Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Why Study The Events Of The Bible?

 Then verily the first covenant 
has also ordinances of divine 
service, and a worldly sanctuary.
For there was a tabernacle made;
the first, wherein was the
candlestick, and the table,
and the shewbread; which is
called the sanctuary. And after
the second veil, the tabernacle
which is called the Holiest of all; 
which had the golden censer,
and the ark of the covenant overlaid
round about with gold,wherein
was the golden pot that had manna,
and Aaron's rod that budded, and
the tables of the covenant; and 
over it the cherubiums of glory
shadowing the mercy seat; of 
which we cannot now speak particularly.
Hebrews 9:1-5
     The writer of Hebrews previously gave the narrative of Melchisedec and how he symbolized Jesus Christ. This picture of Melchisedec, a person well known by the Hebrew people as this narrative would have been part of the teaching throughout the history of the Hebrews for he was a major part of the narrative about Abraham their father. While these men, Abraham, and Melchisedec lived their lives the one thing that stands out above all other things was their faith in God, not the gods of the nations round about, but the true God Jehovah. They did not know that they were to be illustrations of our faith and of Jesus Christ. What these men knew was that God was real, and that God led their lives. Abraham pictures faith in the unknown (he left the land of Chaldea to go to a place he did not know but would be shown) and he made mistakes along the way and when he recognized his mistakes he repented, not to just say he was sorry, but he repented, turned around his life and gave it all to God. What a picture of God's mercy and how we should view our sins and what we ought to do when we realize we have sinned against a Holy God. Melchisedec pictured Jesus Christ and the writer of Hebrews used this to prove that Jesus was the Messiah for He too had no beginning (yes He was born of a woman and as man He had a beginning and an end in death), and no ending, He was eternal. Melchisedec had a beginning, when we do not know, and an end, when we do not know, yet he lived on this earth as a man, a man of God, a man of peace, a priest of God, homage was to be given to him as king. As Abraham gave to Melchisedec we too are to give to the One whom Melchisedec pictured, Jesus Christ, our King, and Priest. 
     Now the writer of Hebrews having given why we are to believe that Jesus is the Messiah he turns his attention to the tabernacle, the service required and how this pictures more than just a tent, or just a service, it pictures something that we need to heed and see how it applies to Jesus Christ and our faith. Too often, as is done with the list of genealogies in the Old Testament, these verses are passed over and other more easily accepted verses are expounded and when this is done there is a lost of valuable understanding of our faith. This is a waterdowning preaching and the people are left without be led to a faith that will increase and a way to be able to defend their faith properly. 
     A few years ago while I was attending as a student at a local "Christian" university I overheard one of the professors give much praise to a man that has had great influence among pastors and teachers so I took time to examine this man, Karl Barth (1886-1968). Karl Barth was a Swiss theologian in the Reformed tradition and a vigorous opponent of theological liberalism and modernism and is known as "the father of Neo-Orthodoxy." On the surface this sounds good, but is it good or is it something that we must avoid as it may have led to false teaching. Have you been under the influence of Neo-Orthodoxy teaching? You may not know because you do not know about it, and it is not spoken about in your Church. So, why might this teaching be a problem? 
     A good concise definition to aid you to grasp the Neo-Orthodox view is to see how they view Scripture, and the inspiration of Scripture. Wikipedia summarized this very well:
The Neo-orthodox doctrine of inspiration is summarized by saying that the Bible is “the word of God” but not “the words of God”. It is only when one reads the text that it becomes the word of God to him or her. This view is a reaction to the Modernist doctrine, which, Neo-orthodox proponents argue, eroded the value and significance of the Christian faith, and simultaneously a rejection of the idea of textual inerrancy. Karl Barth and Emil Brunner were primary advocates of this doctrine.
This teaching has denigrated expository preaching because in the view of Barth what is said is more important than the written words of Scripture and that they were completely accurate in every way. Preaching today is more about "tickling" the ears than teaching accurately God's word and causes people to put their faith in other things than in God.
It is not that the Neo-Orthodox do not hold to a fervent passion for Jesus Christ that comes from an encounter with Him, it is that it does not come form an acceptance of propositional truth. This is a dichotomy between event and proposition and is false. The Bible is to be studied its propositions with fervor for we are to love God with our minds and our heart. This involves the study of propositional truth. There is a need for authoritative, propositional interpretation of the events in the Bible. Did not Jesus Christ be revealed in those events and the events of His life? Without the propositional interpretation of those event how would we ever come to fully understand them? What is meant by propositional interpretation? It is to look at a statement (which is being done in this blog) which something is affirmed or denied, so that it can therefore be significantly characterized as true or false. Did not Jesus reveal Himself in the events that happened to Him to prove His Messiahship and to be the Savior? Yes! (read Luke 24:36-49). How can we fully understand them if we do not propositional interpret those events from Scripture if we do not hold to the infallibility and innerancy of Scripture? We cannot! The apostles gave witness concerning Jesus Christ and reported about the events surrounding Jesus Christ and they wrote about it in a manner that we can come to understand and have joy to the full (1John 1:4b). God has given us His word, those narratives that we can come to know Him as He is revealed in Scripture: "And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life" (1John 5:20). 
     It must be remembered that Authentic Christian Faith is not to just merely assent to propositions, it is also a living and active trust in Jesus Christ. We cannot separate these two things for, nor can we really trust in Jesus Christ without truly assenting to Scripture's teaching and without this trust in Jesus and our trust cannot fully be trust without being persuaded by Biblical propositions. All this so we can have a firm foundation for trusting in Jesus. 
      I will give more on this in future blogs as this is very important to our faith, a true Authentic Biblical Faith. It may be somewhat tedious but will give you a firm foundation for your faith.

Until I went into the sanctuary
    of God; then understood I
their end.
      Thou shalt guide me with 
thy counsel, and afterward
     to receive me to glory.
                 Psalm 73:17, 24

Allow God to guide you by His word

Richard L. Crumb



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