Monday, July 21, 2014

Learning About The Resurrection Of The Dead

But someone will say,

"How are the dead raised up?

And with what body do they come?"

Foolish one, what you sow

is not made alive unless it dies.

And what you sow, you do not sow

that body that shall be, but mere grain -- --

perhaps we or some other grain.

But God gives it a body as He pleases,

and to each seed it's all in body.

1 Corinthians 15: 35 -- 38

            Some at the church and Corinth objected to the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead.  The objection is to be found in the question: "How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?"  The question is asking: by what means are the dead raised up, and furthermore how can they be raised?  We must not forget that the Jewish people still held a huge influence among the many new Christian churches.  Within the Jewish religion were two major groups of religious people: 1.  Pharisees.  2.  Sadducees.  The Sadducees held to the opinion, and opinion held by the heathen people in the nation's ad well, especially that of the Greeks, that there was no resurrection, or as some of the Greek philosophers purported that when a person dies they go to Hades and only a rare few could ever escape the dungeon of Hades.  For many of these men of this opinion the resurrection was utterly impossible.  You also may have some concern in regards to the resurrection, whether or not it is truly possible, or will actually happen, or have been given some sort of various speculations in regards to the resurrection; but may ask would it be the same body, with the same shape or form, or statute, and have the same qualities?  So, if you hold to this type of objection your inquiry is one of a curious doubter.  The doctrine there in Corinth, that held by some; those that are curious doubters, was about the future existence in another world.  Remember, the Greeks spoke and wrote about the existence of Hades as being a place of the dead were by the dead would be able to experience this existence.  This is a contradiction held by the Sadducees; who did not believe in the resurrection.  You can imagine how confusing the various opinions were to the Corinthian Christians who were exiting from the Greek culture and even from the Jewish culture.  You may also be quite confused as you leave this secular culture that has been influencing you for many years into this new culture called the Christian culture that speaks of the resurrection of the dead as being a place where people are to live with a new body and in a new world.  The Bible speaks of a future existence of the body, and Paul here now has to give a just and comprehensive explanation so then it was his job to consider the latter so that they may understand the former.  So let us consider the subject in regards to whether or not there is a resurrection, how could it even possibly occur and the first answer is that the resurrection is to be brought about by Divine power.  It is this power which every one observes, that there is a revival year after year even in such things as corn or grain, that which die is revived.  Paul speaks in verse 37 that those things which we so that which we so you sow but you do not know what it shall be: so let me give an example that when we are born we are a baby and we change and stature, as to our physical appearances, and we grow old and wrinkle and we die.  The body is always changing so we do not know what it will be in the future.  Albeit we may have some idea especially when we look at pictures of our predecessors; but we really don't know what we will be like but we do know we will be changed and that this life has a power that stands outside of itself so that it can live, and that power is the Divine power of God.  A little medical note: our skin changes every 30 days; and our bones remodeled at least once a year, and that healthy glowing smooth and fresh skin as it is changing every 30 days and time becomes dull, wrinkled, and dry.  We do not know what we will become over time in regards to our body in this physical world, but we do know from the truth of Scripture that regardless of the changes of our body in this physical world God will raise up from the dead His children.  God is the creator, God is the power that maintains His creation, and God gives to all things their body and this according to His will: "All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds.  There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.  There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory" (1 Corinthians 15: 39 -- 41).  All the works of creation and the providence of God informs us daily that we are to be humble, and they teach us to admire the Creators wisdom and goodness.  Yes, there is great variety among the bodies of men, and among the plants, and all other living things, as well as among the celestial bodies; i.e., Sun, Moon, and stars.  There is a variety of glory.

            I'm going to take this from Oswald Chamber’s book; "Conformed to His," The safe position in Christian thinking is to remember that there are deeper depths then we can fathom, higher heights then we can know; it keeps its reverent, keeps us from hardening off into a confined, cabined experience of our own."

            Paul in addressing this doctrine in the Corinthian church recorded for all of those that come after Paul's writing to give us hope.  So that we could be edified, and learn to live in the glorified nature that has been given to all of God's children through the death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, by Jesus Christ our Savior.

Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer,

            and He who formed view from the womb Colin

"I am the LORD, Who makes all the thing,

            Who stretches out the heavens all alone,

Who spreads abroad in the earth by Myself."

                                    Isaiah 44: 24

God has promised to raise up His children

Richard L. Crumb

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