Thursday, September 4, 2014

Manifesting Authentic Regeneration

Therefore, from now on, we regard
no one according to the flesh.
Even though we have known Christ
according to the flesh, yet now
we know Him thus no longer.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation; old things
have passed away; behold,
all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5: 16 -- 17

            This verse could easily be misinterpreted, misused, therefore, when it speaks that we regard no one according to the flesh we must then examine what this means and how we are to understand what the apostle Paul wrote.  The Greek word used here is: ούδένα, and is an accusative singular and masculine word from, ούδείς, and has this meaning and is used in various passages of Scripture, not one, no one, none, nothing, and metaphorically ούδέν, which is a normative and accusative, either/or, singular and nature which then means nothing, of no account, naught.  So then how are we to understand what Paul wrote?  Let me break this down for you: ού, is a word of negation, not, no, and the various peculiarities of its usage must be learned from the grammars and within the context.  Now we come to δέ, and can be variously rendered as, but, on the other hand, and, also, now, et cetera.  Therefore a literal translation would be, but not, or nothing and then being in the masculine, not as an English word gender issues differently than in the Greek word that gender is a grammatical word that does not mean the man, or woman, or nothing unless in the context calls for such rendering.  So, what does this mean?  As a Christian we do not regard anything according to the flesh, in other words, we no longer look towards and for carnal things, or the fleshly things of this world because we no longer know Jesus Christ from that viewpoint.  By the way, the word Him thus is in italics so that there is clarity in regards to what the Greek word is pointing to which is Jesus Christ.  As a true, Authentic Christian our authenticity, manifest in our exercise of our faith according to Scripture.  The reason for this is we have become a new creation and the old things are passed away, all things are become new.  Once again, the question for us is: Do you really believe that you are a new creation?  Second question: do you really believe that the old things have passed away?  If so then are you manifesting Jesus Christ, His commands, and your life?  Did I not tell you that to be a Christian it's going to take courage?  This is going to require that Jesus Christ holds priority in your life over everything in this life.  Here's where the rub is; we want to be in charge of our life and not be told how we are to live our life even if Scripture that has been inspired by God for you tells you to do a certain thing.  We love our antinomy!  There are two things that are necessary in order for anyone to live to Christ and both are the consequences that come from the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross: 1.  Regeneration.  2.  Reconciliation.  What is regeneration?  I think we can understand this word for the first two letters re, means to do something again and in this case to generate which means an ongoing process and that consist of our being weaned from this world.  Do you really think you own yourself?  We do not for as a true Authentic Christian we do not own or affect any person or thing in this world and especially not for carnal ends and for outward advantages.  We have been enabled by divine grace and this enabling is so that we do not regard this world, or the things of this world, but we are to live above them.  We shall often speak of our love for Jesus Christ, and many attempt to do various types of antic and gyrations or other things to somehow demonstrate to this world of their love for Jesus Christ.  How silly!  The love of Jesus Christ is in our hearts, is an inward change, a regeneration of ourselves; for the world is actually under your feet.  I am not here suggesting that we should go about in some sort of sack cloth and ashes, living as a hermit, no, believers are to enjoy the comforts of this life, and their relations in this world, but with holy indifference.  As Authentic Christians, we must live upon the spiritual presence of Jesus Christ, and then enjoy the inward comfort it affords.  Think upon this once again: You are a new creation and by our regeneration which consists in a thorough change in our heart should cause us to be the care of all who profess the Christian faith for they also are new creatures.  They are our eternal brothers and sisters!  We are the bride of Christ and we have a new name, and we make a new profession, and you have a new heart, and a new nature.  This change that comes by means of grace of God is great and makes the soul of man, that is those old thoughts, those old principles, and those old practices to pass away, then all these things must become new.  Regeneration creates a new world in the soul and by this renewing man acts from new principles, by new rules, with new ends in mind, and in new company.  You are being reformed, that is formed anew, and your heart is not merely set right, but a new heart is implanted in you.  Your understanding is enlightened, and your affections are sanctified, His will is brought into subjection according to the law of Jesus Christ, there is a change in your conversation, your pursuits, and your matter of life is changed.  You are born again of the Spirit and this to the incorruptible seed of the word.  These expressions must and do mean more than outward reformation.  Every high thought is cast down, and as a little child, you sit at the feet of Jesus to learn this.  All manner of sin is forsaken, and every grace of the Spirit is sought after and in this you now see the beauty in our Savior and your desire is in Him for you now love Him supremely.

For then I will restore to the peoples
a pure language, that they may
 call on the name of the LORD,
            to serve Him with one accord.
                        Zephaniah 3: 9

May you manifest regeneration

Richard L. Crumb

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