For verily, when we were with you,
we told you before that we should suffer
tribulation; even as it came to pass,
and ye know. For this cause, when I
could no longer forbear, I sent to know
your faith, lest by some means the
tempter have tempted you, and our
labor be in vain. but now when
Timotheus came from you unto us,
and brought us good tidings of your
faith and charity, and that ye have good
remembrance of us always, desiring
greatly to see us, as we also to see
you. Therefore, brethren, we were
comforted over you in all our afflicitions
and distress by your faith: for now
we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord.
1Thessaloninas 3:4-8
Christianity is so abhorrent to those of other faiths, those who have no faith, that we must never lose sight that Authentic Christians, those who have not succumbed to the culture of this world, will be persecuted. This may distress you, cause you to shrink back from being all that God has intended for you as His child, His witness, and an ambassador for Jesus Christ. Don't let it! Our home is not here, it is in heaven, therefore man cannot harm us! Faith, this is what this blog is all about, changing from the inside/out, that our faith grows in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and that we become His image here on earth. Your faith, my faith, has larger circumference of influence and effect that any person may ever know. People see you, see you actions and compare those actions with your words. Other Christians see your faith, how you are facing this world with all its problems and are encouraged as you do not stumble at the first sight of persecution however that it may be. Danger exists, Paul knew of these dangers, and how it might affect a Christian, the Church as a whole and was gladdened to know that his preaching and teaching was not in vain. We are forewarned, therefore we have no excuse to say we do not know, we know, we have the words of God, we have everyday experience, news, etc., we are forewarned, therefore we can prepare. The tempter, not just Satan for he is just one single individual no matter how powerful he may be, but anyone, anything, that tempts us, any artful devices, all to move an Authentic Christian form their constancy and steadfastness to the Faith, to Jesus Christ our Savior.
Love, not man love, not man-made love, but a principled God love that continues to drive an Authentic Christian to remain steadfast to the Gospel. The Gospel, not some sort of spiritual experience, albeit that there is an experience of knowing that you are forgiven of your sins, but the Gospel, which is: Jesus Christ, God Himself, not as a Modalist will say, rather that God, His Wisdom, was clothed in flesh to die as a sinless man a form which He took on to fulfill His will to pay this debt owed to Him which man can never pay. It His death on the cross, a sinless man whereby this death propitiation may by applied to a man or woman who believes on Jesus Christ knowing that they need salvation, that they are sinners. It is not just hoping, it is not just to be saved from sin alone, but that God loves so much that He sent His Only Begotten Son to die for sin and by His love and Mercy, and Grace, freely gives that payed debt to those to whom He has elected, saved by faith and that faith coming freely by means of the word of God, spoken, not just hearing, but spoken and you and I can speak that word even to ourselves by reading the word of God. When we think we think in words, we hear in our minds spoken words, and we are enabled, called by God to be one of His children.
We are comforted, as was Paul, that there are those who are faithful, and we are comforting them by our faith. We rejoice, are cheerful, even among trials, and give praise and thanksgiving to God. God was willing to express His love even to us who are now imperfect. Why then will we not express back to God love for Him, not just what He did, but for Him. It is God that we love, it is God that we serve, it is God that by means of the power of the Holy Spirit given to all of His children that we can live in this world and be His ambassador.
May our faith move forward leading us closer to that which God intends for us in heaven, perfection. We may not reach perfection, and we won't, here on earth but that does not mean that we become apathetic, lazy, and just wait until we get to heaven, no, there are people who need to hear the Gospel and we are the messengers.
Whoso causeth the righteous
to go astray in an evil way,
he shall fall himself into his
own pit: but the upright
shall have good things in possession.
Proverbs 28:10
Remove apathy: Get up! Get to work!
Richard L. Crumb
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