Thursday, May 19, 2016

Rendering Respect To God And To All

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection
to your own husbands; that if any
obey not the word, they also may
without the word be won by the 
conversation of the wives; while
while they behold your chaste 
conversation coupled with fear. 
Whose adorning let it not be that
outward adorning of plaiting the hair,
and of wearing of gold, or of putting
on apparel; but let it be the hidden
man of the heart, in that which is not
corruptible, even the ornament of a
meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight 
of God of great price.
IPeter 3:1-4

     The old English has use of words that we speak but not with the same meaning, as in: "conversation" used and does not necessarily mean to speak for the Greek means "conduct." Peter, as did Paul, speak these commands and words about husbands, wives, children, even slaves as how to conduct themselves so too then Peter addresses this problem and gives the answer as how to correct the problem. Let us, and I will write some very serious observations, examine what it means to have "good conduct." 
     Television, movies, etc., promotes sexuality going so far as to make it "recreational sex." All one has to do is watch television, those "sit-coms" and hear and see that all that is being said, and even attempting to make it funny, is to jump into the bed to have sex. Comics more often than not use sexual innuendo as well as actual scenes of couples in bed either before or after sex. Men are shown mostly undressed and so are the women. Advertising uses "sex" to sell their product. So the question is: Why so much to do about sex? The clothing industry, especially Victoria Secret with their advertising shows women undressed in their underwear that has very little cloth and are very revealing to sell their product. This so-called swimwear that women wear today is not swimwear for all it does is allow women to be undressed showing as much skin as possible and covering very little of their genitals, which requires waxing of their genitals so they can have their lower "swimwear" worn below their pubic bones, and breasts that cover mostly the areola. Men are just as bad for they wear little as well, "speedos," that will little imagination a person can see their genitals that protrude from their "swim" suits. 
     We see hair in all sorts of design: i.e., spiked, spiked that extend long and the need to shave off hair under the spike, or color that is unnatural, such as, reds, not natural red hair but color that is unnatural, blues, green, and shaved by women, all to show their independence and the "right" to be themselves. Ok! but is this really what a Christian should be involved in? What is worse is that I see women, in church who call themselves "Christian" and wear their tops so low that their breasts are exposed, not just some cleavage, but their breasts showing with little covering. How about this: when it is cold outside one can see men wearing long pants and coats but this is not true of many women for their, in the cold, wear short pants, exposed legs, and then a coat. Are women not affected by the cold or is their another reason to show as much skin as possible? 
     Respect for oneself, and for others, and for God have been tossed out the window. Men come to church looking like they are going to the park to play or to go fishing, or, or or, but they, those especially who have the money and probably in their closets suits that are formal and show respect. I found men wearing those suites to work, to events, even when their are celebrating a special event in their lives, but when Sunday comes, that is if it is not Easter, or Christmas, they wear "play clothes."  Is this how we portray Christianity? Is this how we show our faith? Is this pleasing to God? Yes, if a person does not have the money to have such still can wear good clean clothes and even other who have money can help them have more formal clothes for such a time as going to Church. We have people of the world who are watching and I am afraid they do not see Christians as much different from themselves. Do you know the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic? Drunks do not have to go to meetings. 
    You may say: "Richard you have gone to far." Did Peter? Did Paul? Peter gives us the answer that combats this worldly culture to not enter into the Church, into a person's life destroying their witness: "For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, an are not afraid with any amazement" (IPeter 3:5-6). How did those women adorn themelves? "even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." (IPeter 3:4b). If you are a Christian you have a responsibility, first to God, then to your husband, and then to your children, and finally to the world. What are you teaching your children and what does the world see about you? Are you afraid to go against this world's culture? 
     Men you are not left out for Peter goes on to write: "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life: that your prayers be not hindered" (IPeter 3:7). I know that this being called the weaker vessel is anathema to a woman for in this world's culture women are doing everything to show that they are just as smart as men, and they are albeit they have a different intuition, which is not bad, as do men. Men are divorcing their wives, and wives are divorcing their husbands for just about any reason: there is no real commitment. There is real abuse going on against women and even against men, both physical and mental: this must stop! Men are you willing to have your prayers hindered? Well if not then you have a responsibility to be the leader and this responsibility for a married man is to his wife, to treat her with respect for she too is more that just your wife, she is a partaker of the heavenly kingdom, a child of God. Treat her as such and this advice is for women as well.
    To live as a Christian is hard in this world that is set against Christianity, but if one is to be an Authentic Christian they will do what it takes even if it is hard. The question for both men and women, even children: will you stop being part of this world and be a true Authentic Christian?

In that day the LORD will snatch away
    their finery: the bangles and headbands
and crescent necklaces, the earrings and
    bracelets and veils, the headdresses
and ankle chains and sashes, the perfume
    bottles and charms, the signet rings and
nose rings, the fine robes and the capes and
    cloaks, the purses and mirrors, and the linen
garments and tiaras and shawls.
                      Isaiah 3:18

Dress nice, respectful as to God

Richard L. Crumb   

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