Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Incarnation, Death, Resurrection, Ascension: This Is The Gospel

But let all those
rejoice in You;
let them ever 
shout for joy, 
because You defend them;
Let those also who
love Your name 
be joyful in You.
Psalm 5:11

     Confusion reigns among people because there are so many denominations that call themselves "Christian." This confusion causes a person to question the doctrines being proclaimed. Focus upon this confusion can lead a person to a wrong understanding of the Person of Jesus Christ. This misunderstanding leads to object to the Incarnation, its purpose; then this false notion of Jesus becomes a false notion of God. It is understandable that there is confusion, even among those who attend a Church are often confused, only to acquiesce, and accept what is easy, a continuance in what is appealing to them; there is poor teaching leading to this problem. In the 1700's in particular, and particularly in the United States, a movement away from ministers having to be trained in the original languages, and often in schools that had become liberal in their theology. The number of Churches grew rapidly due to the fact that this training was not deemed necessary and many Churches were being ministered to by those who had little or no training in the use of the original languages. This led to a sliding away from the Reformed position that those who were to be  a minister must have proper training allowing for just about anyone to become a minister. Doctrines of the Church were affected and other Doctrines began to appear, in their writings, preaching, or teaching. Augustine (354-430 A.D.) in his book; On Christian Doctrine; Book II, Chapter 13, par.19) gives this admonition: "But since we do not clearly see what the actual thought is which the several translators indeavour to express, each according to his own ability and judgment, unless we examine it in the language which they translate; and since the translator, if he be not a very learned man, often departs from the meaning of his author, we must endeavour to get a knowledge of those languages form which the Scriptures are translated..., or we must get hod of the translations of those who keep rather close to the letter of the original...") An attempt in these blogs is to examine what is to be written in light of the Scriptures and using others who have studied the Bible so to retrieve additional understanding and then to use the original languages, the grammar, the context, following a historical/grammatical manner of interpretation. If not then I will succumb to false teaching, misleading you who read this blog to ideas that are not Scriptural. I will list some of the Doctrinal teachings that have come out of the movement away from Reformed teaching.
     1. That God loves all men unconditionally and with an eye to saving them all, if they believe - a power they autonomously possess.
     2. That Jesus Christ died for all mankind as to secure the possibility of salvation for them all.
     3. That God wills and desires the salvation of all men through an unconditional love for them, disregarding any thoughts of an eternal, unchangeable decree to salvation.
    4. That God has two wills, one particular and one conditional, both without qualification as to decree or purpose.
     5. That God gives all men a chance to be saved though Christ's atonement of "possibility", and so pleads with them, offering them the Gospel of they would believe.

     There are many problems associated with the above teachings. 
     1. This would create a God who desires after those things which His omiscience has told Him He can never have.
     2. This means God is frustrated in His knowledge.
     3. He knows He will not save certain men, but He nonetheless desires their salvation because Christ hypothetically created a "way of possibility" for them.
     4. This would make God sin.
     5. God would sin in that He would violate His own mind and omniscience. 
     6. God would go against that which He knows is true.
     7. He would desire the salvation of men which He will never regenerate. 
     8. This would make God frustrated and He would be the ever-blessed, ever-miserable God.  

     If we hold to Doctrines that are listed that are following a course in opposition to the Reformed Theology, a Theology that returned the Church back to the Scriptures then all that would be done is to have the will of Jesus Christ be in direct opposition to the will of God. If God wills the salvation of all men, and loved all men hoping they would all "see His love in the death of Christ", many Biblical texts that Christ asserted are in contradiction to the Father's desire. (cf. John 6:37-40). It is clear that Jesus Christ' will is the same will as the Father'. Jesus makes this very clear that there are "sheep" and there are "goats" and that He came for the"sheep": "As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep" (John 10:15). Why would Jesus say this if God will the possibility of salvation that is being taught in many Churches today? If all men were sheep, then Jesus' oblation, resurrection, an ascension, is for them and not the goats. The Bible is clear that there are "goats" and there are "sheep" and the "goats" go to the Lake of Fire, and the "sheep" go to heaven. Jesus 
Christ did not lay down His life for the "goats", but for the "sheep." This Jesus Christ does so that He may secure their salvation based on the intention of God's decree and design for them. 
     Lastly, it is unfortunate there are and will always be, those who desire to overthrow the sovereignty of God in salvation, and place the contingency of man's power instead of the effectiveness of Christ, His Incarnation. This is a gross misunderstanding of the nature of the Gospel. How does a person know whether he is a "goat" or a "sheep"? God give His children, the "sheep" faith, and that gift of faith stirs up in the heart of His children a desire to know Him, to live by His word, to live the life that is contained in His word, and a true belief in the Person of His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ: "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). 

And whoever lives
     and believes 
in Me, shall never 
Do you believe this?
                John 11: 26

Have Great Joy Today-Jesus Lives And So Will You

Richard L. Crumb

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