"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done unto one of the least,, ye have done it to Me" (Matthew 25:40)
Ritu, Sangita, and Roshan Sunar were very young and obedient children. Unfortunately, their father had an adulterous affair with another woman, so their parents got divorced and abandoned them. Ritu, the eldest child who was only in the fifth grade, had to take care of them. Like many children in Asia, she could not raise her voice against this injustice, unlike her counterparts in the United States and Europe. Their aunt was notified of their crisis, but their aunt could not handle it because she was pregnant, so their aunt shared their crisis during a prayer request at the local church fellowship.
Knowing that CRM provides support for orphans and abandoned children, the local church’s elder, Bir Bahadur Tamang, informed the CRM office in Gorkha about their situation. Their case was immediately transferred to the CRM office in Kathmandu where the children were approved for aid. The children began receiving bags of rice, vegetables, cooking oil, and chickens.
These children are now blessed with the food, poultry, and other forms of aid given by CRM. They can go to school regularly and are very active in church activities. “Though our parents abandoned us, we still feel like we have parents under the grace of God through CRM. Thank you so much,” says Ritu.
Thank YOU, our friends, for making a great difference. We praise God for you. God bless you for partnering with us! Because of supporters like you we were able to provide life time support for these precious children. Please pray for these little ones. The children that we are investing are invaluable for the future. Great Commandments said “Made Disciple” without providing for their physical need how may we disciple them? Pray with me! May you encourage others to join our national moment of helping poorest of the poor children!
P.S. We would appreciate your donation as well as forwarding this information to your friends and family to encourage them to join YOU in saving lives.
Yours for the un-reached in Nepal,
Gyan Pantha, Children Rescue Mission
info@ChildrenRescueMission.org www.ChildrenRescueMission.org
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