Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
to the strangers scattered throughout
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia,
and Bithynia, elect according to the
foreknowledge of God the Father,
through sanctification of the Spirit,
unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood
Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace,
be multiplied.
I Peter 1: 1 -- 2
We now begin a new study of the Bible book I Peter. It is important that we gather some information about Peter for he is an outstanding character in the Bible. Pager was a fisherman from the city of Bethsaidia. Bethsaidia is a city located on the north east side of the Sea of Galilee and the closest city is Capernaum. The name of this city is called "the House of fish." After Peter began his sojourn with Jesus Christ Peter resided in Capernaum the city where Jesus frequently stayed during his Galilean ministry. Peter had a brother by the name of Andrew and call for fishermen on the lake of Galilee and evidently were in partnership with Zebedee and his sons. Peter met Jesus Christ's at Bethany which lies close to Jerusalem, in fact, just south east of Jerusalem near the Jordan River. It was there at the river where John the Baptist exercised his ministry so it would, as one interested in religious things apparently, that Peter would travel down there to hear John the Baptist in here first met Jesus Christ. In fact it was Andrew, his brother, who introduced Peter to Jesus Christ. Peter's Association with Jesus Christ deepened and strengthened his character by the hearing and seeing the words and works of Jesus Christ. Peter was called a friend of Jesus Christ and as a disciple and apostle was used by Jesus to spread the gospel. Peter was a man who had many facets of character and his life can be seen and approached from many different angles. Peter was an impulsive man (Matthew 26: 75; 14: 28; numeral 17:4; John 20 1:7). Although impulsive beer was gifted with spiritual insight (John 6:68). One of Peter's problems was that he was sometimes slow to apprehend the deeper truths (Matthew 15: 15, 16). Pita though was courageous in his confession of his faith in Jesus Christ and yet was also guilty of the most cowardly denial (Matthew numeral 16:16; John numeral 6:69; Mark 14:67 -- 71); self-sacrificing yet is inclined toward self-seeking (Matthew Chapter 19:27), but was immovable in his convictions (acts 4: 19, 20; numeral 5:28, 29, 40, 42).
Peter became a leader and spokesman of the Apostolic 12. Peter was also privileged to witness the raising of Jairus' daughter, was president at the Transfiguration, and President at the Lord's agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Peter himself became a miracle worker as can be seen in the record listed by Luke and Acts. Peter did confess of the deity of Jesus Christ which then became the foundation of the Church and was appointed steward with authority of the key, meaning that his was to be the privilege of opening the door of salvation to the Jews.
Yet, Peter, failed miserably towards his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ during the hour of crisis when Jesus was arrested just prior to His crucifixion.Jesus restored Peter and Peter became a leader of the infant Church and never again failed to protest his loyalty to Jesus Christ.
Peter begins his letter setting forth his apostleship of Jesus Christ and that this letter was first to be sent to the Jews who were dispersed, scattered, throughout the cities that he listed and to the Christians who too were persecued and disperse or scattered. The translators of the Bible use the word "elect" from the Greek word "kata" and not the word "ekkektos" that means to be chosen out or selected whereas "kata" is a primary particle and as a preposition means down but in various relationships to the various cases you can have other meanings which means to be joined to, according to, can even mean against, so it has many applications but frequently denotes opposition, distribution, or intensity. Peter was called by Jesus Christ to be used as a mouthpiece to spread the gospel and by the providence of God, His sovereignty and foreknowledge, and by the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, and by the obedience of Peter, and by means of the blood of Jesus Christ that was sprinkled upon his heart Peter was inspired to write.
I will add more interesting footnotes about Peter as we cover verse by verse this letter. Your face will be built upon a basis of truth to the mouth and words of Peter. This faith, Authentic Christian Faith, is yours to be had as you build upon that faith from milk to meat. This name should be the impetus to be also a mouthpiece to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And Moses said unto God,,
Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh,
and that I should bring forth the children of Israel
out of Egypt? And He said, Certainly I will
be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee,
that I have sent the: when thou hast brought
forth that people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God
upon this mountain.
Exodus 3:11 -- 12
The example of Peter: a way to build your faith
Richard L. Crumb
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