Friday, November 16, 2012

Philosophers Of The Past Have Been Instrumental In Forming Present Day Culture

For the grace of God that brings
Salvation has appeared to all men,
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness
And worldly lusts, we should live soberly,
Righteously, and godly in the present age,
Looking for the blessed hope and glorious
Appearing of our great God and Savior
Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us,
That He might redeem us from every
Lawless deed and purify for Himself
His own special people, zealous for good works.
Titus 2:11-14

            The Christian Religion has at its foundation Jesus Christ who is our Savior, the One to destroy sin. The Christian Religion is built upon this truth. There are those who cavil at such a suggestion that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, the Savior who paid our debt of sin, that which we cannot pay, and gave to His Church the guardianship, and to be an envoy of the Gospel to the world. The objections of those who oppose Christianity are not to be a stumbling block. The Christian is to impart this truth, and to deny this fact is to deny the truth, that which inherent in every man that God does exist and to deny this is to protest against the truth of one’s being. Protest long enough and you will come to believe the lie against your own innate sense that there is a God. For the Christian, he must answer an important question, a command given to those who believe upon Him, to dispense the truth regarding God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. That question is: How shall a Christian win unbelievers to accept this Christian truth? As the Apostle Paul iterates: “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God” (2Corinthians 5:20). As ambassadors for Jesus Christ our message to the world, the effort of our proclamation of the Christian Religion is that sin entered into this world and the error of sin must have set over against it, truth. This is the responsibility of an Authentic Biblical Christian as commanded, that we are to preach, teach, to disciple, and dispensing to the world this truth. We are to be an ambassador of Jesus Christ. The truth, or the gospel of God is that He sent His Son, by means of His grace, to destroy sin, and His children are the recipients of the vicarious death of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to this world to destroy sin and to establish His kingdom where righteousness and truth reign. There are two principles at play, and they are opposed to one another. There is a war between those who fight for truth. This war is not with visible weapons, it is a spiritual war and we fight with spiritual weapons. History will show when those claiming to be Christian and aligned themselves with the state, and allowed secularism ideologies to rule their thinking, to have not fought with spiritual weapons but with actual objects of physical war. This is a fight between Satan and Jesus Christ. We are the means for Jesus Christ to fight this war here on earth and we have the power of the Holy Spirit as our leader and guide. Authentic Biblical Christians, they stand in opposition to Satan, and their interest in this war is to bring to Gospel to the world and the winning of converts to God, His love, and to His Son Jesus Christ.
            Jesse De Boer, a professor of philosophy at the University of Kentucky who opposed much of Cornelius Van Til speaks correctly when He states that there is a real danger when terms of war are applied to the Christian’s struggle between truth and error. This war language has the possibility to be construed that the use of any weapon to achieve their ends is valid.[1] Anyone who will take the time to peruse the Scriptures will attest their findings that there is a struggle, a war, between error of Satan and righteousness, and truth. This terminology, war, cannot construe as anything else than a war and be true to Scripture. As we study history and how history has influenced the concepts that are prevalent in today’s culture, a culture that is coined, “Modernism,” and “neo-Modernism, or Post-Modernism, we find that “war” between error and righteousness describes our present condition. We can see the truth in actions of people, both secular, and in the Church where the application of Christianity, where the Scriptural truth is not taught, that for man Jesus is a “buddy” more than God who came to earth. Furthermore, there is not distinction between that which is false, ant which is true. This “Modern,” or “Post-Modern” society will be found to be the result of those ancient philosophers. It is these ancient philosophers that have devised an explanation for this universe, life, and God. This trickled down philosophical ideologies have had an effect on the world, and has affected many so-called “Christian” Churches, and Church leaders. This has led our society, our culture to be pluralistic, that is, your truth is yours, and my truth is mine, and we cannot dispute each other’s truth. If that were true then there is not Absolute Truth. Absolute Truth can be found in only a One, not multiple beings, and that One is God. Absolute Truth must by necessity stand outside of all supposed truth, and must be the cornerstone for all truth. Therefore for Authentic Biblical Christians we must present the truth in terms of God the creator, of the Messiah His Son, and us His creatures, and of the rebellion against God, the error thrust upon man by the fall into error by Adam. This requires that we take the Bible story of Adam as historical. This can only be done if the Bible is recognized, believed, to be the inerrant and infallible, preserved word of God. It is this word, Scripture, that God has revealed to man Himself. To be competent in our effort as ambassadors for Jesus Christ we must distinguish between what was true for Adam, what is true for the sinner, the natural man, and what is true for the regenerate, the saint.
            In our study of history the unregenerate man will be seen to have designed theories, and this is done as a natural man who is in sin, and looks to satisfy himself with a god that suits his needs and desires. Until man is regenerated and the truth of God instilled in him, all his theories, philosophies, and explanations, while many are “good” objectively, they will not lead men into the truth. God will be determined to be what He is not! Man cannot, as fallen in their nature, come to the truth unless god enlightens him (Read John chapter 6, cf. Isaiah 54:13).
            The men that I will be listing and giving some elaboration will reveal that they have developed and proposed many good things, yet with all the good they gave to the world, they transported into the future and throughout history, contradictions to the True God; they did not give us the truth. The culture of today is proof of this point as many have, at least in part, employed their philosophies into their consciences that have developed their character, their religious views, and ideologies, and furthermore, is demonstrated in their actions. Why take this time to discuss these Greek philosophers and Greek men of learning? Because it is their philosophies, their views of life, of God that has had a major impact on this world, even Eastern Religions are formed from such ideologies. It is the Grecian culture that our Savior entered into being, incarnated as a man. These ancient philosophies are not left behind in history. Even Authentic Biblical Christians as fallen men and women have some form of those philosophies embedded in their minds and have need to be removed, this by sanctification, learning to follow Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ having first priority in their lives. In some way then we all have been influenced by unregenerate men who have left their mark on this world, and until we come to understand this fact and how we have been influenced, the solution for us and our sanctification may be at the proverbial roadblock. This influence by such men is a problem that tends to lead Authentic Biblical Christians into a religion that is not Authentic. Those non-Authentic Christian Churches have the appearance of being of God, but as Jesus said: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden light” (Matthew 11:28-30). This is the bottom, the ground floor to sanctify your faith, your life; it is to learn of Him, to come to know the truth and then you will change from the inside out.
            Next week I begin to illustrate those philosopher that have had a major impact on the world and having major influence on the present world.

He who believes and is baptized
            Will be saved; but he who
Does not believe will be condemned.
                                    Mark 16:16

Live life: Love God In All You Do!

Richard L. Crumb  

[1] De Boer, Jesse, “Professor Van Til’s Apologetic: Part I: A Linguistic Bramble Patch,” The Calvin Forum 19, nos. 1-2 (August-September 1953): 7. Cornelius Van Til: The Defense of the Faith, Chapter 12, Christian Apologetics, p. 298.

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