Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Superiority Of Jesus Christ

But we see Jesus, who was made
a little lower than the angels for 
the suffering of death, crowned
with glory and honor; that He 
by the grace of God should taste
death for every man. For it 
became Him for whom are all 
things, in bringing many sons
unto glory, to make captain of
their salvation perfect through
Hebrews 2:9-10

     This writer's argument that Jesus is superior to angels albeit while here on earth as a man was made a little lower than angles is resumed. The writer of Hebrews makes it clear that in the world to come angels will have the charge of administration or government. Jesus Christ was given by God the Father glory and honor and that above all creatures. This glory and honor given by the Father was never given to anyone else, to no angel was this given only to Jesus Christ and this on account of His sufferings even suffering death. This suffering and death by Jesus Christ was God's grace given to all men. The government is not of angels for this was never given to them although God uses means to govern and the One governing is Jesus Christ and it is Him who determines the manner of governing. Angels carry out the will of Jesus Christ who orders all things and carried out by those He uses to accomplish His will. Man is still with volition only man now in this eternal life, with this so great a salvation and being a new creature no longer as a volition that is in contradiction to the will of God. God has given to man Jesus Christ even though as a Man Jesus Christ underwent great sufferings and that suffering first satisfied the justice of God and further His sufferings and death was by His grace salvation for men. Jesus Christ tasted death for everyone. That is you and me! When we see all that God has done for us, for our salvation, and this when we stand before the throne of God no longer will we stand against God our souls have a new life, a life that God determined for man when man was created. 
     God has given us His word and His grace that faith is a free gift and the calling of God, the enabling of God is free, we cannot earn it, we can do nothing to cause God to give it to us, but we when hearing the word of God our faith, this free gift is activated and we hear the calling of God, and we are enabled to live for God and with God: "For both He that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare Thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto Thee. And again I will put my trust in Him. And again, behold I and the children which God has given Me" (Hebrews 2:11-13). Jesus Christ has declared to us His name, not just a name, but His name that speaks of Who He is and what He has done, Jesus, the Messiah, the Savior. You do not sanctify yourselves, God does through Jesus Christ. You must manifest this sanctification in your life, and this means growing to maturity in Him. 
     Jesus is the supreme example for men not as liberal Christianity makes Him to be, rather the Jesus of the Bible. It is by the Bible whereby we find the claims of Jesus to be fact. Conduct by anyone is not a claim or the norm. Speak in gibberish language, claim prosperity, claim to be a healer, claim, claim, claim, but those claims are to Scriptural. To manufacture some godliness is not from God, it is from man. Authentic Christians are those who imitate Jesus Christ and the claims of Jesus are that those whom He calls brethren are to deny self, to break even the most holiest of claims those that are our closest ties for is this is not done then that person is not a disciple of Jesus Christ. Jesus is not the Supreme One in that life. To imitate the One who came to earth to die for His justice, the justice of God, and applies that justice to those who are graced with the free gift of faith will never lead a person astray. This was and is the mission of Jesus Christ a mission He completed, "it is finished" He spoke and now we can receive this salvation with assurance that those words of Jesus, no matter how hard, how harsh, were words of truth and words of freedom. Jesus Christ is the object of our faith. Will you live Authentic Christian Faith?

Save us, O LORD our God,
     and gather us from among
the heathen, to give thanks
     unto thy holy name, and 
to triumph in thy praise.
              Psalm 106:47

Praise God For His Salvation

Richard L. Crumb

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