinced of their faith and the truth of Scripture.  Often disregarded and rejected when trials and tribulations beset their lives.  What kind of faith is this?  Faith due to common faith, faith that all men in some measure recognize and admit or just enjoy: "that you may be sons of your Father in heaven: for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matthew 5:45).  This common grace all men receive is due to the influence of the Holy Spirit, even working on the soul of men, yet without renewing it, never being received so as the truth is revealed to the consciousness and cause it to produce conviction.

      The final different faith is; saving faith, that which secures eternal life uniting His people, those given to Him by His Father to become living members of His body, making us the sons of God with all that is of our interest and benefit of redemption.  It is faith that produces love, works by love and is fruitful in good works, that which is the outcrop of faith, first faith, then good works as an evidence of that faith, but is not founded upon the moral evidence of the truth, but on the testimony of the Spirit with and by the truth to the renewed soul. 

     It is now imperative that we examine what is meant by the testimony of the Spirit; that is the next blog.

"You, Lord, in the beginning
     laid the foundation of the earth
And the heavens are the work
     of your hands.
They will perish, but You
And they will all grow old like
      a garment;
Like a cloak You will fold
    them up,
And they will be changed.
But You are the same,
And Your years will not fail."
                          Hebrews 1:10-13

May God's Word be sounded deep
into your heart.

Richard L. Crumb

Friday, May 20, 2011

Faith Founded on Testimony

"Just as Abraham 'believed God,
and it was accounted
to him for righteousness.'"
"Therefore know that only those 
who are of faith are 
sons of Abraham."
Galatians 3:6

     Scriptures teach us that faith is a revelation of truth on the ground of testimony.  This is illustrated to us in the examples and illustrations of faith delivered to us in the Scriptures.  The earliest example is that of Eve who had sinned when she listened to the serpent and ate the fruit that she was forbidden to eat followed by Adam willfully doing the same bringing sin into the world and all his progeny.  To the woman God made a promise that from her seed would come the one who would bruise the serpent's head; what possible ground would there be for this promise except that it be grounded on the authority of God?  Was not Noah warned of a coming flood?  Was he not commanded to build an ark?  It had never rained before, in fact the world was watered by a mist from the warmth of the air due to the water canopy above the earth, yet he believed and did prepare for the coming flood.  Was it due to some signs of an approaching flood?  No!  The weather did not change, all was going on as before, men were wicked in all their ways, so was it because Noah to his moral judgment that would assure him for his safety?  No!  Simply upon the testimony of God he acted and was saved, him and his wife and three sons with their wives, eight souls in all.  Now Abram (later Abraham) residing in the land of far away from Canaan, in fact in the region of a later city, Babylon, a place of great immorality and idolatry, was given the word from the LORD to leave there and go where he did not know where he was going only later to be given the land of Canaan as a promise from God.  It was to Abraham that God promised to bless all the nations of the earth through his seed; where is the foundation for Abraham's faith?  No other foundation than the testimony of God based upon the authority of God.  This faith as has been illustrated can be illustrated further in the Book of Hebrews chapter eleven.  It is the same throughout the whole Bible.  

     We have no other foundation for our faith in a spiritual world, in the heaven or hell described in Scripture, not even in the doctrines of redemption, in our security and ultimate glorification of the Church (ekklesia); none other than the authority of God.  If faith does not rest on testimony then on what does it rest?  Did not Paul preach Christ crucified, risen, and in the heaven at the right hand of God?  Does not the Gospel rest on the resurrection of Jesus from the dead?  It is further admitted that if Jesus did not rise from the dead then our faith is in vain and we are still in our sins.  Our faith, our assurance, is predicated upon that Gospel that Jesus rose on the third day and rests solely upon the testimony, testimony given in Scripture by God in various ways to that fact of the resurrection.  

