Now this I say,
brethren, that flesh
and blood cannot
inherit the kingdom of God;
nor does corruption
inherit incorruption.
Behold, I tell you a
We shall not all
sleep, but we
shall all be
changed––in a moment,
in the twinkling of
an eye,
at the last trumpet,
for the trumpet
will sound, and the
dead will be raised
incorruptible, and we
shall be changed.
For this corruptible
must put on
incorruption, and
this mortal
must put on
I Corinthians
There is a
death, a kind of death of the soul and this death is the putting away of former
habits, and former ways of life. How can this be possible? Some who hold to the
Arminian theological view seem to hold to a theology that the soul is not
damaged by the fall of Adam. They teach that man can save himself. Then there
are those that teach of a rapture of the Church, yet that word I not found in
the Bible. In fact they only use a few Scriptures to teach such an event. There
is much presuppositions read into the Scriptures that are presented and are
done in such a manner as to be of the allegorical method used by the
theologians in Alexandria that were much influenced by Neoplatonism, or
Gnosticism. For instance they use 1Thessalonnians 4:13–18 as one of the their
proof texts and this text is not speaking of two returns of Jesus Christ for
the only time that we have for the return of Jesus Christ is on the Last Day as
Martha spoke to Jesus when Lazarus her brother died: “Jesus said to her,
‘Your brother will rise again.’ Martha said to Him, ‘I know that he will rise
again in the resurrection at the last day’” (Matthew 11:23-24). Jesus did not take this time to speak of two
comings by Him, only to speak of those who are believing in Him will die, but
will rise again and live forever. Never does Jesus speak of coming more than
once, but when He come it will be with a shout of as of a trumpet, not quietly,
but quickly, and it will come as a thief in the night so we who are believing
in Him must not worry ourselves about when He is coming for it is on the Last
Day, but we are to be aware that He is coming and we should be sober in our
thinking and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope
of salvation. Furthermore, Paul used the plural nominative pronoun (ἡμεῖς), the word in black bold is
“we” so we should not be confused here for Paul is not teaching that he would
be alive when Jesus returns (1Thessalonnians 4:17). I write on this subject to
give clarification for as I have written before in my previous blogs, the rise
of many heresies gave way for such false teaching as that Jesus would return
two times, but Paul is clear that there is one resurrection although occurring
in two separate events but in the same moment for the dead rise first, and then
those alive on earth who are believers are caught up with them (1Thessalonnians
4:16–17). We should be as Paul wrote: comforted: “Therefore comfort one
another with these words” (1Thessalonnians 4:18).
We put away
our former life by repentance which then we dissolve our former way of living
and conform ourselves into the image of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave us the better
pattern and by this pattern we live according to the truth of His words that
give us assured hope that we will live with Him forever in the place where He goes
to prepare for us a place to live forever. We will be changed from our
mortality to immortality, no flesh and blood inherits the kingdom of God. This
prepared place for is a place of perfect happiness and unbroken peace; those
things which we cannot fully apprehend in this life, in this world. We are now
in preparation for that new immortal life and it is by this preparation that we
come to know Authentic Biblical Faith, but there are those who are teaching
another Gospel, another Christian life and many have fallen prey to these good
sounding words from good speaking men, and Arius was once such early theologian
that spoke heresy and many have succumbed to his teaching (Jehovah Witnesses)
or to such as Jacobus Arminius who taught a form or Pelagianism that man could
save himself leading to men who taught false things in regard to our
resurrection by the coming on the Last Day by Jesus Christ. We should be joyous
that we do not need to fret for our life is secure. For those who are not
conformed into the image of Jesus Christ they face eternal death, a terrible
death, and live in this life with no hope and will endure the penalty of sin.
For Authentic Biblical Christians faith is assured and we believe that is it so
that the children of God rise to by with Him and the wicked rise to endure
inconceivable punishment. For God to save some is only by the mercy of God for
He will: “What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God?
Certainly not! For He says to Moses, ‘I will have mercy on whomever I will have
mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion. So then
it is not of him who wills, or of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy”
(Romans 9:14–16).
Let us run with endurance and
convert through true repentance shown by the changes we make in our lives to
conform to Jesus’ commandments which we are formed into His image.
it is written: “Behold, I lay
In Zion a stumbling stone
rock of offense, and whoever
Believes on Him will not
put to shame.
Romans 9:33
for guidance: He Is our help!
L. Crumb
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