All things were made
through Him, and
without Him nothing
was made that was made.
In Him was life,
and the life was
the light of men.
And the light shines
in the darkness,
and the darkness
did not
comprehend it.
John 1:3-5
With the fall into corruption by Adam our father and progenitor of all mankind, except Jesus Christ, cause man not to be able to apprehend God. Even looking at creation, man could not find the True God, creation did not lead men ever to obtain knowledge of Him Who created all things; therefore, man is in darkness and needed light, this light came into the world but men did not comprehend Him as the light of the world. Man has sought all forms of manner and means to satisfy their desire, this image of God within them that has become not only darkened by distortion, they are making for themselves idols of stone, wood, and even idolizing other men. It is this Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God that has been discussed so that a person who will study and ponder on these Doctrine will come to recognize that this Sovereign God did not leave man destitute, rather that He sent His Son, the Word, the Wisdom of God to take on a body, a human body, to pay the debt of sin that man could never pay for themselves. Yet, in our search for God we must be on guard against all forms of extremes that would merge the efficiency of God and would deny all second causes. Why, because these forms, those that have been discussed and viewed from many aspects, destroys human liberty and responsibility, furthermore, it makes God the author of sin. But God, in all His Sovereignty has seen and met the needs of mankind for He is the only Being in the universe that could do so, and He imposed upon the opposite extreme which is so prevalent today, that of false teaching, that which deposed the true God and His Savior Jesus Christ, that which would banish God from the world which He had made and denies that He governs all His creatures and all their actions. God further, destroys the foundation of all religion, and dries up the fountains of piety. The only foundation for God's children is Jesus Christ, Him alone is the foundation of our faith, we may found a Church, and we do, but the foundation of our faith is Jesus Christ, Him being the Wisdom and Word of God, the creator of the universe, the image of the Sovereign God being that He Himself is God in the Second Person, brings to His children the piety of His Father; it is not something we conjure up so as to satisfy our senses. Any other view, that which takes away the Sovereignty of God is incorrect and would make it to be that there is no God, there would be no one to whom we could look to for the supply of our wants and needs, for our protection from evil. There would be no God to whom we might ask favor, or One we could seek, or to whom we might displease, no higher being that we might dread. We would be lift to ourselves placing ourselves in the hands of blind chance, and blindly operating causes.
The Scriptural Doctrine of God's Sovereignty is that it is God who governs all His creatures, and all their actions. This Doctrine admits the reality and efficiency of second causes, both material and mental, but denies that they are independent of the Creator and Preserver of the universe. The Scriptures teach that god is an infinitely wise, good, and powerful God, and is everywhere present, controlling all events great and small, necessary and free, in a way perfectly consistent with the nature of His creatures and with His own infinite excellence, so that everything is ordered by His will and is made to subserve His wish and benevolent designs.
How then could or would God fix the problem, the problem of sin, and corruption? How would a Sovereign God in His Providential care save man from the very thing that man tries but cannot do for himself, that is to come to the knowledge of the true God, and to have this debt obliterated? How is it that we could become the children of God? "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:1-2). Who is the "He?" You say, it is Jesus Christ! Yes! but why did He have to come as a man to save man? Why did not the Sovereign God just use His Sovereignty and save man? If God is Providential, and this I proved that He is, then why not just Providentially fix all things so that man would be saved and die in an everlasting fire, a death that is opposite to the life that He has promised to His children? These and many more questions need answers and give to us, His children, a deeper understanding of Him and to deep our faith. This will then be the next subject to be covered in this blog. It is an exciting and most welcome study. It is in this study we will come to appreciate the Sovereignty of God and of His deep love for His creation. Join me!
And this is His
that we should believe
on the name of His
Son Jesus Christ
and love one another,
as He gave us commandment (Matthew 22:39)
1 John 3:23
Keep Yourselves From Idols (of any kind)
Richard L. Crumb
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