For thus says the LORD,
Who created the heavens,
Who is God,
Who formed the earth
and made it,
Who has established it,
Who did not create
it in vain,
Who formed it
to be inhabited:
I am the LORD,
and there is
no other.
Isaiah 45:18
God in His Sovereignty created all that there is: this is demonstrated to us by the whole universe, for there we see God's omnipresence and His intelligence. We observe His control. It may be ignored as is by many. It may be pushed aside and an adaption of the theory of evolution becomes the answer. In this world we find people making for themselves a god, and that god is not the God of the Bible. There gods are so much like themselves, or so mystical that they are far removed from man. Death is the only manner by which man can find their god. Those steeped in those forms of religion that make man to be other than what is known by His Word, and furthermore, Who is seen in the universe, a mind that has intelligently created and preserved all that there is, lead a life in total opposition to the Sovereign God who is personal, Who is active in the lives of man. Not some angry god that needs to be appeased, often by sacrifices of humans, or by crawling to a temple on their bleeding knees, offering various forms of oblation that are not acceptable or necessary to the God of the universe. The Sovereign God of the universe has provided the one sacrifice that is sufficient for sin: Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son. All one must do is set aside their predetermined false god and look to the God of the universe. There, in their sight for anyone to see is God manifested in His intelligent control, design, and purpose: His means to an end; an end revealed in the Scriptures. The good of mankind, all that choose Him as revealed in the Scriptures can see Him for Who He is and what He requires; this by means of God enabling him, drawing him, to Himself. If you look at the cell structure by means of a microscope, you see organization, if you look into the heavens with a great microscope, you see organization. You see the mind of God and that mind is not in matter, as would the Pantheist have a person believe,it is not via naturae, the way of nature. It is the mind of an intelligent Being, not just an intelligent designer as some would have God to be, rather, it is the intelligence of an infinite, omnipresent Being Who is personal, Who is active, Who is preserving His creation for His desired end.
It is the highest of irrationality to believe that things recreate themselves, as would the evolutionist have us believe. It is an ignoble act of ours to see this organization and design in any other way than what it is, so intelligently woven so that God's ultimate in creation, man, has everything needed for his life, happiness, and knowledge of the infinite, invisible God. An example of such ludicrous thinking would be: take all the letters of the dictionary, separate them in no order, throw them into the printing press and see if they design the dictionary, or even if they design a word. Take all the seeds of a plant and see if they become something other that what they were designed to be. Any sentient, intelligent mind knows intuitively that it is impossible and has never happened. To say that in some infinite time that it may be possible is arguing from an unprovable unknown. We look at the word and we see that there is intelligence, an adaptation of means to an end and this mental activity is found in every part of the universe. We see God active, preserving, everywhere present in all His works. We see the Sovereign God Providentially adapting all that occurs, enabling the realization of His end.
What is the end that God has purposed? All the Apostle Peter to explain: "Because it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16). God has purposed that there would be a people, a holy people and that is what He is preparing. The question is: "Do you believe that you need to be holy?" "Do you believe that God, the Supreme Sovereign of the universe can make you holy?" The end destined by God was to have a people holy and unblemished, that is His aim: holiness. This He did by means of the Atonement. He can by means of that Atonement put a person back into perfect harmony with Him. It means for us that we must not tolerate sympathy with ourselves or with others, especially sympathy with those ones who are not keeping, or following the commandments of God, a Holy God. We are to walk unsullied, that is without stain or tarnish for we are to place all things under the scrutiny of God. As Oswald Chambers wrote in His; My Utmost for His Highest, under the title Destiny of Holiness: "Holiness is not only what God gives me, but what I manifest that God has given me" (p. 245).
Behold, I lay in Zion
A chief conrnerstone,
elect, prescious
And he who believes
on Him will by no means
be put to shame.
1 Peter 1:6b
Today, seek peace and pursue it
Richard L. Crumb
It is the highest of irrationality to believe that things recreate themselves, as would the evolutionist have us believe. It is an ignoble act of ours to see this organization and design in any other way than what it is, so intelligently woven so that God's ultimate in creation, man, has everything needed for his life, happiness, and knowledge of the infinite, invisible God. An example of such ludicrous thinking would be: take all the letters of the dictionary, separate them in no order, throw them into the printing press and see if they design the dictionary, or even if they design a word. Take all the seeds of a plant and see if they become something other that what they were designed to be. Any sentient, intelligent mind knows intuitively that it is impossible and has never happened. To say that in some infinite time that it may be possible is arguing from an unprovable unknown. We look at the word and we see that there is intelligence, an adaptation of means to an end and this mental activity is found in every part of the universe. We see God active, preserving, everywhere present in all His works. We see the Sovereign God Providentially adapting all that occurs, enabling the realization of His end.
What is the end that God has purposed? All the Apostle Peter to explain: "Because it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16). God has purposed that there would be a people, a holy people and that is what He is preparing. The question is: "Do you believe that you need to be holy?" "Do you believe that God, the Supreme Sovereign of the universe can make you holy?" The end destined by God was to have a people holy and unblemished, that is His aim: holiness. This He did by means of the Atonement. He can by means of that Atonement put a person back into perfect harmony with Him. It means for us that we must not tolerate sympathy with ourselves or with others, especially sympathy with those ones who are not keeping, or following the commandments of God, a Holy God. We are to walk unsullied, that is without stain or tarnish for we are to place all things under the scrutiny of God. As Oswald Chambers wrote in His; My Utmost for His Highest, under the title Destiny of Holiness: "Holiness is not only what God gives me, but what I manifest that God has given me" (p. 245).
Behold, I lay in Zion
A chief conrnerstone,
elect, prescious
And he who believes
on Him will by no means
be put to shame.
1 Peter 1:6b
Today, seek peace and pursue it
Richard L. Crumb
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