Now therefore, listen to me,
my children, for blessed are
those who keep my ways.
Hear instruction and be wise,
and do not disdain it.
Blessed is the man who listens
to me. Watching daily at my gates,
waiting at the posts of my doors.
For whoever finds me finds life,
and obtains favor from the LORD;
but he who sins against me wrongs
his own soul; all those who hate me love death.
Proverbs 8:32-36
The beginning verses of the Book of Proverbs are all about Wisdom, finding Wisdom, walking in Wisdom, applying Wisdom in your life; this is to be done daily, it is not a once in awhile attempt to be Christian. Jesus gives a second witness to this fact, that it is our great purpose to seek God and then keep His word: "But He said, 'More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it" (Luke 11:28). What is your purpose in this life? Is it as it is with many who go to Church, even profess to be "Christian," yet indulge themselves in the free pursuit of personal pleasure? So many "Christians" speak of keeping the Ten Commandments, so proud that they are not coveting, not stealing, not taking the LORD's name in vain, to committing adultery, they every go to Church on the Sabbath (at least most of the time), yet do not keep them all: "If you love Me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15). A Christian cannot say that they are doing all that God has commanded if they are not keeping the Ten Commandments, and not just some of them: "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:19). You might "pat" yourself on the back due to the fact that you haven't murdered anyone, you have not lied, nor did you bear false witness against anyone; yet, you have not kept the Ten Commandments; you have missed what God has commanded. We are to keep the Ten Commandments: period! These words may make you bristle, you may object, but do you come to Church showing respect for God, for the brothers and sisters present, for your children, for your wife, and for those visitors, and those who have yet to convert to Jesus Christ, by coming in "flip flop" shoes, wearing bermuda shorts, wearing "island" shirts, things which you would never do if you were to visit the President of the United States. If so, then the President of the United States has more precedent that God. How do your children view you attitude about Church? About God? About being a Christian? In fact, they far too often, see you parking your boat outside the Church so that you can get a fast break-away to go to the lake. You go shopping, you make cause for others to feed you and work because you cannot set aside the Sabbath for the Lord. The Great Purpose for God's children is to exemplify God. Do you have pictures of Jesus Christ (as though we know what He looked like), in your home, statures of saints, etc., if so then how do you reconcile that with God's Commandment that we should not do so? (Exodus 20:4-5). Do you set aside at least one day, as instructed, and give that day to the Lord? It is not that we cannot do things that are beneficial for the Church, we can invite people over for lunch, spend time with our brothers and sisters, relax, read the Bible, or other good books, spend time with the family; or, are you so involved in personal pleasure, self-interest? To be faithful stewards is our Great Purpose, and this fact is so easily forgotten as we pursue other interests. How we spend our time, where we work, what we think, what we say, and how we amuse ourselves is who we are and as has been pointed out: what we think becomes our theology, etc., we are so often just bored, and what to be amused. What a tragedy!
To live our lives and miss that Great Purpose that we were designed to accomplish is truly a sin. How can we be so bored, this is inconceivable for any Christian. There is so much a Christian can do. We send our children to camps, even on missionary trips, spending great deal of money, but we never get off the couch and do any work to help others. Oh! We may send money, we send our children to Rescue Missions, we may give lip service to the needs of people, but we do not do anything that might interrupt our lives as we wish to live them. Our purpose in life then becomes self-absorbed in personal pursuits, personal ambitions, avarice, that is seeking personal gain, there are no boundaries; but we can say that we are not bored. Can you set an example of respect, for God and others? Can you spend at least five minutes to put on a tie, to have clean polished shoes, to shave, to have your Bible in hand, to read it in Church with you children at your side watching you and mimicking your attitude? Is to live for God your Great Purpose, that which God designed you for? As the prophet Jeremiah cried out: "Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say: 'Return, backsliding Israel,' says the LORD'" (Jeremiah 3:12a). Further Jeremiah gives hope for those who would return to God: "Return, you backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings,: "Indeed we do come to You for your the Lord our God" (Jeremiah 3:22). Does God hold the priority in our lives? Or as has the liberal "Christian", the cultural "Christian" has done, chosen a God that meets what they want God to be, and not what God is and Who He is? Yes, we are called to return, to return to the Great Purpose we were designed to fulfill, but "Christianity" has for some, been perverted, and we need to cry out to God for forgiveness and begin, NOW, to live for Him: "A voice was heard on the desolate heights, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel. For they have perverted their way; they have forgotten the LORD their God" (Jeremiah 3:21).
Therefore we also pray always
for you that our God would
count you worthy of this calling,
and fulfill all the good pleasure
of His goodness and the work of faith
with power, that the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you,
and you in Him, according to the grace
of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
2Thessalonians 1:11-12
Be Comforted: God Is Merciful
Richard L. Crumb
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