Therefore do not be
unwise, but understand
what the will of the
Lord is. And do not
be drunk with wine,
in which is dissipation;
but be filled with
the Spirit, speaking
to one another in the
psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your heart to the Lord,
giving thanks always for all things
to God the Father in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting
to one another in the fear of God.
Ephesians 5: 17 -- 21
Ephesians 5: 17 -- 21
What Paul is writing in regard to our attitudes, and our worship, requires what this blog is all about: changing from the inside/out. If one does not change those things that need to be changed and brought in accordance to Scripture then it is impossible for them to be filled with the Spirit and even more so one cannot truly submit to one another in the fear of God. How can the love of God be applied when a person is still filled and practicing the culture of this world that is in contradiction to the will of God? They can't! The love of God is so great and He demonstrates His greatness and love for His children by having the Bible written so that we can have His will reveal to us. We are not orphans, no, we are adopted sons and daughters of God. As adopted sons and daughters of God and having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we can sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and even if we don't have a great voice and are afraid to sing out loud in front of public week in saying in our heart. We can give thanks to God for all things and this week to in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All of our prayers should in them thankfulness to our Savior Jesus Christ. A word seldom used in today's speech is the word "dissipation" they may not fully understand what this word means help us to understand this word is a wasting away by misuse, yet further in study of this word in the dictionary defines it as amusement, diversion, a desolate way of living even a process in which energy is used for lost without accomplishing useful work. There are far too many churches that are practicing "dissipation "and this by an overuse and misuse of amusement and by this amusement their intent is to draw people into their services. Oh, they may say, "but by bringing people and we can teach them the truth of God's Word." Really! This is a miss use not only of amusement put in a proper and scriptural way to bring the truth to people. If people are coming only because they can find some sort of emotional euphoric feeling by the music or even by some aching and they are not there because they understand that they are sinful and in need of a Savior and are there to learn more about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the way to live according to Scripture. All the amusement and all the things that are being done may seem good but in the end they are only part of a process by those who are liberal in their Christian thought and the word of God is not preached. They may throw versus out, they may even speak about stories in the Bible, but the theology that they are teaching their people is not a theology of the Bible. We must do what the Bible tells us to do and Paul here is instructing us according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to be submitted to God and to one another. We are to deny ourselves and pick up our cross and make God the priority of our life and everything we say and do even in our singing and in our worship services. Paul had to address what has had to be addressed over the many years when liberal thought has entered into the Christian Church and it can be seen by the high divorce rate within the Christian congregations. When all you do is think of yourself and will not hold to your own vow, and some of us have done just that, and unless you come to understand the will of God you will not understand how sinful that is to not keep your vow and be submitted to one another. Thank God he is the God of mercy and forgiveness but that does not mean you won't suffer in some way the consequences of your actions. This apparently was happening in the impeaching church making it necessary for Paul to address the subject: "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as also Christ is the head of the church; and He is the savior of the body" (Ephesians 5: 22 -- 23). Moses wrote about the fall of Adam and Eve it is good to look back upon what God had said to each of those two people. We are for speaking to the wife: "To the woman He said: ‘IE will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception: in pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you’" (Genesis 3: 16). What does it mean for the wife to desire? Yes, it does mean that you will long to for your husband, but even more, it means to stretch out, too long for, to make your husband to serve beyond the normal or proper limits, and in some way to restrain him and this even did when she compelled him to each of the forbidden fruit. The biggest word that is being put forth as important is: empowerment. Women are talked that they need to be empowered and to take their place in society and this they are doing even those expressions marriages and families and has increased the divorce rate among all peoples, non-Christian and Christian. Children are running to and fro amok, and all one has to do is go to a shopping mall and see that they have money that they really did not earn, and free time to do what ever they desire and far too often children will do that which is wrong and this is easily done because they do not have solid direction from a parent. Wives, submit to your own husband, not according to the world's standards, but as to the Lord. Do you want blessings from God? Then do the will of God!
Today's blog was in regards to wives, tomorrow's blog we will continue Paul's letter and this in regards to husbands and then we will speak about the requirements for children. We are looking at Scripture so that we can change what ever needs to be changed that is in contradiction to God from the inside/out. Praise God! His will has been revealed for us and we are not left alone to our own abusive devices.
Scarcely had I passed by them
when I
found the one I love.
I held him and would not let him go,
until I
had brought him to the house of my mother,
and into the chamber of her who conceived me.
Song of Solomon 3: 4
Keep your vows: this is the will of God
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