     Here is an important point:  if our faith, or our persuasion, rests on philosophical grounds, these truths of the Bible, then upon that philosophical premise the door is wide open for rationalism and rationalism leads to fatalism, such as to be found in Pantheism.  If our faith, our persuasion is resting upon feeling, then once again the door is swung open only this time to mysticism.  Upon the authority of God we can find assurance and be satisfied that our faith based on the testimony of God is inerrant and will not deceive us. 

     Here is a true definition:  faith is the persuasion of the truth founded on testimony.  This is the only manner that faith as a proposition can be found, to be excepted as true, that is, upon testimony, and that upon authority; in the case of the Bible the authority is God.  Therefore, the faith of a true Christian is the persuasion of truth of the facts and the doctrines recorded for us in the Scriptures and that upon the testimony of God. 

     When faith is not founded upon the authority of God and the testimony of His Scriptures, then the door is wide open for error.  Error in practice, in doctrine, in worship because faith is then founded upon emotions, feelings, and demonstration that make a person feel as though they have faith, and yet, not have true faith of a true Christian.  To be sure, and safe, I am speaking of faith, salvation is from God, through His Son's death resurrection and ascension into heaven, that is between a person and the Holy Spirit.  But how we worship, how we demonstrate, whether as solid men and women of the faith, or as in some mystical gyrations that can be found in many pagan religions, and in some churches, for them to be faithful it must be outlandishly demonstrated.  I say this because if we do not found our faith on God, His authority, and a clear and exegetical interpretation of the Bible, that supposed faith is in vain.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
    and the love of God,
and the communion 
     of the Holy Spirit
Be with you all.  Amen.
                       2 Corinthians 13:14

May God Bless You

Richard L. Crumb

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Faith of Christians

For we were saved in this hope,
but hope that is seen is not hope;
for why does one still hope
for he sees?
But if we hope
for what we do not see,
we eagerly wait for it 
with perseverance. 
Romans 8: 24-25

     It is the Scriptures that are our teacher and give proof of our faith for it is this reception of truth grounded on the testimony, the authority of God.  We are commanded to place our faith in Him, based on the Scriptures which are the revelation from God concerning His Son.  So what is faith?  It  receiving as true what God has testified; that is, that He testified the truth; there is none other on which a true Christian ground his faith; it is upon God and God alone.  Many so-called, and I say so-called only on the basis of their fruit demonstrated upon the true Word of God and falling short of His glorious Word of Truth, that place their faith, or trust in antics and supposed revelations, visions, and gibberish language that they deem evidence for their faith.  The problem in the least is that this form of belief or faith does not have as their contact or ground  faith in God.  No matter what is said, their fruit belies the truth.  John writes: "He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe god has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son.  And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son" (John 5:10-11).  This statement by God demands our attention for no other way could it be said so succinctly as to the nature of faith.  The object of our faith is revealed by God to us as is the testimony of God.When we receive that testimony, we seal it with our faith that God is true.  to reject that testimony is to make God be a liar; that He is not.  John writes: "If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son" (1 John 5:9). 

     Scriptures are constantly teaching us that the ground on which we are authorized and commanded to believe is, not the conformity or truth that is revealed to our reason; we covered faith and reason earlier that reason cannot define or authorize our faith, not does feeling, a thing which is the hallmark of many liberal churches that place the supernatural and gifts above all else even when quoting Scripture, nor is the necessities of our nature or condition met; but simply, "This saith the Lord."  All the previous things mentioned may strengthen and commend themselves to the reason, they do affect our feelings, let us understand here, the fact that God would come to this earth for creatures that have sinned against Him and by being the federal head of all creation, and by His justice has the necessity to bring forth a penal judgment; instead out of His great love He comes, the Son of God, to pay what we cannot pay; what more can be said or done to raise our feeling, deep feelings, that no other event, or action can touch our inner soul.  Yes our necessities of our nature are met as creatures and as sinners, we are inclined to believe, we may even cherish it and it brings to us joy and is effective: but, they are not its ground.  WE BELIEVE ON THE TESTIMONY OR AUTHORITY OF GOD!

