Now of the things which we have
spoken this is the sum: We have
such an high priest, who is set
on the right hand of the throne
of the Majesty in the heavens;
a minister of the sanctuary,
and of the true tabernacle,
which the Lord pitched,
and not man.
Hebrews 8:1-2
The writer of Hebrews sets forth the argument as to who Jesus Christ is and why we should have our faith in Him. This argument uses history, those promises of God foretold before Jesus came to earth, and how certain men (Melchisedec, especially) depict the One promised, a promise fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Due to the fact that Jesus was a man, born of a woman just as with any other human some will teach that He could not be God, maybe a god, but certainly not The God. The resurrection, although reported that Jesus was seen alive after His crucifixion and seen to rise into heaven bodily seems to say that He was not God, but maybe a god. Are we not talking about two separate Persons? Yes! Is Jesus not called our High Priest and sits at the right hand of God, therefore He must be another god to sit at the right hand of God? Maybe you have questions about this Jesus Christ and whether or not He is God, of the same substance as God. You may be one who questions, or does not understand the Trinity as in Orthodox Christianity. I believe that it is apropos to take time to examine this doctrine of the Trinity and this I will do taken from my book: "The Trinity Exposed: False or true? Who is right? How does this affect my faith?" If we are to follow the words of Peter (1Peter 3:15) to be prepared to answer as to our faith then we must study and prepare according to Scripture ahead of any questions that may come or have already been asked and you have a hard time answering.
The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity is peculiar to the Christian religion. It is peculiar in its form that in the Godhead there are three distinct Persons, co-equal, co-existing, and co-eternal and of the same substance or essence. While being of the same essence they are yet distinct in their Personage and have functions separate from One Another and all the time operating as God, each have knowledge of One Another and there is no secret thing existing between the Persons of the Christian Trinity. It must be noted that when it is spoken of the Christian Trinity, this means of the Reformed Orthodox Trinitarian Doctrine of the Trinity. There are those who while claiming to be Christian hold to a separate and different Trinitarian theology. If yo are confused now, or have trouble understanding and articulation this Doctrine it may well be that you have never been taught in much depth the glorious richness of this Doctrine as revealed in the Bible. Many pastors and Church leaders will avoid this subject for it is easier to teach things that are easy on the ears, those thing that have little or no controversy, therefore, the Church congregants may be receiving good things to direct their everyday lives, but have no ground for those Doctrines that form Christianity, Doctrines that are so plainly taught in the Bible. Because of the effort it takes, the difficulty, pastors and Church leaders often are reluctant to teach these Doctrines, to examine the various opposing theologies, that is, if they had even come in some manner to study this Doctrine, so that they then could give answers and assistance to their Churches. Some give little effort to be able to articulate the Doctrine while others are so "mature" that they don't make the effort. Unfortunately this leaves a vacuum in the congregants understanding and forces them to accept either teachings that are incomplete or are in opposition to Biblical truth and are based upon the authority for the most part upon the Church or Church leaders. Further, a person may accept to believe a Doctrine just because of family history, that this is the Church the family has always belonged, and having no other leaders to direct them to study this Doctrine or any other Doctrine, will find it easy to acquiesce on the basis that the Church they attend refers to Christ and has in some way associated themselves with the word "Christian." It is my hope and prayer to God for the ability to give direction and guidance with Scriptural ground to give clarity on such a topic as the Orthodox Trinitarian Doctrine. This Doctrine stands apart from all other religions that cannot form a Trinitarian formula or analogy to explain or to confirm this great article of the Christian faith. It has been said and is true that the axiom "error begets error" is factual and the opposite is just as true: "Truth begets Truth." When truth is not upheld then error or lack of teaching, then the truth becomes itself error, and will lead people whose desire it is to be a "good, faithful Christian" to accept that error and fill the vacuum with other practices so as to make genuine their faith. This replacement practice in some Churches has been a problem throughout Christian history; one only has to look at some to the practices of the Roman Catholic Church, especially in the early days of the Church, you will find that there was lack of Biblical material to be available to to the average person. Further, Restoration Theology has been at the center of many Churches with the attempt to return to the early Christian Church and bringing along with that form of religion practices that have led to the acceptance of such things "supernatural gifts," (by this I mean revelatory gifts), etc., adding to the overall confusion in the minds of Christians, even leading them away from Doctrines that are the foundation of the Christian faith, such a Doctrine that is being treated in this book, the Doctrine of the Trinity. Taking time to study this Doctrine of the Trinity will give you sound arguments for believing the Orthodox Trinitarian Doctrine and grounding your faith upon that doctrine. Take your time, don't rush, look up Scriptures, pray for guidance, allow the Holy Spirit to direct.
This blog may be long but is set forth to lay the foundation. The writer of Hebrews in his letter to the Churches faced the same problem, that there were other so-called Christian religions teaching another gospel. We must do the same, take the time to know the truth, especially the truth about this Orthodox Christian Doctrine of the Trinity.
And I will put enmity between
thee and the woman, and
between thy seed and her seed;
it shall bruise thy head, and
thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 2:15
The first promise of the Messiah
Richard L. Crumb
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