But to the wicked God says:
"What right have you to
declare My statutes, or
take My covenant in
your mouth. Seeing you
hate instruction and cast
My words behind you?
Psalm 50:16-17
How can one know that a person is a liberal or cultural Christian? By their behavior! We cannot know what is in a person's mind other than how this thinking is demonstrated. It is by this demonstration that we are to judge them and to, at least attempt to, teach them the truth of God's word. Cultural "Christianity" is a different sort of beast that is Authentic Biblical Christianity. Cultural "Christianity" creates a set of standards that acknowledge some actions must stop, i.e., don't recite any creed, and don't be accused of being liturgical, etc., and then develops conceptual framework for standards that are regulated. Such developments may be found in teachings that require that there by a "second" baptism of the Holy Spirit in which a person receives some special supernatural gift, and especially that a person must speak in some gibberish tongue. This form of faith operates exists in the larger context, or paradigm. What does this mean? This cultural faith resides in the model of true faith the one that sets forth the pattern, yet, cultural "Christianity" is lived in this framework but their faith operates in the smaller conceptual framework. How? Certain of their thoughts, time, resources, and influences are under this paradigm set forth in Scripture and are under the jurisdiction of faith. The remainder of an individual, who claims "Christianity" lies under their self-constructed box. Here are some things within that box: Faith is for Sunday, that is, if I meet my religious obligation, I am free then, free to live my life as I please. If I just shout and scream at some emotional service, and act as pious as I can, no matter that this is unscriptural, I feel "holy" and God must love me, then leave the service and live culturally. Cultural and Liberal "Christianity" diminish the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives. They may think that the Holy Spirit is controlling them, but He is not, they are doing what makes them feel good, and not due to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who empowers them to live as Authentic Biblical Christians. Authentic Biblical Faith is limited, limited expansion in their lives, the Holy Spirit cannot possess more and more of their lives, they are doing what they believe is necessary to be a "Christian." The Holy Spirit is ineffective. This does not mean that good things can be done by such person, but those things are nothing more than some philanthropic act making themselves proud, a life of pride.
When Jesus Christ is not free to possess more and more of who we are, then there is a tendency over time to take even what we have placed withing the smaller framework and move it out into the larger context. This can be seen in such movements as the Bethel Church of Redding, in Pentecostal Churches, and other who rely on the supernatural having great influence in their worship. This can be found in other religious beliefs such as the Mormon religion. While they think they are progressing in faith, the fact is they are regressing. They are losing the value of true Authentic Biblical Faith, and all that will be done and is being done is to diminish true faith and replace it with some new paradigm that is not Biblical. In name only are those who will not live according to Scripture, to grow in grace, in Sanctification, and become Authentic Biblical Christians, to leave behind that which is not pleasing to God and to do that which pleases themselves. This has been the genesis of the Church as more and more the culture of this world invades the thinking of those who will not live according to Scripture, but devise a religious dogma that is easy to accept, but far from the will of God.
This false and hurtful movement within the Church can be overcome with truth, but to learn the truth may be hard, even such to place God above all things, to live as in the image of God's Son, Jesus Christ. But men throughout history of the Church have done so, even at peril to their lives, but they know, and we should know, this life is temporary, we have a Savior who has promised His children everlasting life with Him in Glory. We are not stepchildren, we are adopted children, we are of God's family, and we can live now by the power of the Holy Spirit as Authentic Biblical Christians, and do the will of God, bringing the Gospel to every creature on earth, then come before Him knowing that God will declare: "His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord" (Matthew 25:23).
Deliver me from the guilt of
bloodshed. O God, the God
of my salvation, and my tongue
shall sing aloud of Your righteouness.
O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth
shall show forth Your praise. For You
do not desire sacrifice, or else I would
give it; You do not delight in burnt
offerings. The sacrifices of God are a
broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart--
these, O God, You will not despise.
Psalm 51: 14-17
Praise God In All You Do
Richard L. Crumb