     It will not be admitted that true Christians believe the Bible to be true on any other ground than the testimony or authority of God.  Some, even so-called Christians, have as their ground the fulfillment of prophecy, or the miracles, it contents and the effects it has and claim that is the ground for faith.  Those things which the Bible speaks and confirms are rational grounds for believing the Bible to be from God, but as written earlier, belief of itself is not faith, though it is an important element of faith.  Therefore, the supernatural, Biblical speaking, occurrences, i.e., miracles, prophecy are some of the forms as to how divine testimony is given: "God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will" (Hebrews 2:4)?  The very end of those supernatural manifestations are the means to an end, and that end was to authenticate the divine mission of  the messengers of God.  People were to receive this establish means to an end, the testimony of God as revealed in the Scriptures, and to believe on the authority of God, as they being sent from and by God. 

     There is one more Scriptural proof of faith to be blogged and that is next for as Christians it is Scripture, sola scriptura, that defines our faith. We are considering our faith; does it line up with Scripture or is faith placed on other things, either making the testimony of God take a second place or be not existent and filled with other emotional, or rationalized events that deem a person faithful?  Why is this so important?  The answer comes in the next blog.

So shall I have an answer for
     him who reproaches me,
For I trust in Your word.
And take not the word of 
     truth utterly out of my 
For I trust in Your 
                   Psalm 119: 42-43

May You Seek the Good From God

Richard L. Crumb

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Handling Objections to Previous Definitions of Faith

Oh, love the LORD, all you His
For the LORD preserves the
and fully repays the proud
Psalm 31:23

     We last left off this blog with a question about a couch in a room as to whether or not it was still in the room after you left or was it simply in your mind?  We know what is present to the mind, the couch was present in the mind while we were in the room with it, and we believe with the mind that the couch is still in the room when we are absent.  In fact, if we came back to the room where the couch was and it was gone, we still can imagine it in the room, in the same place we last saw, with all its beauty, but it is absent, and therefore we still believe it existed, in fact we have the knowledge that it existed, only now that knowledge is belief, not the actual presence of the couch.  There are two questions that object to this definition of faith.  First, the objection is to this presentation and that is the ambiguity of the words present and absent as used.  Let me ask this; when is an object present? When is it absent?  Sounds like easy questions, and they are when it comes to objects that are material or an external event.  Now when the senses are affected, the objects are present and when not present the senses are not effect.  Just like that couch, when we actually saw it it was present and it affected the senses, but when we left the room the couch remains (unless moved) where it is, and we recall the image of it.  I hear the question: " What does all that have to do with faith?"  Hang on!  

     How is all this with propositions?  Does not the Bible say all men are sinners?  That is a proposition, there is no actual external source, unless you add the actions of a sinful person, yet once you see their actions there is knowledge as with the couch, and then we would wander off into an exegesis of sin which is a different hypothesis to examine, but what about this proposition, "all men are sinners?"  The truth, when the Bible announces that proposition is present in the mind.  We do not know it.  We cannot prove it.  It cannot be known or proven even by external actions of themselves, so how do we know or prove that "men are sinners?"  By the authority of God.  Does not the Scriptures teach that Christ died as a ransom for many?  Was not Christ born, even born of a virgin (Mary) live as a child, grew up to be a man, preached and taught for some 3 1/2 years, die upon a cross?  Is this not a historical fact that has been announced?  Not only that the purpose of His death is announced.  We have a truth present in the mind, and this is an object of our faith.  I will address, after the blogs on faith, the existence of God, and the infallibility of Scripture, but faith must be understood first, for without faith have proven ground to stand upon, any consideration of faith will be fallible, and unstable, further we would have no ground for our faith.

