And so all Israel
will be saved,
as it is written:
'The Deliverer will
come out of Zion,
and He will turn away
ungodliness from Jacob;
for this is My covenant
with them when I
take away their sins.'
Romans 11:26 (cf. Isaiah 59:20-21)
Many questions have plagued those who search for understanding in regards to the Man Jesus Christ and His relationship to God, and His ability to pay the debt of sin, and to be able to abolish the Law of Death. The belief within Orthodox Christianity that Jesus is God and has taken on a human body is disconcerting inasmuch as the searcher uses his own understanding to determine the truth. It is when the seeker of truth uses the Scriptures to define and give credence to their presuppositions that the first step in error occurs. It must be, if we are to search the Scriptures properly, allow the Scriptures to define and supply us with the knowledge of God, and that is where our presuppositions, our predeterminations arise. The reverse is a poor method at best to come to a truthful understanding of God and His purpose for man. Therefore, when I speak that Jesus is God, true God of true God, I admit that there is a mystery to this fact that God became flesh, but this mystery unfolds as we examine Scripture and allow Scripture remove this veil of darkness and doubt. I will address the Trinitarian Doctrine if the upcoming blogs. If one so desires to search this question and need a guide you can find my book called; The Trinity Exposed; on The purpose at hand is to push back the darkness surrounding the Person of Jesus Christ and the need for God to send to earth, to become man, so that the unpayable debt could be paid and justice served; the reasons for this is the purpose of this blog.
It was the Savior Jesus Christ, the Word of God, that due to His great love took on a body, a human body and moved as Man among men. Cults will use terms, language that will fit their beliefs as though they only have the truth, further by use of certain words of terms they shroud the truth and plant in the minds of hearers what they hold to be truth. For instance: In a recent Awake magazine published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah Witnesses) they use a term in for the coming of the Son of God to earth, and that term is: transported; giving a meaning that is consistent with their doctrine that Jesus Christ is an angel, albeit a special angel and it was this special angel that God transported to earth so that he would be the savior. But this slight use of the word "Transport" is not what the Greek word used means for the word : πέμπω, is not used randomly but specifically and this word, a primary verb, has the meaning of; to dispatch, an orderly procession, to transmit, to be on a temporary mission. Further, this is the word used in the Lord's prayer. The Word of God, the very Wisdom of God, the creator of the universe and all that is, was sent on a mission by God the Father to earth so that by means of the Only Begotten Son of God the debt owed by man would be paid, once, finally, for all time. I must present a question: Why would God send an angel who is not made in His image, is not without a free will, who could or could not do as the Father requested, or desired? Would God who willed that certain men, women and children, would become His children and be saved from sin and the Law of Death, relinquish what He can do to another who is not God? Would God take this chance? No! God willed from before the foundation of the world, before you or I were born, that He would save some people of all the world. How can this be true that He would save some and not others? The Scripture is clear that there are those who will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, they will not be saved; therefore, the death of Christ was not for them, His death was for those whom God draws, enables, and saves. God met man in every way possible, He Himself cannot be deranged by our misunderstandings, our presupposition that are not developed by Scripture; He knows first hand what man goes through in this life and it cannot be said that He sits aloof from actual knowledge of those He created (if that were even possible). God is Sovereign and how dare we make Him to be what He is not by the misuse of words, mistranslation of His word, by denying that He could not come as the Son. God is not anthropomorphic, He is not as we are, He is a completely different Being than us, and He can do as He likes; He is God. Like it or not, that is the way it is and as it should be for He is God, this is His world, we are His creation. God asks little of us and tells us exactly what He desires and why He sent Wisdom, to us, that Wisdom we call Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son. God is Love, Jesus came as He is God therefore He is Love and out of the Love He came and by means of His oblations, and His resurrection, followed by His ascension into Heaven, bodily; He sits at the right hand of the Father and makes intercession for all of God's children.
Set your minds
on things above,
not on things
on the earth.
For you died,
and your life is
hidden with Christ
in God.
Colossians 3:2-3
Christ is Our Life
Richard L. Crumb
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