Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Proof That Jesus Was Not An Angel Sent By God

Forasmuch then as the children are
partakers of flesh and blood, He 
also took part of the same; that
through death He might destroy
Him that had the power of death,
that is, the devil; and deliver 
them who through fear of death
were all their lifetime subject 
to bondage. For He took not on 
Him the nature of angels; but He
took on Him the seed of Abraham.
Hebrews 2:14-16

     The superiority of Jesus Christ is well illuminated and His purpose for coming to earth and take on the nature of man is well stated so that we have no reason to doubt that Jesus is God and by means of the hypostatic union is also man: God/Man. This is a mystery to us that God could do such a thing, but is not the mystery of creation outside of our thinking and understanding? God is a different being than us or anything else created in the universe. God must stand outside all that exist, that includes time and energy. God must be the source of all that exists and that source was not lowered by the coming of Jesus to the earth. Jesus did not take on the nature of angels, how could He and to say that it could be possible is to say that Jesus was not and angel. Some who claim to be Christian say that He was God: i.e., Mormons who will admit that Jesus Christ is an eternal being and that He was God, but not God the Father admit also that Jesus Christ created the worlds and all that is in the world. This false teaching that disregards the Trinity as will established by the Bible also then teaches that man is eternal and have existed as individuals "intelligences" and that God the Father created us spiritually, before we came to earth: "Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be” (Doctrine and Covenants 93:29).
“Intelligence” is the essence of our being and has existed forever.  Although Mormons don’t know a great deal about this, evidently our intelligence has also always been individual.  The Lord said to the ancient prophet Abraham,
And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all.” (Abraham 3:19)
The Plan of Salvation teaches that God the Father is the father of our spirits, and that as spirits, we lived with Him before we were born with physical bodies into mortal life on earth, making us spiritually brothers and sisters to all who live on this earth.  Christ’s was the first spirit organized by the Father. This could have happened eons and eons ago, since the Father has created “worlds without number” through the Word, who is Christ. (See Moses 1:33.) Mormons believe that Jesus Christ has always been a separate person from God the Father. /mormon_beliefs/who-is-jesus-christ. Furthermore the Mormons teach that Jesus had to learn and grow in knowledge from grace to grace until He gained the fullness of all things. Jesus was created by the Father but this is not said of men although they are said to be only intelligences until God gave them life as a human.
     Jehovah Witnesses belief that God created Jesus and that He is simply a creation by God for God's purpose not only for creating, but for salvation. Therefore as "a god" (John 1:1; New World Translation) Jesus is not part of the Godhead, the Trinity.
     These who claim to be Christian have doctrines that are not taught in the Bible and both have either rewritten the Bible to fit their theology (Jehovah Witness), or have a new "bible" that fits their theology. Both then deny the the Bible as the true and only word of God. It is interesting to note that the Mormons point to a visitation to Joseph Smith Jr. the angel Mordecai and given through him the directive to write a new revelation about God. The Muslim point to the same as Mohammed is said to have been visited by the angel Gabriel and given the same instructions to write a religious book. 
     Many have been deceived by such new revelations and many more who are searching for the truth will be caught up in such heresy. It is our responsibility to bring the truth of the Bible, the gospel to them and not sit by tacitly approving of these heresies. This twisting of the truth found in the Bible seems to the unlearned to be truth even if it be another truth, a form of plurality a problem found in the culture of this present age. You don't like what the Bible states: so then a rewrite of the Bible to fit what one believes and then give to the participants in their religious beliefs they duty to be good citizens and good adherents of morality, as is found in Islam, Mormons, and Jehovah Witnesses as proof that this rewrite is of God: when it is not! 
     Jesus Christ is God, He is not just another god, but God, the Second Person of the Trinity, not some subservient God doing the will of God the Father. God, God of the Bible makes it clear that He is the creator, and that by means of the Second Person of the Trinity all was created. Only God Himself, not another god, is the Only God. If man existed at the beginning then man is a god. This is heresy! We did not just sit around as an intelligence until God the Father decided to pick us out of the multitude of other intelligences to be placed into a human body. 
      For sin, that sin that is unjust to a Just God had to be reconciled and that God did Himself for He has the power to do this, not some other god, not some other means, only Himself and this He did be sending His Wisdom to earth to become a little lower than angels to be in the form of men satisfying the Justice of God. Salvation now can be applied, not by works of man, but by the sole election of God. 
     The question is: Do you actually believe the Bible to be the word of God, innerant, infallible? Do you study the Bible so that you are not led astray by those who would come into your life as wolves in sheep clothing? Authentic Christian Faith is one that is founded upon the Bible as handed down to us from the prophets and men of old and those who wrote the New Testament. You need look no further.

Hear Me now therefore, O ye children, 
     and depart not from the words 
of My mouth.
                     Proverbs 5:7

Pray and the devil will flee

Richard L. Crumb


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