Monday, July 14, 2014

Learning About The Power Of The Resurrection

For as in Adam all die,
even so in Christ all shall be made alive.
But each one in his own order:
Christ the firstfruits, afterward
those who are Christ's at His command.
Then comes the end, when He delivers
the kingdom to God the Father,
when He puts an end to all rule
and all authority and power.
For He must reign till He has
put all enemies under His feet.
1 Corinthians 15: 22 -- 25

            Paul has established the truth of the resurrection of the dead, speaking of the holy dead those dead in Christ.  Christ rose from the dead and seen bodily by more than 500 people who were in Jerusalem at the time of His resurrection and His ascension.  More than likely none or if any if you were present at this event and Paul has now established the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and because of His resurrection those in Christ will also be resurrected, they have this assurance.  You have this assurance!  Jesus Christ's was the firstfruit for all those who He would resurrect and we find the type that Jesus was the firstfruit in the Jewish harvest Festival: "The first of the firstfruits of your land you shall bring into the house of the LORD your God…." (Exodus 23: 19a).  All those of the faith and have converted to Jesus Christ are united to Him are united with Him in His resurrection.  The resurrection is for all believers for all time, from the beginning of time until the end of time.  The sin of Adam was a mortal sin that separated man from God and spread upon man and only man could make atonement for that sin.  That Man was Jesus Christ, God's Wisdom clothed in flesh, fully man, and fully God.  Nothing could be clearer, than this fact; all that are the progeny of Adam die.  Another fact that cannot be any more clear is; Jesus rose from the dead and by His resurrection all of those chosen by God will partake of this resurrection and will be made to partake of the Spirit and the spiritual nature and become immortal.  Death will no longer reign over man.  Due to the Mercy of God in Jesus Christ and by God's dispensation of His mercy towards all of his children and their future state is determined and they shall benefit and this benefit comes because they have become united to Him by faith. This dispensation and economy of the Divine wisdom of God was that the first Adam his posterity by sin, and by the second Adam, Jesus Christ and those who are now the seed of Jesus Christ are raised to a glorious immortality.  This is not some haphazard resurrection rather it is one of Divine order, that Jesus Christ would rise first, in His immortal body for He was seen to rise bodily into heaven by all those present at His ascension.  Secondly, there would be the resurrection of His redeemed people.  Then will come the end of all things.  As it was once told to me there is no plan B. Jesus Christ will reign till all His enemies are subjected to Him (Psalm 110).  The last enemy is death and that to will be put under the Redeemer's feet and this will occur when He has finally delivered all of His people from this conqueror; death.  Jesus Christ upon His ascension into heaven made the Head over all things that pertain to the church, and had the power to govern, and to protect the church, and to complete the salvation of all who believe in Him, to all that had been given to Him (John 17).  This authority and power is for a special purpose.  Although God is all -- powerful; God the Father in His dispensation in Jesus Christ as the Son of God Jesus Christ is and acts as the Mediator.  Not as the one who was offended by sin, rather that He was giving favored to all of His offending creatures, and by this it can be said that He had unlimited power that had been given to Him and He reigned as God the Father reigns by means of this power.  Jesus Christ is our Mediator and until all of the children are redeemed and death put under His feet He remains our Mediator and has the authority given to Him by God the Father and with the Holy Spirit all are equal to the Father and reigns as one God over all people who will be blessed forever.  A time will come when Jesus will no longer need to be our Mediator, although He will never cease to reign anymore than the Father has ceased to reign when He appointed His Son as Mediator.
            A question for us then is: "Are we triumphant in this most solemn and important event, the economy of God and his dispensation?  Are we rejoicing in the fact that all of God's undertaking, all of the undertaking by the Son of God is completed?  Are we receiving the whole joy and glory of our salvation that we may forever served in, and enjoy His favor?"

One thing I have desired of the LORD
            fact will I seek:
that I may well in the house of the LORD
            all the days of my life,
to behold the beauty of the LORD,
            and to inquire in His temple.
                                    Psalm 27: 4

Sing praises to God
Richard L. Crumb

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