     Another objection to these terms, present and absent for they are ambiguous in regards to the definitions thus given but as just stated, it is not true that an object must be absent in order to be an object of faith. In other words, the difference between  knowledge and faith is not found in the presence or absence of their objects.  Why?  Because we can know what is absent, and we can believe what is present.  Take that couch, when it was present, before our very eyes we believe that it was a couch and it was there, and after we left, even in our minds, we know it, its place, everything about it; therefore the object of our faith is not predicated upon its presence or absence.

     Another objection is presented for examination: that the conviction we have of the reality or truth of what we distinctly remember is knowledge, and not distinctively faith, unless we choose to establish a new and arbitrary definition of the word knowledge.  Now, when we saw the couch, we perceived it by our senses, in other words, if the couch was perceived as ugly, we acted one way, if perceived as beautiful we acted happily, and the mind sees and knowledge is established, we know it by the mind, and in our memory we know distinctly or discursively that it is true, the couch existed; therefore the conviction in all these cases is of the same nature.  How?  It must be by the veracity of our conscious, for we are conscious of what we perceive sensible objects.  We are even conscious that we have cognized certain truths.  We are conscious that we remember in our memory certain events.  What is involved in these cases is that the consciousness of conviction of the reality or truth of what is seen, mentally apprehended (as in the proposition that "all men are sinners"), or remembered.  There is the same ground for this conviction that is as strong as in one case or another.  Therefore there is no reason for calling one knowledge and the other belief.  Here is the axiom to remember: Memory is as much a knowledge of the past, as other forms of consciousness are a knowledge of the present.

     When I thought we were done with objections another raised its ugly head and mention a denial that that memory gives us the knowledge of the past.  That is contrary to established usage.  Ok, Ok, it is true that we are uncertain as to the truth of certain memories, memories that we admit to believing.  So does this not prove the objection?  No!  It is because in one of the established meanings of the word, belief expresses a less degree of certainty than knowledge. "Wait a minute, wait a minute," you exclaim, "how can this be?"  If we are certain, absolutely certain of past events and believe in their expression we never speak of them as to their experience. Wow! That is hard to wrap my mind around!  I know that I was alive yesterday, in fact, I am absolutely certain of it, and have no need to speak to the knowledge of my past life for certainty is greater than knowledge in this case.  Both convictions exist, only absolute certainty is greater in degree and overrides any need to add to my knowledge.  I knew my mother and father for many years, have no need to say I believe that I knew them.  Why?  Things distinctly remembered are known, and not merely believed.

     One of the definitions to faith is it is the persuasion of the truth of things not seen.  This definition is correct if we mean by "things not seen" to be those things which are not objects of the senses, not of intuition, nor of demonstrative proof.  What about those things that "are not seen" and are special objects of faith, those things remembered and not now present in the mind?  This meaning seems to be correct to be added to the above list of "things not seen."  This sense to add to the list these objects of faith assigned to be "things not seen" or present in the mind, to be defective because their ground has not been assigned to their their truth.  The answer to complete an aid in understanding as to the above statement is in a question, one that many do ask: "Why do we believe things to be true, which we have never seen and which we cannot prove?  There are a host of answers given to that question, and to not give a definition that gives no answer to it must be  considered defective. 

     As a side note:  A common objection to Christians is that we cannot prove that there is a God.  In other words, we know that which we cannot prove and we call that faith and expect others to appreciate that fact that it is by faith we believe and expect other to acknowledge our faith.  We give many answers in refutation and far too often we are inarticulate and we come away discouraged.  That is the purpose of this study on faith, to give ground, one that we can stand upon in defense of our faith: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear" (1 Peter 3:15). Let me make it easier for you: in those cases, turn it around, turn it around on them, ask: Give me proof that God does not exist!  Put it back on them, you believe in Christ, eternal life is our hope and we have ground on which to stand, and after this study the ground should be firmer.  What ground do they have to stand on?  Ask!

"For there is one God
and one Mediator between God and men,
The Man Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 2:15).

The Lord Jesus Christ
Be with your spirit.
Grace be with you.
Amen.  (Titus 4:22).

God Bless You

Richard L. Crumb