Friday, October 7, 2011

The Sovereignty Of God Is Not Extraordinary

Then God saw
that He had
and indeed
it was very
Then God blessed
the seventh day
and sanctified it....
Remember the 
Sabbath day;
to keep it holy.
Genesis 1:31a; 2:3; Exodus 20:8

     The Sovereignty of God is more that just a notion of Him or simply a word to describe Him. He is ether Sovereign in your life or He is not; there is no room for the "in-between." God made everything and everything He made was good; therefore, as the creator He is the only one who has absolute control over all creation. In fact, because He is Sovereign He has given certain laws for both nature, the Laws of Nature, and laws for man, His highest and most precious creation. So often we get a bit smug, we think that we are so holy because we are not committing adultery, getting drunk, not even coveting, etc. but when it comes to the commandment to keep the seventh day holy; we go water skiing, shopping, hiking, etc. Keeping the seventh day holy is not to become something legalistic, there are times in life that a person must work, police, nurses, doctors on call, such are the emergency situation, in other words, the "ox is in the ditch." But, is it really a holy day? Do you set that day aside to be with the Lord, to be with friends of your church, family, and does the Lord appear anywhere in your conversation, are you intentionally setting this day aside to be with the Lord? It is simply, this, is God Sovereign in your life or not? I have been writing on the Sovereignty of God not to just give some information so that we may know Him with our knowledge, rather that we come to deepen our faith that we owe everything to Him and we have, that is, if we are one of His children who have before us eternal life with Him, to allow Him to be Sovereign in everything we do and to set aside time to rest in Him, to rest, period, to enjoy our brothers and sisters, both blood relatives, and our spiritual family. God set forth laws to govern His creation and all that He does is for good. He is not an agency that can be assigned extraordinary in His exercise of that control, yet, He controls all that He has ordained.
     The Scriptures are plain in their all encompassing requirements for God's creation, He is by means of His Providence consistent with the "Reign of Law." The Scriptures plainly admit and state that the Laws of Nature are immutable and that they are the ordinances of God. They are uniform in their consistency with the decrees and are ordained and cannot be disregarded with impunity. In fact, as stated above God has set forth laws governing man and how man is to respond to what God has ordained, and speaking of the Sabbath we cannot ignore the law of the Sabbath, nor any other law stated in the Ten Commandments, we cannot pick some to obey and not others; just like we can pick and choose the Laws of Nature. In time any disregard for His laws will become a snare, or will effect our living, and even cause death. God has chosen that within the sphere of man that man can use those fixed laws to accomplish diversified purposes and that is due to the fact that God has set forth immutable Laws of Nature and has them at all times under absolute control. His control is done in such a way as not to suspend them or violate them because they are ever subservient to His will. There are to be found certain philosophers that would disagree that man and God can work together, that if God is in control, then man cannot, or if man is in control, then God cannot be as the Laws of Nature are not variable. Is this true? No! There is no rational reason to believe that the Laws of Nature are so set in motion that they are not variable, in fact, they are irregularly variable. What do I mean? God created the Laws of Nature, it is within His control to modify those laws anytime He so desires so that when man uses those laws they are never violated so that His purpose is thwarted. The very fact that man can use those laws, the Laws of Nature points to the truth, his use of the laws is not incompatible with God's control, God is not inconsistent, rather in His Providence He allows man to accomplish events, and to have certain advantages to be found in the Laws of Nature because of the stability of the laws. God rules the creation in accordance with the laws that He Himself has ordained. 
     The truth of God's Sovereignty and of His Providence should give comfort and great joy knowing that God is in control and that His purpose will be accomplished. That purpose must not be far removed from our thinking, this purpose is that God has willed a certain people to become His children, to live with Him eternally, and this by means of His Son who died upon the cross making it possible for man's sins to be removed, abolished, and Jesus interceded eternally for the children of God. Our eternal life, the purpose of God for His children does not start with our death, it starts when God has drawn you and enabled you to choose Him according to His election of you before the founding of the world. We live for Christ now! We allow His laws to be our guide, such as the law mentioned at the beginning of this blog, keep the Sabbath, focus on God, on His Son, and allow the Holy Spirit to refresh you, to guide you, and to give to you peace.
All the prosperous 
    of the earth
shall eat and worship;
    all those who go
down to the dust
    shall bow before Him,
even he who cannot keep
    himself alive.
                     Psalm 22:29

The Sovereign God is our help
Richard L. Crumb

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